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Ancient news rule
  • Holy shit why did this man spend so much time defending these despicable positions?

    …together with the dishonest law that labels sex with adolescents as “rape” even if they are willing, we cannot tell from this article…

    These are dangerous and disgusting views.

  • What Am I Doing Wrong?
  • It looks like you’ve already found an answer, but I have some follow up thoughts if you’re open. Seems like this Python script is used to determine system architecture, to facilitate running in many different environments. However, once you move into a Dockerfile, you have strict control over what arch you’re using (via selection of a base image). Rather than adding Python to the image, you might be able to cut out this conditional and simply hard-code the path which is appropriate for you.

  • (Solved) Question about Python-packages
  • There’s already some good advice here, especially about virtual environments which might be the most important new concept to learn IMO. But just to let you know - it’s not just you. The most generous view of the Python package situation is that there are a lot of different ways to do it.

  • LPT Do it.
  • It depends on what sort of collaboration. For things on which I was the sole author, like my dissertation, I leveraged the miracle that is pandoc. Every email my advisor got from me was a perfectly formatted Word doc with a flawless bibliography and he never had to learn what the hell LaTeX is.

    But if you have multiple contributors going back and forth, or need to keep long-lived discussions in the track changes panel, you’re better off not trying to teach others a new tool. Unless they have a genuine interest in it, in which case the WYSIWYG editors can be fun.

  • Who else wakes up and has to blow their nose or clear their airways every morning and why?
  • Yeah agreed. But I guess I’d rather do that than clean it off my walls (and lungs apparently?). Definitely recommend getting a bigger one than you need, though, so you can run the fan lower and the media takes a little longer to get crusty.

  • Who else wakes up and has to blow their nose or clear their airways every morning and why?
  • So, I actually had this because of my humidifier. I was using an ultrasonic humidifier with tap water - I know distilled is recommended, but with how dry it is here, that would mean an insane amount of bottled water. But I noticed a film of white dust appearing around the room from the dispersed salts and whatnot. Turning off the humidifier (and later replacing it with an evaporative style) cleared up my daily stuffiness instantly.

  • IRS says its number of audits is about to surge. Here's who the agency is targeting.
  • The IRS plans to triple the audit rates on large corporations with assets of more than $250 million. Audit rates for these companies will rise to 22.6% in tax year 2026 from  8.8% in 2019.

    Large partnerships with assets of more than $10 million will see their audit rates increase 10-fold, rising to 1% in tax year 2026 from 0.1% in 2019.

    Wealthy individuals with total positive income of more than $10 million will see their audit rates rise 50% to 16.5% from 11% in 2019.

    "There is no new wave of audits coming from middle- and low-income [individuals], coming from mom and pops. That's not in our plans," Werfel said.

  • MIT researchers discover "photomolecular effect": light alone can evaporate water without heat, a previously unknown physics phenomenon that could enable new technologies
  • Was fully prepared for the answer to this to be that a couple extra molecules evaporating don’t make a big difference, but:

    Under the optimum conditions of color, angle, and polarization, Lv says, “the evaporation rate is four times the thermal limit.”

    That sounds legitimately exciting!

  • If you like deckbuilders, roguelikes, or roguelike deckbuilders, try Breachway!
  • I once spent a few days sketching out what sort of video game I would make, if I ever did. More as an exercise for myself (a developer nowhere near the game industry) rather than an actual plan. At the end of it, I had a sci fi setting with a handful of roguelike and deckbuilder elements. Shortly after, I discovered Breachway, and it felt like someone had been reading my mind. I love that they have a proper demo, and now I’m really excited to see the game approach its release!

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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