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Weekly Discussion: 24 June 2024
  • Frugal "win" of the day:

    I over stretched my hamstring last week and sitting all day hurts. I was able to scrounge a perfectly sized box to transform my normal desk into a standing desk. Now I'm just hoping I can reduce the pain enough to survive the major tournament I'm travelling for next week.

  • Weekly Discussion: 3 June 2024
  • Next week I'm going on vacation. The senioritis at work is real! I have no desire to do anything productive this week (besides obsessively checking the weather forecast for my destination)

  • Weekly Discussion: 20 May 2024
  • Today's my wedding anniversary (sort of, thanks to COVID causing us to have multiple anniversary dates).

    It's amazing how much marrying the right person can accelerate your timelines. My spouse was in the "work til I die" camp when we first met. However, they were always very frugal. Now we both dream of FIRE and have a pretty significant net worth.

  • Weekly Discussion: 13 May 2024
  • My most recent meaningless milestone:

    With a 4% withdrawal rate, my current investment balance supports a monthly equivalent to my takehome pay of one paycheck. So I'm basically getting 12 additional paychecks a year from my investment balance.

  • Weekly Discussion: 6 May 2024
  • I decided to sign up for a giant national competition for my hobby sport today. Between entrance fees, flights, and hotel it was a very spendy day.

    Build the life you want and then save for it...right?

    Also, the last time I tried to do this event I came down with COVID the week before and lost out on a bunch of non-refundable deposits. I'm really hoping that doesn't happen again this time.

  • Weekly Discussion: 29 April 2024
  • Had my first foray into bread making this weekend. It turned out surprisingly well considering the fact that I'm a terrible cook/baker. It was way easier than I expected (granted I did use a stand mixer). Is it worth replacing my normal bread consumption with homemade? Not sure on the cost side of things (I maybe save $1 on the equivalent amount of bread), quality does seem improved though from the standard loaves of white bread I buy from costco.

  • Weekly Discussion: 15 April 2024
  • I absolutely love it. Granted I have a ton of hair, so I end up taking fairly long showers. I would quite often run out of hot water when we had a tank. It probably does encourage wasting water, since it takes longer to heat up and then you don't have a sudden influx of cold water to speed you up at the end of the shower.

  • Weekly Discussion: 15 April 2024
  • For all those considering buying vs renting into retirement:

    Owning a house is freaking expensive. Last year we spent ~15k on a new HVAC system. I figured this year would be cheaper, since we didn't have any major repairs that high on our priorities. Until this weekend when my spouse realized the pipes to their shower were leaking. Considering the general state of the shower, we're leaning towards ripping it all out and just getting a new one.

    Then my spouse fell for a door to door sales person and we ended up getting a quote for new attic insulation. They want >20k for everything or ~13k for their most basic install. While we do need to upgrade our insulation, best case scenario is a payoff in over 16 years, likely way longer as well.

    The insurance also rejected our claim for roof damage saying there were just some shingles needing to be replaced which costs less than our deductible. So if we want a new roof, that cost is on us as well.

    We've lived in our house for 4 years now, and I think our cheapest year we only spent ~5k on repairs (new tankless water heater install after our old water heater died).

  • Weekly Discussion: 8 April 2024
  • Lol just asked it how much I should have saved now if I want to retire at 40. I don't think you should take AI's advice when it comes to retirement...

    Here's a rough estimate to get you started: if you plan to retire at 40 and spend $30,000 per year, you'll need to save around $180,000 by then. This is simply your annual spending multiplied by the number of years until retirement. However, this is a simplified calculation and doesn't take into account factors like inflation, investment returns, or your desired retirement lifestyle. To get a more accurate idea of how much you need to save, you can use a retirement calculator or consult with a financial advisor.

  • Weekly Discussion: 8 April 2024
  • Decided to play around with AI and asked it to create some outlines for a couple of story ideas I've had bouncing around in my head for years. Damn, they were pretty good. I may have to use this as inspiration to actually write these stories instead of waiting until I reach FIRE.

    Side note: I tried asking it to do my job, and was decidedly not great. Granted I had to give it generalized instructions, but still. Fairly safe to say that AI can not replicate the domain knowledge of a human in my role just yet.

  • Weekly Discussion: 25 March 2024
  • Been having some knee issues so I'm trying the knees over toes exercises to try to avoid having to go to PT for it. Last year I spent $1200 getting my other knee checked out only to be told it would get better on its own in 1-3 more weeks. Figured I'd try to save some cash and diy it to try and regain my mobility faster.

    I'm very skeptical of this guy since everything about him comes off as bro-science/steal your money through over hyping it, but also there doesn't seem like anything wrong with the exercises themselves from my athletic layman's perspective. I found a free copy of the program so figured if it is just a scam I'm not out anything.

  • Weekly Discussion: 18 March 2024
  • Holy cow. I just had an unexpected call with my manager and they told me I was getting a 10% raise starting in April. While it's been quite some time since I've seen a raise, this definitely makes up for some of it. Combined with my bonus, it looks like I'll break the 6 figure mark for income this year!

    Now I just have to go update some spreadsheets!

  • College swimmers, volleyball players sue NCAA over transgender policies
  • If there's any real debate to be had, it's along the lines of male hormones and penises. Should either be present in a place which essentially only exists for the purpose of keeping those things out?

    They are. Every sporting governing body I'm aware of requires trans women to be on hormone therapy for a minimum of 2 years before they can compete in the women's category. This is completely in line with the medical community's research into how long it takes before the benefits of being biologically male are counteracted by the hormone replacement.

    The debate has been had in the medical community and has been resolved. Now random people who never gave a fuck about women's sports before think they should have input when they have no qualifications, just because they have prejudices.

  • Weekly Discussion: 11 March 2024
  • I'm so glad WFH has stuck with my company thus far, especially after weeks like this one where we were buried in snow. As of this week, I've officially spent 50% of my tenure in my role as WFH. That seems crazy to me, that I've been at this company so long and that COVID lockdowns started 4 years ago.

  • Personal Finance yenahmik
    Money tips from one of the greatest investors in history
    It's one of the biggest experiments in fighting global poverty. Now the results are in

    It's an unprecedented – and massive – experiment: Since 2017 the U.S.-based charity GiveDirectly has been providing thousands of villagers in Kenya what's called a "universal basic income" – a cash grant of about $50, delivered every month, with the commitment to keep the payments coming for 12 years. It is a crucial test of what many consider one of the most cutting-edge ideas for alleviating global poverty. This week a team of independent researchers who have been studying the impact released their first results.

    How did you decide it was time to have kids?

    I've always been a fencesitter when it comes to having kids. I'm getting to a point where I think I'd like to have a kid. I don't know if it's because I really want one, or there's just nothing major left on the list of life accomplishments and it's a societal expectation.

    The thing is, I can think of a million and one reasons not to have one and can't put into words why I would want one. However, I'm starting to have a nagging feeling that I want to start trying. I just don't know if that feeling is something I actually want, or just society telling me I should.

    It doesn't help that I don't have a lot of small children I regularly interact with, so I honestly don't have a clue what life would look like after kids, beyond it being a lot of stress and hard work. It also doesn't help my spouse says it's my choice and they'll go along with whatever I want .

    Any advice or things that helped you know it was the right choice/time for you to expand your family?

    Walks at the zoo
    Photography yenahmik
    People's Choice Awards - Wildlife Photographer of the Year The People's Choice Award | Wildlife Photographer of the Year | Natural History Museum

    Explore the world's best nature photography. See galleries of images, find out more about the competition and about how to visit this year's exhibition.

    The People's Choice Award | Wildlife Photographer of the Year | Natural History Museum
    Boardgames yenahmik
    Board game suggestions for Marvel/comic fans?

    I got my father-in-law for the family secret Santa this year. He's super into Marvel/comics and I was thinking of getting him a marvel/superhero themed board game he can play with the family. Google returned a bunch of different options for Marvel themed games, but I can't tell which are good or bad.

    What games would you recommend for gifting?

    5 2024 ballot measure would make Colorado’s primaries open, enact ranked-choice voting for general elections

    Voters may be asked to approve a single primary election with the top four finishers going to the general election.

    2024 ballot measure would make Colorado’s primaries open, enact ranked-choice voting for general elections
    PSA: Get dog tags with your contact information and make sure your dog always has them on

    I know this is probably preaching to the choir, but I was just baffled by this issue.

    I was walking my dog this morning and a lady drove up and asked if I had seen her husky that got loose. I said no and we each continued on our way.

    2 blocks later, I see the dog. It was super friendly, came when I called, and was having a blast playing with my dog. Even better news, it was wearing a collar! Until I started looking at the collar closer and realized there were no tags or anything else with contact info for the owner.

    I ended up deciding to start walking home, to see if it would follow us. Luckily a few houses later, someone recognized it and was going to call the owner. But, seriously, what if we had not come across someone who knew the dog?

    Especially, for a breed that is infamous for running away. Why you wouldn't pay a couple of bucks for a tag, when it could be life/death for the dog?

    /End rant

    Frugal yenahmik
    7 surprising ways the public library can help you save money | NPR
    Oregon Zoo | Giant Elephants Smash Giant Pumpkins

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    Oregon Zoo | Giant Elephants Smash Giant Pumpkins

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