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Every time I see a headline like "Windows introduces thing, nobody asked for it but it's coming to all versions and can't be uninstalled"
  • @PagingDoctorLove @mugdad1 I'm thinking Ubuntu, Mint, or MX Linux. But any Linux will be at least a little different from Windows. It's not hard to get used to, and it's worth it.

  • Every time I see a headline like "Windows introduces thing, nobody asked for it but it's coming to all versions and can't be uninstalled"
  • @mugdad1 @gandalf_der_12te,
    at the very least, it seems to me that the height of the picture in header is too high. I think that height enough:

  • wthinker wthinker

    Фанат путешествий по дикой природе, любитель фотографии, видеосъёмки и посиделок в лесу у костра. Поклонник "двух колёс" - велосипедов и мотоциклов. Философия жизни: «Мы из земли вышли, на земле живём, и в землю и уйдём. Остальное есть суета...»

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