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What is your honest opinion on EndeavourOS?
  • Where? I don’t know who’s project your referencing?

    Actually, I don’t care enough. I didn’t realize I responded to your follow up to someone posting their custom install scripts. I meant generally that’s not an issue I’ve ever come across. Then again, I don’t tend to install distro’s that simply add a couple custom wallpapers and welcome app. I’ll stick with base install from the source.

  • What is your honest opinion on EndeavourOS?
  • Why would it not? I think maybe a few times in 20 years I’ve come across an installer that didn’t let you do custom partitioning.

  • Youtube reads our conversation?
  • No one brings up Discord? You really believe you’re talking to your friends in private? So discord pops up all those years ago and provided the service out of the kindness of their heart? For free? The terms of service is much more lawyer speak these days but when it first made it’s debut they openly admitted to recording audio and storing data. It requires your phone number for goodness sake. It’s the only app mentioned that’s actual purpose is to listen.

  • Lemmy Defederation Sync (LDS) to keep your block list up to date
  • Not everyone who participates with their own instance can afford storage. Some users might have bandwidth restrictions. It’s the Fediverse. Wild, unpredictable and anyone can participate.

    • Always document things you want to keep, never rely on someone else to do it for you.
  • Lemmy Defederation Sync (LDS) to keep your block list up to date
  • Thank you. I recently set up my own instance and realized the need for tools that can assist in managing.

  • Piracy-based Linux distros
  • Imagine installing Linux and having Microsoft word, Adobe products, or some games pre-installed without pain.

    That’s Windows. What you’re looking for is Microsoft Windows. I would very much not like to imagine that.

  • shhhh dont tell them :)
  • double edge sword

    Yeah, I mean what can you do? If the drivers / functionality didn’t exist previously then what options do you have? These are normal growing pains for an OS clawing it’s way into being supported by desktop hardware manufacturers.

  • shhhh dont tell them :)
  • Users don’t install and configure from a base install because it’s “good’r”. It’s done because users know what they need and it’s nice to know exactly how it’s working if/when you have to troubleshoot. This is certainly not limited to Arch. Also doesn’t Arch have a pretty decent installer now?