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We are in July, which movies from 2024 would you recommend so far?
  • @Blaze my picks would be Fall Guy and Perfect Days - entertainment and philosophy.

  • Why I hope the Atari 400 Mini will bring respect to Atari’s most underrated platform
  • it is good to see this relatively low-profile PC get some retro love as it was a haven and, occasionally, the birthplace for some innovative games.

    I only learned about the machine more recently, mainly due to it being the original system for Archer Maclean's Defender-inspired masterpiece, Dropzone.

    I've played a few of the games on the system on my MISTer and can see the appeal but I think a dedicated mini-console will only appeal to dedicated fans.

  • zorrobandito Zorro

    \#RetroGames, #film, #CubScouts and #cycling enthusiast. Works in IT, family man, lefty, lives in #Australia, born in #Yorkshire.

    Posts mostly about games and cycling. Likes generously and Boosts judiciously.

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