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Cursed wretched marketing
  • You disputed that right here:

    It’s not accurate to say we were all looking at the same image with the dress.

    Why would you bring this up if not because of my comment?

  • Cursed wretched marketing
  • I wasn't saying everyone was looking at the same image. I'm saying the optical illusion still works when using a single image.

  • People in San Francisco Are Mad That a New App Lets You Spy on Bars to See How Busy They Are
  • Well maybe I am out of touch. I don't frequent bars like I used to.

    How many of those Instagram posts are of strangers? If people record themselves at bars and post it, why should I care?

  • AI trains on kids’ photos even when parents use strict privacy settings
  • We clearly do not share a sense of humor.

  • People in San Francisco Are Mad That a New App Lets You Spy on Bars to See How Busy They Are
  • I don't know what bars you frequent, but I'm pretty sure if someone was in there filming strangers they could be kicked out. It depends what kind of place you're in. Filming in a strip club for example would obviously be against the rules. Bars are not publicly owned spaces, and you do have some expectation of privacy in them.

  • Cursed wretched marketing
  • You can't use a color picker see color fringing due to subpixel rendering. (There's tons of info about this for font rendering). Your display doesn't map pixels 1-to-1 in most cases. But like I said in my edit, I'm fairly sure that part is irrelevant here.

    The blue/gold dress was not related to screenshotting and compression. People were arguing about the color even when looking at the exact same image. It all depends on which color temperature the dress was lit with. Noone can know for sure, and your brain just picks one (maybe depending on the room you're in).

    It's the same sort of deal as those rotating optical illusions. It's possible to see it both ways, but your brain usually picks one and it's hard to switch.

  • Progress happens with every death
  • Yeah, you can buy humidifiers that work by aerosolizing water, and they're very energy efficient, but the problem is any bacteria that grows in it will just get spread all over your house if you don't clean it frequently.

    The ones that operate by boiling water are definitely a lot better for health reasons, but it's a trade-off.

  • AI trains on kids’ photos even when parents use strict privacy settings
  • I personally don't appreciate jokes about violence either, but whatever. I'm not policing the Internet.

  • AI trains on kids’ photos even when parents use strict privacy settings
  • I know you're making a joke, but this doesn't really feel like the place to do it given the subject being discussed.

  • People in San Francisco Are Mad That a New App Lets You Spy on Bars to See How Busy They Are
  • Do you want your drunk antics livestreamed and recorded for the entire world to see forever, instead of just the few people in the bar paying attention?

  • Cursed wretched marketing
  • I think what we actually need is someone to take a picture of their screen with a microscope while the image is zoomed out.

    Based on some comments I've seen, it seems likely this is just an artifact of how the red/green/blue pixel layouts work when drawing the edges of white things.

    Edit: I don't have something to check the actual display pixels, but I realized I could just rotate the image and see if the colors change, which they don't. So this definitely seems like more of a white balance effect, similar to that old Gold/Blue Dress meme.

  • Linux back at 4.04% on the Desktop. Windows went below 73%
  • Based on a world population of 8 billion, that would be roughly 0.000000000000008% of a person. It's also not even representable as a 64 bit float so I had to do this math in my head (Calculator just says 0)

  • How to Stare at Your Phone Without Losing Your Soul
  • A phone call? Like... the original use of a phone?

  • Facebook and Instagram’s “pay or consent” ad model violates the DMA, says the EU
  • I've been using an ad blocker for at least 15 years. I'm not about to stop now. I can't imagine paying only to see less relevant ads...

  • In the US, did Amazon kill the mall, is everyone too broke, or a combination of other factors?
  • Dang, I kind of want one of those glass dragons. That sounds awesome

  • Surely "1337" is the same as 1337, right?
  • Interesting that strtol in C does that. I've always explicitly passed in base 10 or 16, but I didn't know it would auto-detect if you passed 0. TIL.

  • Surely "1337" is the same as 1337, right?
  • Well, you're right. I wasn't getting it, but I've also never seen any piece of software that would treat a single leading zero as octal. That's just a recipe for disaster, and it should use 0o116 to be unambiguous

    (I am a software engineer, but was assuming you meant it was hardcoded to parse as octal, not some weird auto-detect)

  • Surely "1337" is the same as 1337, right?
  • Well shit, my zip code starts with a 9.

  • Murderous Intent
  • Damn, I didn't even see that until you pointed it out. I would have died.

  • A group of R1 jailbreakers found a massive security flaw in Rabbit’s code
  • Hahaha, that hardware is built to be as cheap as possible so they can make money on this scam of a product. I doubt the people making it even know what a TPM is from everything else we've seen.

  • Northern Lights in Saskatchewan, Canada [OC]

    I was on a road trip through the prairies and had to stop on the side of the road to watch the northern lights. The entire sky in all directions was lit up. I was able to take this shot with the big dipper visible.

    4-second exposure, Sony A9 II, f2.8 24mm Sigma Lens, taken Sept 18, 2023

    xthexder xthexder
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