Your tech choices matter more than ever. That’s why at Mozilla, we believe in empowering users to make informed decisions that align with their values. I
Illustration of overlapping browser windows with Ecosia's logo, a tree graphic, Firefox's logo, and the text "Together for a better web," alongside a search bar with a green cursor.
Your tech choices matter more than ever. That’s why at Mozilla, we believe in empowering users to make informed decisions that align with their values. In that spirit, we’re excited to announce our partnership with Ecosia, a search engine that prioritizes sustainability, and social impact.
Did you know you could choose the search engine of your choice right from your Firefox URL bar? Whether you prioritize privacy, climate protection, or simply want a search experience tailored to your preferences, we’ve got you covered.
Ecosia goes beyond data protection by addressing environmental concerns. Every search made through the search engine contributes to tree-planting projects worldwide, helping to combat deforestation and regenerate the planet. Ecosia planted over 215 million trees, across the planet biodiversity hotspots, making a tangible difference in the fight against climate change. Just like Mozilla, they are committed to creating a better internet, and world, for everyone.
Together, Mozilla, Firefox and Ecosia are contributing to a web that is more open and inclusive, but above all — one where you can make an informed choice about what tech you use and why. Your tech choices make a difference.
As Firefox and Mozilla continue to champion user empowerment and innovation, we invite you to join us in shaping a web that makes the world better. Together, let’s make a positive impact — one search at a time.
Mozilla will probably lose (part of or all of, it's not clear yet) Google's funding following their monopoly case, so it's probably best for them to look for other revenue sources.
They could also stop all this nonsense crap projects they sink money in without any real benefit, and focus mainly on the browser. This would give the browser likely 500% more funding than it has right now.
So after constantly yelling at Mozilla for 10+ years they should do all kinds of things like a VPN, now we no longer find them to experiment to find alternative money sources?
did you miss the part where mozilla depends on mostly google money to survive? which they've been trying to correct for years but failed? and now they're om the verge of losing most of it?
how much do you think chasing the web "standards" set by one of the largest companies on the planet without falling behind costs? ever wonder why nobody else has been able to keep up with chrome? also, do you think it's not important to ensure web standards are open and having the lawyers and lobbyists to prevent web standards to go to shit? do you think the only important thing is the actual application? firefox doesn't in a vacuum. if mozilla was just a bunch of computer nerds coding very hard to make a browser, it would've gone bankrupt and firefox would've died ages ago
i'm not even saying mozilla isn't doing anything stupid, it's just that it frustrates me how computer nerds always think the coding is the only thing that matters in a software project
I think Mozilla should focus on that. Yes. But instead they sink money in AI bullshit and other so-called "social" projects that have nothing to do with web browsers or their standards.
Focussing on the browser means focussing on web standards, too.
That salary could have been redistributed among the employees Mozilla laid off in the Advocacy division, especially right before they published a report claiming Mozilla needed to be known for advocacy and not Firefox. Or put towards Firefox. Or any combination.
Just removing Mitchell Baker's bonus would already be the majority of that.