Both sides support Israel, one side has advocated and has vocal members who advocate against the genocide. The other side is for the genocide and thinks they should go further.
Who says I'm doing nothing about it? All you know about it is that I refuse to vote in favor of genocidal regimes. Besides, refusing to vote for someone who's actively committing a genocide is doing something. It's exercising your right to vote in a meaningful way by showing that there are lines you do not cross. I wouldn't vote for Hitler when that was an option, and I won't vote for Harris (or Trump) now.
Make sure to pat yourself on the back for doing something when the christofascists take over, applaud Israels "tough" stance on "terrorism", and kill or chase out every Palestinian that doesn't lick IDF boots and ask for seconds.
it is more like genocide vs genocide + whole bunch of other human rights violations.
if you are not planning to overthrow the government by revolution then there is no way to go from these two options to an "ideologically perfect" (whatever that means) government in just one election cycle, needs to be done in smaller steps.
Withholding your vote until genocide is taken off the table pressures her to give in to their demands, though. There's no universal constant saying we need to have a genocide. Either she loves genocide, or she's supporting it because she's worried she won't get the votes without it. If it's the second one, and I hope it is, then the Uncommitted movement is simply doing the same thing to establish their own power, and for a better reason: to save the lives of their friends, family, aid workers, doctors, and journalists.
so late into the elections it will only increase chances of Trump winning and will not convince her to change stance.
the risk of this is that you move even further away from your goals, practically to a place where it is impossible to do anything about genocide (since core supporters of Trump wont give a shit about and Trump himself for sure will be where money and strongest lobbies are).
this plan only makes sense if your perspective is "by diverting votes we let Trump win, everything goes to hell and then there is some sort of reform/revolution after he fucks up everything". But given that maybe %30 of the country is still big time Trump supporters, we are likely looking at a civil war in that case.
You're never going to be able to convince a lot of people to accept a genocide of their own people. It's just not possible for some and I don't blame them. A lot of Americans have never been attacked at home so they don't understand. It's a gamble the Administration is doing to keep up their rabid cheerleading of the Nazi-like side. Hopefully it doesn't blow back on them.
what if realistically speaking the only current choice is between even a worse situation in middle east vs maybe slightly better than the status quo? I know it sucks but without changing how the elections in US works, you are not going to go from democrats vs republicans to a progressive major party in one election. In one election your only chance is to get slightly closer to it or quite further away.
It doesn't have to be a progressive party. Not doing a genocide isn't progressive. Lots of extremely conservative people over the world manage to do that. Right now, the resistance in the Middle East has fucking Iran in it and Turkey put out a heartfelt video about the long-term ramifications of not doing anything when the moment calls for it. These aren't bastions of poly blue haired progressives.
How do you guys think we live in a democracy when you are so scared to demand even the most base human morals from your politicians? People are frozen in fear to even ask their politicians to not enable an ethnic cleansing, in case it makes them seem like Trump supporter, and so they offer up the lives of even innocent fellow Americans as sacrifice, exactly like a Trump supporter. It's ridiculous, and yet you all shrug and accept it, because you've been trained into complacency as the country slowly keeps ceding more and more territory to save a democracy that doesn't even let its citizens vote on whether to eliminate an ethnic group or not, only whether to do it gleefully or with a frown face. This is all very... Weimar Republic.
Here's a question. When Trump is gone, will we not be able to fight because of Project 2028? Or 2032? We'll have to defend ourselves from the fascist overtones of of Presidential Candidate Ron De Santis, so we're going to have to round up the trans people and kill off the Jews in the hopes of getting more Republican voters to our side, to save our republic again? And again? And we'll have to shut up about that, too? If the line isn't drawn at genocide, then there is no line. Unless it's just at white people, which is starting to feel like the case...