Economically I'm leaning right - I want the state to provide free healthcare, schools, universities etc but founding a company has to be easier, we can't afford to keep pouring 1/3 of our yearly budget into pensions on top of the budget for pensions etc.
Socially I'm leaning left - I don't care at all if someone is trans, homosexual, whatever, and want men and women to have equal rights.
So I am neither left or right. And there also is a party that aligns with most of my beliefs (and is against some others but there never is a perfect party).
The issue is that internet politics are often viewed from a USA-centric standpoint. When I say I'm neither left nor right (because it depends on the topic, as explained above) I see memes like that come up. Although my economically right views for my country would be far left from an US-american standpoint anyway.