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USA presidential candidates
  • He's all four at the same time

  • The US has so much space
  • Yours are shit? Just wait until you come here to Czechia (not really a long drive but your car's suspension will definitely be nearly dead)

  • Russia's first politically motivated block of a Fediverse server
  • The next step of evolution from "leave the multi billion company alone"

    If people defend Nintendo when they shut down yuzu you will definitely find a few idiots that will worship a government of any kind

  • Guide on how to reverse a hate symbol that you can't remove
  • God damnit ai is used to vandalise buildings now, smh

  • Roku explores taking over HDMI feeds with ads
  • What's Kody? I've been thinking of getting a pc and setting up jellyfin on it and connect that to my tv, but I've never heard of Kody before

  • President Biden is now posting into the fediverse
  • I had a conversation with a friend from the US (I'm not, he's from Like the New England area idk where exactly), he's very conservatist, like the typical "I own a guy gun and I like it" type of person (lucky that he doesn't base his entire personality on it), and even he said that both options sucked ass and very much envied that most of the European countries have a sensible system of voting that has more than two parties, since when one sucks go to the another, and the possibility of all candidates being absolutely trash is basically zero when you got like 7+ parties, compared to the two in the US

    If y'all had a functioning government and something that resembles capitalism (a few leading members while everyone else gets fucked around, sounds similar? cough Meta, Google, Microsoft cough and others) and had some competition it would go all way different than it's currently going

  • This is a real photo
  • Yeah, I did think they were far right because conservatism looks a lot different in Europe, especially the eastern part, these idiots here want to bring communism back (and when I look at how communism destroyed my nation I'm confused why do they want to do that)

  • This is a real photo
  • These kinds of comments annoy me so much, not because you don't want to support genocide, I don't want either but because the "you can't get my vote", politics are a game of lesser evil, you literally can't get someone who will be perfect in every aspect of your and everyone's opinions, when you don't vote you literally just give up your future to chance, what happens when didn't vote gets the most votes since nobody was good enough in so many people's opinion? Well the next guy will get into power just because he was second because he knows how to do propaganda to get other people to vote him, and trust me, just getting someone assigned as a president just because you didn't give a crap is the most shitty thing that can happen, especially in a country where the president has so much power like the US

  • Oh Snap! Canonical now doing manual reviews for new packages due to scam apps
  • I like it across the road a bit more, you know, the fedora shop

  • How to make sure drivers will give way
  • They would have to take budget from the military to afford this, what an outrageous act! Wait they can just defund hospitals and schools even more, but do you honestly think they would allocate even a dollar to safety for their citizens? Nah they would just shove the new money into the military again

    This whole thing is satire, I didn't say /s since it looked like it's just focusing on the last sentence instead of the whole comment

  • lemmy rulez
  • Idk, eternity, idk, jerboa, idk, idk, thunder, voyager, idk (boost maybe?), summit

    Sorry to ask but where's sync? I know it's closed source but it's the most comfortable Lemmy client (I tried thunder but it felt a bit clunky with how the menus are designed) that also doesn't bug out like summit (for some reason when I open a post the title and the text above it gets shrunk to the smallest height possible and it's not readable at all)

  • Now my arch is bloated more than the default ubuntu
  • Yeah, I'm not actually not very into the tiling window manager thing, I tried bspwm just for the sake of wanting to try one but I since lost interest, I'll keep it in mind though and maybe come back and try it one day

  • Who played on linux before proton?
  • What is that console looking thing in the bottom right corner?

  • Now my arch is bloated more than the default ubuntu
  • This, MFers will have the most top spec computer and worry about bloat while I install random shit for fun on my 320gb had drive that's also my boot drive on my core 2 duo computer with 3 gigs of ram that struggles to run firefox and thunar at the same time (also cinnamon is the best running on my computer from my testing, xfce is laggy af and I'm not even going to mention kde, bspwm or any other since the, either lag beyond usability (KDE) or just straight up crash my computer into tty when i try to launch them (bspwm), one massive note is that I'm using software rendering since the GPU on the core 2 duo is struggling with even drawing the boot screen)

    Literally have probably a ton of overlap software from installing the desktop environments and other random (well not very random, stuff I used on windows before) software that I don't bother googling the deleting commands since apt installed them all as snaps because I never noticed in my first three months of use, fuck you Ubuntu, Xubuntu and all other derivatives, this shit makes me not want to use Ubuntu ever again (not like i can, my pc is fucked and no other drive is bootable, i can't even boot an install usb)

  • Why is Facebook still so insanely popular?
  • Yeah, it's pretty much favoured towards Facebook messages and/or WhatsApp, but I'd gladly use SMS over those two (or hell even RCS, not possible with some stupid people in my class, which bought an iPhone in the last two years, not to mention we had (and technically still have) a recession, which means that buying an iPhone is the most fucking stupid thing you could)

  • Why is Facebook still so insanely popular?
  • Hot take, in places like eastern/central Europe it's better to use SMS over RCS or iMessage, I don't care that I can't pin an emoji to a message or a texting indicator is not there, I want it delivered and not with the overpriced mobile data goddamnit

  • Anon gets drunk at the movies
  • Yeah, in eastern Europe (or at least when I grew up, which was after the communist regime btw) it was kind of normal to give beer (idk if anyone was doing something harder but if they were stupid enough then maybe) to your kid to shut them up, I know bad parenting and it definitely fucked me up for life, but it sure is normal when I look at the state of this country I live in

  • Give me your best memes!
  • Thanks to this I learnt I have folders such as:

    Images More images Even more images

    I'd like to know where they even are

  • It's the same fake argument every time they try to take away your rights
  • The fact that we have to baby proof the internet because someone is too lazy to do basic parenting is crazy

  • What's your opinion on using rw Blu-ray disks for storing movies, ect?

    Well I thought about using them instead of buying a hdd, I looked for some comparisons and found a 50 pack of 25gb blu ray drives and a 2tb harddrive for 60, it can store 35 movies more (thinking the movie is 24 GB) than the pack of drives, and that isn't accounting the disk drive to read the disks (Keep in mind these are just the first results on Google for me)

    In my opinion the blu ray drives are more fun to use than clicking a file on a computer, but the storage payoff is huge

    What is your opinion on this?

    PS: I'm definitely buying the hdd instead

    Political Memes Ziixe
    I know since I live in a post soviet European country

    Can't say much for the conservatives in the US part, but from what I've seen they're pretty bsd

    ziixe Ziixe
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