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I never could get a hang of using the N64 controller for FPS. Doubly so when you're facing Oddball as an opponent.
Nobody is allowed to pick Oddjob! House rules in every house I’ve played in.
We allowed Oddjob to be chosen, but then the other 3 players would be allowed to team up and murder you on sight.
Plus, you were legally allowed to look at their quarter of the screen to see where they were at and kill them until they picked someone else.
Nature always adapts.
My house rules don't have an explicit rule - go ahead and pick Oddjob - but know we will loudly judge you and team up to ensure that mistake doesn't happen again.
I don't think I'd like it now, but back before two-thumbstick FPS games existed, I didn't even question it.
There was a controller layout for Goldeneye and Perfect Dark where you used two N64 controllers, so you had two analog sticks and two Z buttons. It was extremely awkward to use A or B to cycle through weapons or open doors because of the button placement, but Goldeneye was actually the first two-thumbstick FPS game I played.
I wish I had known back in 1997!
Had to lookup a video, this is how it worked:
Yeah GoldenEye is one of those games that was absolutely incredible at the time it came out - but is painful to go back to now. Which is too bad, because the game was amazing and had a ton of replayability at the time.
It's actually possible to play it with modern controls with the right control scheme and remapping. Feels great!
Yeah, I had the weirdest experience going back and trying it recently. Was hard to play. But back then, boy those controls felt so amazing and smooth!
Someone else said the same thing a couple weeks ago but I had the opposite experience. When it came out I'd already been playing stuff like Doom on PC so I already knew the controls on for GE were awkward, but I made the adaptation back then. Now it's still in muscle memory.
Hell yeah that's awesome! I played a lot of GE back in the day, so the muscle memory has got to still be there for me too. Wonder how many hours it'd take to unlock it.
License to Kill
Knowing how to crouch
Both were not optional
To be fair, that was probably the worst controller ever made. Even the Duke was more friendly, just gave cramps.
I loved that controller I think it's such a shame it's so universally panned. Don't get me wrong, I wish it had dual sticks and I also wish the stupid main joystick wasn't built such that it breaks terribly from normal use, I also would have appreciated if they hadn't put those stupid ridged rings on the stick that shred up your skin, but I still think it was really innovative and fun to use and for the most part, pretty comfortable including it's alternate mode of operation with the D-pad.
It was quirky, sure, but not the worst controller ever by a huge margin. Probably not even the worst first-party controller.