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In your opinion, what's the age limit for Trick r Treating?
  • i think it's dependent by area. if you're in an area/neighborhood with mostly younger people in their 20s or such and few families, its acceptable to go out as a younger person thats around that age. but if your area is mostly families and you're going out trick or treating as a 20 year old, that's pretty strange.

  • What is the Alabama of your country?
  • as someone in the united states, this "alabama is the backwards hick place for dumb yokels" thing is pretty annoying and classist.

  • eye spy
  • those psuedopupils are the coolest in my opinion. i had no idea about those.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • why is inclusion in an often patriarchal/misogynistic and conservative institution as marriage the end-all-be-all of queer rights? this is such an annoying talking point from liberals. i have heard american conservatives going on national stages and calling for the complete genocide of trans people, but i have not heard of anything like that from chinese politicians.

    china has a long road ahead in terms of queer rights, but compared to queer rights (and "rights" like the right to get married, right to die in an imperialist war, etc) backsliding in the west, there's a pretty big difference.

  • What's something that you were surprised to find out a lot of people hate?
  • the "weirding modules" thing was pretty stupid

  • Biden asks Congress for $40 billion to support Ukraine, replenish US disaster aid and bolster border
  • yeah its definitely putin's fault everything is more expensive and not corporate greedy price-gouging. remember, everything is putin's fault! the west is perfect!