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Reddit is removing ability to opt out of ad personalization based on your activity on the platform
  • they're used to it. my mother forbid me from setting up ad protection on her phone, because she's used to them and didn't want to learn how to switch it off when necessary (e.g. when it breaks a site she needs)

  • Fahrradscheinwerfer richtig einstellen - warum viele Radfahrer andere gefährden, ohne es zu wissen
  • Wenn du auf ein Hindernis zufährst (am Besten ne Wand), und der Kegel wandert von oben nach unten: zu hoch. Wenn der Kegel von unten nach oben wandert passt es, und du musst nur noch einstellen, dass es weit genug vor dich leuchtet, um dir eine Reaktionszeit zu geben.

  • Its been one day without Reddit
  • Connect for Lemmy does. You can also order by new

  • Zeigt her eure Stadtradeln Kilometer
  • Wir sind auch noch in Woche 1:

  • Elon Musk Says Twitter Is Going To Get Rid Of The Block Feature, Enabling Greater Harassment
  • I wasn't aware he had more children than the one with the weird-ass name. The private life section on wikipedia is a ride...

  • Mastodon?
  • Mastodon has been active for years, and since the twitter implosion, it is just as lively there as twitter ever was. Just more polite. I got the impression that we left all the trolls back on the birdsite, so mastodon is much nicer in tone.
    There are several sites that can help you find your twitter-friends on mastodon based on if they have their username in their profile. Also, make new friends from across the fediverse!

    There are a number of companies, newspapers, clubs, government agencies from different countries already on there, and also active. (I mostly know of the german ones, where even regional government hopped on there. They're even running their own instance.)

    There are about a million instances now, so I'd recommend joining not a big one, but one that is thematically close to you. You will still be able to reach all (most) of the others, but the local timeline will be interesting. :)

  • Site to track Subreddit's as they go dark
  • Probably yes. That will make quality tank badly.

  • What are you guys playing or DMing at the moment?
  • I DM one group I started a homebrew with shortly before the lockdowns, but they are now playing pretty irregularily.

    One group plays every second Wednesday, where I DM Out of the Abyss. We're only at session 5, but the stars aligned and I have a bunch of players who like the same playstyle, so I have great hopes here.

    One group I DM plays roughly every 2 months, where a bunch of newbies wanted to get introduced / I managed to get them hooked. I'm checking out the Radiant Citadel with them.

    And one group about every month where I get to play, where one of my players from another group DMs. We're going through Storm King's Thunder.

    ...And if I had more more friends, I would start another group!

  • Android’s distribution numbers remain as depressing as ever
  • I was looking at mp3-players, and some of those are running android 4. I don't think we're getting rid of legacy androids any time soon