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Who remembers a flood of these articles back in April when they were sure the surprise of the offensive mixed with western wonder weapons would fold Russian defences in no time
  • It's amazing seeing even the most deluded NAFO trolls spinning their heads trying to understand the situation. For us it's easy. Ukraine has to justify themselves to their western investors. For the average NAFO zombie, to admit such would prove the war is a proxy conflict between NATO and Russia, and Ukraine has no real agency. Thus they invent strange parallel realities where the Ukranian Army is run by idiots that ram their heads into a brick wall.

    Of course they have no choice, these losses are just what happens when you're out numbered, out gunned, and still attempt an offensive. The high command in Kiev knows this. But they certainly aren't going to tell the NAFO idiots that.

  • RAND now openly says that the war in Ukraine is unwinnable for the west
  • The future is bleak. I definetly see the pathway to formal NATO intervention, but that would destroy any ability make the eastern pivot.

    The escalation is far from over, with f16s and God knows what else on the way, but it seems the US is trying to pivot while maintaining face, and thus soft power. I expect the conflict will eventually be "frozen", atleast until Russian stockpiles are ready for a proper offensive.

    Unfortunately I am more concerned about the political consequences of doing such. WWIII may happen or not, but it's almost a certainty that facist and facist adjacent types will benefit greatly in the coming elections.

    Le Pen is basically a shoe in at this point, Macron has so thoroughly burned through electoral trust. Of course Meloni already won, and undoubtedly will be strengthened. Trump is very likely to return to the Whitehouse, and how he handles the situation is unclear. It'll be interesting to see how the Torries fair in a general since Labour isn't doing too well either. AFD is still on the rise, even in South America many bourgeois are reacting to the economic fallout by couping soc dems like Castillo. Freaking we might see another Fujimori facist leading Peru again.

    It feels like the 1930s all over again. Facist rise as liberals dogmatically enforce the very capitalism that creates facism. Whether WWIII arrives from facism, I am not sure.

  • RAND now openly says that the war in Ukraine is unwinnable for the west
  • Perhaps a bit individualist of me, but I do feel there are many that have turned this into a pet project. Especially Biden and Blinken, their careers now live or die by at least stretching the conflict and maintaining its intensity.

    They have no choice, to backdown now would be to admit to the warhawk faction they are totally incapable. It'll be Afghanistan pullout 2.0 but 10x politically devastating. The Republicans would riot.

  • Who remembers a flood of these articles back in April when they were sure the surprise of the offensive mixed with western wonder weapons would fold Russian defences in no time
  • It was all terribly written. They've all since "revised" expectations. I've been reading a lot of simplicius, and it all makes sense under the context of manufacturing consent to send more garbage to Ukraine.

    The reason media changes their expectations so quickly is because they aren't actually reporting anything. They are simply trying to manipulate reactionary voters to keep voting for the liberals. Of course opportunistic right wingers are taking advantage of this and dunking on liberal media for rightfully being delusional and fake news. So they have no choice but to "revise" their previous expectations to be more in line with reality, or be totally eviscerated by right wingers.

  • Normal B*ltic 🤢 moment
  • Lol none of the listed countries "chose" to copy anything. Syngman Rhee and his successors massacred hundreds of thousands. They killed all opposition.

    This is average neoliberal logic, if all the opposition is dead then is there anyone "opposing" the choice to adopt capitalism?

  • Is there anything more cringe than self-hating Russians?
  • It's beyond disgusting. Zionist pigs will say the most vile shit and still be tolerated in polite society. Imagine calling a person of any other race a race traitor. Shits fucked up, yet Israel and their facist goose stompers do it regularly with no consequence.

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