/r/50501 Mirror
- Reminder for anywhere
Regular reminder that when the time comes, they will be the ones arresting everyone for being queer, trans, disabled, a scientist, for just speaking out, etc.
They’re not here to keep you safe, they exist to protect property and power.
Cops are not and will never be safe. They shouldn’t be welcomed or trusted. Ever. Even the gay ones. Even your cousin. Even a woman cop.
This is an image of a line of a few dozen Chicago police officers in riot gear standing outside of and protecting a Tesla dealership.
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-09 11:05:23 PM
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- 9k people turned out for Bernie
Pics aren't great and don't show off the size of the growd well (I'm short, sorry lol) but his staffer told him over 9k came out, so many they had to move a bunch to other rooms where his speech was televised.
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-08 06:36:50 PM
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- The Protests and Boycotts is Making Wall Street Nervous - KEEP IT UP EVERYONE!!!finance.yahoo.com From 'economic blackout' to 'Latino Freeze,' Wall Street is grappling with activist consumers
A new wave of consumer activism is sweeping the nation, with protests and boycotts targeting controversial companies, forcing Wall Street to brace for impact.
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-08 06:33:07 PM
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- An open letter to the former Presidents of the United States
Dear former Presidents of the United States of America,
President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama and President Biden, the American people need your help. Our government, the will of the people, is under attack. We are being infiltrated from within by billionaire oligarchs who hold their own interests above all. We are bending to foreign powers that we, until recently, considered evil. Our friends across the world are watching in horror as the United States turns its back on an ally in the midst of a brutal war for democracy. The government programs you championed are being dismantled with reckless abandon. The country and the world are lesser for it. Our rights to liberty and free speech are being dissolved.
Each of you has held the highest, most sacred office in our land. You were each a beacon of leadership to the world. You tirelessly dedicated yourselves to our country and through your sacrifices and dedication, America was strong and free and prosperous.
We call on you once again, Mr. Presidents, to stand for freedom and democracy. Americans must unite as one people with one voice to say that enough is enough. We cannot be complacent while the Trump administration and Elon Musk destroy generations of American progress and goodwill.
Please, join together as one voice and denounce the actions of the federal government. Remind us of our American values and resolve. Publicly make a statement that Americans deserve better and the world deserves better from the United States of America. Remind your former constituents of what is important and what is at stake. Encourage us to take peaceful, meaningful action as our republic allows and demands of us. With your endorsement, the American people would be empowered and unified like we have not been in many years.
You worked tirelessly for the American people when you held our highest office. Please, Mr. Presidents, the American people need you one more time.
We the People of the United States of America
Shameless plug: https://www.change.org/HelpUsMrPresidents
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-09 05:50:34 PM
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- Republicans accused of defunding police
Republicans got accused of "Defunding Police" based on the proposed budget plans eliminating police grants. Hey atleast if a Martial Law comes the Police ain't gonna be much effective.
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-09 04:38:19 AM
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- Youth Protest in Georgia
With everything going on in the world, wanted to point out a big protest going on in Georgia (one of the swing states Harris lost this election). On March 20th, the Georgia Youth Justice Coalition, which to my knowledge is entirely youth-led, is having a TON of young people to the Georgia State Capitol throughout the day to testify to lawmakers and advocate for their OWN future. Who’s in?
Link in Comments ⬇️
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-10 12:46:19 AM
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- Halting Military Aid and Intelligence to Ukraine - Single Defining Action is a telling Indicator That Trump is Pro Russia
Ukraine is severely weakened in its ability to defend against Russia. Removing assistance at a critical moment in Ukraine's war effort; without a clear strategic alternative, is a clear indicator that Trump wants Ukraine to fall. This is direct pro-Russia action to undermine Ukraine and not an action which furthers the cause of peace. Hence Trump is pro-Russia reversing years of US history and against the wishes of most Americans.
Whether Trump is a Russian asset or not is mute \- it doesn't matter - his actions is the telling indicator of where he stands which is against the interests of the American people.
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-09 01:19:26 PM
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- something similar to r/buycanadian, but for businesses who don't support/don't donate to trump
r/buycanadian has managed to inspire the creation of other subreddits (I saw one for Europe too). I was wondering if anyone has made one for the us, but specifically something like “buyblue” (not something like buyAmerican, because I think that would spread the wrong message). If one exists, can you post it in here? I think we (I’m referring to myself and other Americans), should be following the Canadians by example a lot more. Idk, I just think having a subreddit specifically focused on it would make it a lot easier for people to boycott Trump supporting businesses, since everything would be all in one place. Also it would be a good way to promote businesses who share our ideals, especially smaller businesses. 💕
This is a repost of my old thread (I deleted and changed the title, thanks to a suggestion 💕)
EDIT: r/progressivedirectory, please give them your support, and help them grow!!!
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-09 10:50:51 AM
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- Illegal detention of US legal permanent resident Mahmoud Khalil, student activist. How can we help him?
I participated in the airport protests the last time the Trump administration tried to violate the rights of green card holders by refusing them entry into the US. My father is a green card holder. This is bullshit. How can we help Mahmoud Khalil? Where can we protest?
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-10 12:43:42 AM
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- It's time for democrats to create their own "Project 2025"
It seems as though there is no unified movement right now on the left (besides a few powerful leaders), but instead a deafening lack of action. The time is NOW for leaders to start planning for the next election, not 2027 or 2028. Can we start calling congressional democrats to request that they start drafting a plan, especially one that ensures an administration like this can never occur in the USA again? Most of them sure don’t seem busy with standing up to what is happening right now, so the least they could do is help catalyze change within the Democratic Party. It is time to redefine, as conservative democracy is no match to the MAGA movement.
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-09 10:28:17 PM
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- The attack on free speech
This article by Prem Thakker who writes for Zeteo substack, has been following the story of Mahmoud Khalil the organizer of the pro Palestine event the took place on the campus of Columbia university. He was arrested by ICE agents and now seems to be missing according to this article.
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-09 11:06:43 PM
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- So... Project 2025 suggests Trump will declare martial law. But he is also cutting veteran benefits like crazy. Will the military protect him if he declares martial law?
For example, Trump cut \~80,000 jobs at the VA. He also cut funding for veterans to get cancer treatment and even cut the funding to have the VA sterilize instruments for surgery on veterans. His actions have been incredibly cruel and disrespectful.
So realistically, what happens in the event of martial law?
I know he has die-hard supporters in the military as well. I'm just curious about how his treatment of the vets may affect how things play out. As well as whether his policies will end up hurting people who are active in the military (or their families) over the next month, and whether that would potentially alter how the military would respond in the event of him declaring martial law.
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-08 10:38:39 PM
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- How to ask your Representatives to cosponsor the "No Invading Allies Act"
So on March 6th, Seth Magaziner (D-RI) introduced the “No Invading Allies Act”, which would prohibit Trump from invading or seizing territory from Canada, Greenland, and Panama. Here’s a link to read about it: https://www.congress.gov/bill/119th-congress/house-bill/1936
As Trump continues his threats (which are not “jokes”), it’s important that some action is taken. So far the bill has been cosponsored by Norton (D-DC), McIver (D-NJ), Thanedar (D-MI), Boyle (D-PA), Evans (D-PA), Titus (D-NV), Swalwell (D-CA), and Jayapal (D-WA)
If your Representative isn’t listed as a cosponsor, here’s a link on how to find and contact them and ask them to cosponsor it: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/119/hr1936/comment
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-09 11:25:32 AM
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- 50501 Protesting Anti - Dictatorship, Anti - Hate Sign/Chant/Slogan Ideas
"It's land of the free, not the land according to me"
"Pro - Slave, Anti - Gay, Women have no say, Anti - USA, Donald Trump needs to go away"
“We’re not ruled by a monarchy, be snarky to oligarchy and defy Nazis”
“Hating Jews and those different than you and your crew should be old news”
“MAGA isn’t prada, it’s nada”
“Don’t be a quitter, stop the next Hitler”
“Hate never made America great”
“Donald Trump’s heart is indecent, we need impeachment”
“Two faced, fallen from grace, remind Trump of his place”
“Project 2025, more like Nazi propaganda in disguise, open your eyes”
"Tears are pouring, democracy is snoring and Trump is still snorting"
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-09 10:52:18 PM
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- Whether Trump is a Russian Asset or Not is Mute - It Doesn't Matter
Halting military aid and intelligence to Ukraine is a telling indicator of Trump's intention to make Ukraine surrender. It is the single action that is akin to giving aid to Russia with the express purpose of defeating Ukraine. This goes against our history of defending democratic countries and against the wishes of the American people.
As such, it doesn't matter if Trump is a Russian asset or not. His actions speak for themselves.
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-09 04:51:15 PM
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I heard sage advice from a former reporter, we have to reach out to the press AHEAD of protests to get them to show up.
The local press are normal people without agendas that are covering an endless amount of info. They are not going to know what we are doing unless we loop them in ahead of time.
Call/text tip lines Email reporters Reach out on social media
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-09 12:39:12 PM
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- Honest question, why are former presidents so quiet?
Why are these former presidents so quiet, and why are they not helping lead the charge with these protests? I maybe answering my own question here, is it because they already got theirs? That they also belong in the same club as Trump and all these Nazi goons.
I’m happy to be proven wrong - but have not seen or heard a peep from them.
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-09 06:52:15 AM
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- I need all the proof and sources you have about Donald trump stealing the 2024 election.
We all know it was bullshit but I need something to point to as proof.
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-09 07:03:31 PM
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- Going to DC to protest alone
I have canceled the plans I had for spring break and am heading to DC. I have seen enough online and I feel obligated to go. I am coming to do more than just protest, I need to hear what the people have to say. I am from a small city with no response to what's going on. Since I am heading down alone, where can I find people to hear? Where will the largest groups be? I have been to DC enough times to know my way around the mall and I am staying 2 blocks from the white house.
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-09 10:29:43 PM
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- They Have Taken Enough
I grew up believing in the promise of hard work. My parents—immigrants who became citizens—came to this country not for themselves, but for a chance to give their kids a future better than they were afforded. They taught me that if I kept my head down, saved what I could, and stayed loyal to my job, I’d be okay. I’d have a home. A retirement. A little bit of security.
Instead, I’ve watched people like them—like us—get crushed by a system designed to benefit only the rich, corporations, and politicians. And I can’t help but ask myself: WHEN WILL THEY HAVE TAKEN ENOUGH FROM US?
I have done everything I was supposed to do. I’ve worked for over a decade—sometimes, like many of you, two jobs at a time. I skipped vacations. I put the needs of others before my own, because as long as they had what they needed, that was what mattered. I never lived beyond my means. And yet, it’s becoming painfully clear that the safety nets we have worked our whole lives for are being ripped away.
We were told that if we just kept working, these systems would be there when we needed them. Now, for the first time since their creation, they may fail us entirely.
For the first time in American history, the next generation will be worse off than the one before it. Something has to give.
I refuse to let my life be governed by fear, but we must face the reality in front of us:
There is no retirement. No safety net. No comfortable golden years. Just the fear of what happens when my body can’t keep up anymore. Will I be working until I die? Will I lose what little I have left?
I know I’m not the only one seeing this. I see people my age struggling, working jobs they can barely stand because stopping isn’t an option. I see younger people drowning, already realizing that no matter how hard they work, they may never even make it as far as I have.
This is not personal failure. This is a broken system. A country that told us to work hard, play by the rules, and we’d be taken care of—only to abandon us when we needed it most.
I don’t know what the answer is. But I know this isn’t normal. We can’t keep accepting this as the cost of living. Because this isn’t living. It’s barely surviving.
And no one should have to spend their final years terrified of what’s coming next.
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-09 06:31:35 PM
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- Reading between the lines-- Trump Organization may be tied to money laundering through Trump Meme coin- based on the premise of Capital One holding those funds hostage
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-09 07:06:27 AM
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- Ohio JD Vance would like protestors to stop visiting his house near Walnut Hills while he is local
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-08 06:29:50 PM
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- Trump, Musk and Vance are Russian assets. No reason to be confused by their actions. If they walk like a duck...
It all started when Trump met Ivana in the 80s. Trump was groomed by the KGB when he visited Moscow. I listened to a very detailed documentary about every step of the way with Russia. He, Musk and Vance are Russian assets and they need to be tried for treason. Trump took those classified documents back to Mar a Lago in February and said now we will have Justice. I dont know what is in those classified documents but they must be real important to Putin. Those DOGE computer hackers are uploading all of our information to outside servers to be sold to the highest bidder. Putin already has every single detail he needs compliments of DOGE. WE HAVE TO STOP THEM! No reason to be afraid of traitors! We the people have the power over traitors. We all need to get off our collective asses and march on Washington. We have to save our country! Every other country is laughing at us for sitting around and letting these psychopaths destroy our country!!
Do yall want to live under the rule of a murderous madman?? The United States of America is crippling Ukraine and giving Putin the go ahead to slaughter innocent civilian Ukrainians!! Do you want that blood on your hands??
Let's do this now!! Before Trump, Musk and Vance destroy even more!! Get those sons of bitches out of the white house with the US military. Or hell, just with local cops. They are all suited up and armed to the teeth even more than the military.
All of you that are acting like there is nothing going on are also complicit in letting Russia have access to all of our military intelligence, all of our private and financial data, EVERYTHING! Get those Russian operatives out of the White House. There are no excuses to just go to work tomorrow as if your entire life is not being destroyed. Unless you have a death wish, then you do you.
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-08 10:06:31 PM
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- Musk must be stopped from buying the Supreme Court!guides.vote 2025 Wisconsin Supreme Court Voter Guide - Crawford v. Schimel - Guides.vote | Voters Guides
To download a PDF of this guide, click here.
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-09 10:25:55 AM
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- AK, Anchorage Protest 3/8/25
This started with just me and a flyer I made, piggy backing off International Women’s day. Don’t be afraid to utilize social media, piggy back with other organizations, or to use your voice to stand up and speak out. don’t forget!! Together united we will never be divided! Proud of my city today.
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-08 10:32:27 PM
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- Presidential Savings Time
Congress is proposing a new bill titled: Presidential Savings Time
In this bill, we turn the clocks ahead 4 years!
All those in favor say Aye!
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-09 02:16:21 PM
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- Get the Word Out on FL's Apr. 1st Special Elections
I am posting to do my part and let people know about the two upcoming congressional seat special elections. I didn't find out about this until far too recently - fewer people know about this than you think. If we get the word out, we may be able to flip the house of reps by April 1st!
To flip the house of reps, the following democratic candidates are running:
Gay Valimont (FL-1, representing Pensacola, Navarre, Destin, Fort Walton Beach, etc.) - https://gayforcongress.com/
- Please note FL-1 has more veterans than any other district in Florida. Gay Valimont has been fighting hard to support veterans in this district, especially now with the 40% projected cut to VA services. She promises to work night and day to build a full service VA hospital in her district if elected. Currently, their VA is running at 140% capacity and worsening in light of recent events. If you know veterans in this area, let them know about her!
Josh Weil (FL- 6, representing Daytona Beach, South Saint Augustine, and Palm Coast, Outer Ocala, Leesburg, and Sanford, etc.) - https://joshweil.us/
Reach out to Floridians, and let people know about it! Ask any republicans or undecided voters you know to consider voting blue, just for this special election, purely as a tactical vote; the narrower congress is, the less comfortable our politicians get, meaning they will have to work faster to bring tangible benefits to struggling americans rather than wasting time on culture / trade wars that ultimately gamble with our support funds for veterans, social security, and the cost of everyday goods like groceries and gas.
I'll reiterate, reach out to fed workers, Floridians, anyone hurting from economic uncertainty and the skyrocketting costs of everyday expenses due to this fruitless trade war with our allies and ask them to consider supporting the strategic vote this upcoming special election.
Thanks y'all. Keep fighting the good fight.
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-09 07:12:00 PM
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- Trump ignores court orders again to make trans people suffer
Hello There! I hope you all are having an amazing day today. Sadly this may upset a few people as it has me.
Donald Trump ignores a court order preventing the transfer of trans women from women's prison facilities to men's. All to satisfy his delusional desires to blame a minority for the woes of society and to distract from his take over of America.
These women suffer because of Trump, the exact details are detailed in the news article by The Guardian which I will post the link to at the bottom for you to read at your own discretion.
This, his ignoring of TOR's and his disregard for the rule of law and aggression against America and its allies; how much longer are we the people going to sit by and let him and his cronies destroy our lives and our nation? How much longer must we tolerate this? How much longer until we realise that he has 0 intentions on upholding the rule of law? How much longer must we allow him to get away with crimes against the nation and humanity?
I want people to see this and ask themselves these questions and more and come-up with their own conclusions.
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-09 02:41:21 PM
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- We need a system to overpower oligarchs and bought politicians.
The Reform BLOC. This movement is advocating for public insurance, ending any corporate lobbying, and channeling resources to low-income Americans as an absolute priority. It's just beginning, but the goal is to vote in solidarity to replace bought officials and elect those who actually represent our ideas. We'd love all the help we can get as we are growing this into a movement. If you have ideas or want to help, join Reform BLOC Discord.
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-09 04:20:21 PM
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- An oath for all of us
I, [Name], do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, so help me God
I know some redditors will be put off by the last part, but it's optional (and there may be secular replacements that work)
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-09 07:23:42 PM
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- Man shot block from Whitehouse
I saw this posted for a moment. Then reddit refresh and it was gone and I can’t find it.
The censorship is getting real.
--- Originally Posted By
At2025-03-09 10:43:49 AM
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