It's weird because the old testament was about the Jews. There weren't any Christians yet. If you are a Christian you should only be reading the New testament.
Nah. The Christian Bible includes the Old Testament (Torah) and the New Testament. The New Testament is a continuation of what they believe to be God’s word. Just like the Quran contains both the Torah and New Testament as well as several chapters that chronologically follow.
Honestly, you assume that a) the events are transcribed as they happened, b) that the people writing the letters and what have you that comprised the “books” weren’t just making shit up and c) that Jesus himself wasn’t a Joel Osteen-esque grifter holding his hand out telling rich dudes to give him all their wealth with a cheesy grin.
Most likely he had more in common with Osteen or Joseph Smith or Ron Hubbard than he did with some one who was actually socialist. He was, after all, purported to be a Jewish mystic and faith healer.
which do you think is more likely: it was all a grift or that he somehow managed to do all those miracles he’s ascribed? And all those disciples doing miracles too…. (And yet no one today can? Even though they realllllly believe?)