Don't forget where we came from and what shaped us as a species. The Jungle.
Don't forget where we came from and what shaped us as a species. The Jungle.
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Veganism isn't about respect for nature. It is a philosophy and way of living against animal cruelty and exploitation.
Congratulations on a legit shitpost.
E: For those downvoting, remember this is a shitpost and some level of inaccuracy is almost required. It's the shit part of the post. Like, c'mon guys...
Vegans have to deal with arguments like this but unironically on the daily. That hits a nerve, wether it's meant as a shitpost or not. Don't take it personally.
And it gotten so bad, that some people will accuse you being a vegan if you're not doing keto/carnivore diet, and thus an extremely militant and unpleasant one.
Mayhaps it is the vegans who need to avoid taking things personally
Yeah, it's totally unreasonable to get tired of hearing the same shitty comments and warmed over "jokes" every day.
It's a shitpost on a shitpost community and they're in here taking it like it's a personal attack. They're clearly the ones who need to calm the fuck down in this scenario lol
The fact that it's such an old, overused, and mostly not even correct only enhances its status as a shitpost. That's what they're all about
Calling it "jokes" and shitposting is the chickenshit's ratfuck way of saying inflammatory things while attempting to avoid natural consequences. If you want to be an asshole to strangers on the Internet then at least have a spine about it.
It can be both
I'd agree with both
I wonder how people arguing with them know they are vegans... 🤔
Ooh I know that one! They are in a social situation that involves food and the vegan politely declines an animal product. Then they make an anti vegan joke and the vegan politely disagrees. Have been there many times.
Really? Because I have seen quite a few times vegan claiming that eating meat is a "murder" when people were trying to enjoy their steaks.
Here on Lemmy one idiot even claimed that cutting sheep wool or something similar is a sexual assault
You know mate you get people with extreme opinions in all walks of life.
No doubt about it, but I am yet to see someone who eats meat calling for vegans to be forcibly fed meat - and I have seen vegans saying that eating meat should be forbidden.
I've seen quite a few times black people have abused welfare programs. Usually they're posted under conservative accounts, and I get flamed in the comments for pointing out that these are videos posted by someone with an agenda who wants their audience to think certain things about certain groups of people without providing actual data on the subject
Do you think maybe some of the videos of vegans being douchebags that you've seen have been posted by someone with an agenda who wants their audience to think certain things about certain groups of people without providing actual data on the subject?
Have you seen how wool is actually collected? It's quite violent.
Are you one of the idiots claiming sheep are sexually attacked during wool cutting?
I could be wrong, but it sounds to me like you're conflating things. Sheep, in their entire life cycles, are harmed and violated in a variety of ways. Considering they are forcibly bred, that aspect of their exploitation is arguably sexual assault.
Yes, yes, and what is your doctor saying about that?
Here's a video on wool, but content warning, it is graphic despite blurring.
Is wool cutting a sexual assault according to you?
Did you watch the video?
Is wool cutting a sexual assault according to you?
I don't know what it's like to cut wool, but no, wool cutting in and of itself doesn't seem like a sexual act to me. Though it does share the parallel of violating the sheep's bodily autonomy.
Have you ever tried to not eat in front of people ever? Turns out it's pretty hard to do. Sometimes, if you're nice to people, you get invited to go out to eat to a place. Often those places have no vegan options, and you have to explain why you can't eat there so people don't just think you're blowing them off constantly. We don't just go around telling everyone we're vegan like all the hate memes like to say.
Most vegans I've met, myself included, don't pick fights with people about veganism. We just live by example. It'd be cool if more people went vegan, but arguing with people about doing it doesn't help. Doing that is like trying to push religion on people or make people experience empathy. It isn't easy to go vegan (getting easier at least). Food is tied to a lot of people's culture who have a hard time relearning how to cook/eat and make generational recipes or comfort foods they've always eaten.
Tell them to find a vegan inclusive place next time and go anyway, the animal is already dead and being a patron this one time to satisfy a friend and have a good time is fine
You also have to keep in mind that it sucks to be a vegan sharing a meal with an omni. Even with access to plant-based options, we're still required to be surrounded by what we see as gore, and people consuming gore.
You know how smokers can't smell smoke as well as nonsmokers? When I stopped consuming animals I was surprised to find that all meat, no matter how fresh, smells rotten. And everybody who consumes animals smells faintly like rotting corpses - especially during and right after eating.
the animal is already dead
Never heard this one before. I think I'll use it next time someone says that jerkin it to child porn is wrong. I mean, the harm is already done, right?
By putting a post on the interwebs making fun of them and waiting for them to arrive? Not what you are implying, but also a quite effective method.
Lmao. Look at OPs comments. They actually believe this shit. Based on all the other shitposts they post here and all throughout lemmy, they probably picked it up on reddit or some other trash site, thought it was funny, and came here to share.
Imagine making this literal exact comment under a post about black people committing a bunch of crime
"Remember this is a shitpost, and some level of inaccuracy is almost required. It's the shit part of the post" under a 13/50 meme
For me it's 70% about trying to do something about climate crisis and 30% wanting to eat healthier