Hey, just a quick tip, when posting videos on Lemmy, it's generally good to include the video length and the channel in the title, and then include a short summary in the post description. You are certainly not required to do any of this, but videos tend to get better responses here when people include those details.
My instance doesn't show any of that, and neither does my app. So if anyone has that info automatically, it's because their instance admin or app dev did that for their specific case.
Would require frontend work and maybe some glue for the backend. I think the Photon Front end does some of those embeds. I'm sure there's others, but not confident that any would work with Beehaw's older Lemmy version. Better to spend energy on the sublinks convert, or my home-grown alternative Fediverse stack.
yes, using a smaller platform means forgoing some of the conveniences you are used to on a larger platform. but we all make do because we're here for the community, not the features.