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Small town place doing their best with a dessert churro
  • In Spain churros are had for breakfast or as a snack and are dipped in a not very sweet hot choco

    Still not savory tho!

  • Do you remember the last thing you told yourself was a reason you "couldn't be trans" before your egg cracked?
  • "This would be the finishing blow to my pathetic career, who would hire/contract a weirdo like me?" Yeah turns out it didn't hurt my career in any way and reasonable people only look at results.

  • Most of us will have to face transphobia and bigotry. How have you learned to respond to this?
  • I have decided to not hide, even though I am well aware I pass. I will bring up my transness if it relates to the topic of conversation and contributes in some way. I have friends by my side and I do not live in a particularly bad area to being trans in. I am not afraid and pepper spray is legal here. Not hiding gives me the opportunity to filter out people given their responses, or they can just go away themselves.

  • I need to replace milk in my coffee and I need ideas
  • Soy milk! You can find no sugars added options

  • This is how to reward your players
  • This actually kinda fits, as Bahamut likes to fight with others personally to test their mettle IIRC

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • You can probably do it if you try hard enough!

  • The true story of me discovering the fabled Mystic class
  • That's possible tbh. Guess I just thought of the most likely possibility.

  • I wish I had a physical "Undo" button I could use in real life and not just on my computer
  • Granted. The button undoes whatever you're thinking at the moment, whether it is your last action, your own name, or your beloved wife. You quickly realise you can't really control your thoughts.

  • The true story of me discovering the fabled Mystic class
  • Guess your player just wanted to be op. I don't really like those guys at the table.

  • NSFW
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • It's merfolk enough to me!

  • incoming
  • I see you're a person of culture as well

  • Mermaid Initiate by Francisco Muñoz
  • Oh thanks I'll check it out!

  • Mermaid Initiate by Francisco Muñoz
  • The one on my pfp! She's an OC I have

  • Mermaid Initiate by Francisco Muñoz
  • I actually partially inspired myself in these gals to make my mermaid!

  • "oh to be a pirate being rescued by mermaids" by Jenifer Prince
  • Sure it's great to be a gay mergirl

  • You can play as a human, you know.
  • This is the most effort someone has bothered to put in to show me something in a long, long time. Thank you. I'll do my best.

  • You can play as a human, you know.
  • That's true! I am actually starting like that, since shitty drawings are better than nothing here!

  • 100gr spanish ham in Andalusia
  • I think it's been too long since I ate jamĂłn ibĂ©rico. Will fix that soon enough, bc that looks gooooood!

  • Andalusian style tomato soup

    This is an andalusian (the region of Spain) dish intended for reusing stale bread with tomato, on which you can throw essentially anything! Only bread, tomato and parsley are truly necessary. I think it probably qualifies as cheap and healthy. Makes for around 4 servings. English is not my first language so sorry for my grammar!


    • About 200g of sliced bread, stale (you could toast it if not stale)
    • 800gr of pureed tomato
    • Half a brown onion, or 1 shallot
    • 2 cloves of garlic
    • 1 bell pepper (or whatever you have in the fridge)
    • 1 litre chicken or vegetable stock
    • 1 tbsp sugar (optional)
    • Olive oil for sautĂ©eing
    • Fresh parsley


    1. Sauté the onion (chopped finely) and pepper (in short strips) in a medium pot. A couple of minutes later, add the garlic, also finely chopped. When it's done, the onion should look like it's starting to caramelize.
    2. Add tomato, sugar and salt. Simmer for a few minutes to thicken it a bit.
    3. Throw in the bread, making sure all of it is well covered with the tomato. Leave it a couple of minutes.
    4. Add stock until it covers everything.
    5. Stir carefully, trying not to break the bread. Re-salt as needed.
    6. Let it boil for a few minutes (not too much or the bread will turn into a pulp, we don't want that). Add freshly chopped parsley on top when serving.

    Being so simple, you can make infinite modifications to this. Some examples of traditional ones are adding smoked paprika, chorizo or adding prawns and using fish stock (adds to the price though!). Don't be afraid of adding some meat to this as well.

    You can play as a human, you know.
  • I wish any of my players would make art of my game, but no one has really bothered in my DM career :(

  • When you can't back up your threats.
  • Help, I can't handle this cuteness!

  • yellow_fishtail yellow_fishtail

    Just your regular geeky software dev!

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