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Look at that fragmentation!
  • *they're

    grammar police

  • Deepfry
  • Fun, this is the quality I use when watching YouTube (I wish this was /s, but it isn't)

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Thanks for the heads up! I meant in philosphy, not necesarily in the code.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • It's not just GNU/Linux what people show in unixporn: some rice macOS, some rice BSD, and some even rice Android. What do they have in common? They're all based on UNIX.

  • Which terminal emulator do you use?
  • st. It just works. I'm always opening and closing terminals, and 90% of the stuff I use have's a TUI. st launches before I can even notice, under 4GB of RAM, and the entire install is less than a MiB.

  • Don't think my phone runs Nvidia... or Wayland 🤔
  • You need to count the yellow one too

  • Yep, makes sense
  • Everything And [a] Fast Castle perhaps?

  • Don't think my phone runs Nvidia... or Wayland 🤔
  • The sum of all those numbers, in months

  • Don't think my phone runs Nvidia... or Wayland 🤔
  • If you see the numbers out of center you have terminal cancer

  • Yep, makes sense
  • TIL EA always means "Everything And". Now things like "EA Sports" and "EA FC" make sense.

  • Be mindful of allergies lads
  • He is asking for a taste of that chocolate, I don't think he's allergic to it

  • Hello [Pawb.Social]!
  • Hey man, good to see ya here :3

  • How do you use your tiling window manager?
  • AwesomeWM:

    • 3 tags (term, web and files)
    • A different layout for every tag (CornerSE, Maximize and Fair, in that order)
    • Super+/ for a hotkey list
    • Super+P for rofi -show run
    • Super+C for a scratchpad with profanity
    • Super+V for a scratchpad with cmus
    • Super+X for a scratchpad with notes
    • Super+~ for a quake term
    • Most of the default Awesome keybindings

    In the files tag I run terms and Thunar, in the web tag qutebrowser and everything else in the term tag.

  • So, we gotta trick the rich into letting us eat them.
  • It's still a good translation, and faithful to the original text

  • So, we gotta trick the rich into letting us eat them.
  • Try New World Translation

  • R/im14andthisisdeep Alabama style
  • Are you getting married with your best friend? Or did your friendshipe end when you married?

  • The more you know
  • But if a = 0 then PiZZa = PiZZ * 0 = 0

  • Just a little bit of trolling...
  • clones a git repo

  • Just a little bit of trolling...

    Image transcription: screenshot of neovim adding alias ls='sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root' to the end of ~/.zshrc

    Lightweight distro for home server?

    I'm refurbishing an old PC to work as a home server for several stuff. I'm looking for a lightweight distribution to install in it, but with a decent package repository. A small image size will be appreciated, as I have slow bandwidth too.

    [Neovim] How do I move to a plugin manager after having some plugins already installed?

    I have installed several plugins manually because my computer had limited access to the internet at the time. Right now it's pretty stable so I want to try a plugin manager like lazy.nvim, how do I move all my plugins there without breaking anything? Would be better if the change is undoable

    Unixporn wiikifox
    [DWM] Synthwave setup in Debian

    First rice!! (kinda). Spend a lot of time in it, and I don't regret it. I also have rofi but couldn't screenshot it with scrot (U~U ||| I'll post the dotfiles and builds when I upload them.

    OS: Debian Sid (installed originally as Debian 12/Bookworm)

    WM: DWM flexipatch

    Font: SpaceMono Nerd Font with 12pt

    Terminal: st

    Shell: zsh with PowerLevel10k

    GTK: 3.0 with a half-finished theme based on fluoromachine

    Icons: ePapirus Dark

    Neovim theme: Fluoromachine

    Programs on screen: Neovim, cmatrix and neofetch

    Wallpaper: !

    Moving from reddit rn, a good place to get started?

    I'm currently on the instance, and already found some neat communities, still looking for recommendations however

    wiikifox wiikifox

    Hiya! I'm Wiikifox! 2D/3D artist, game and software developer, and maybe something else I forgot to say.

    Posts 5
    Comments 54