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Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 16 June 2024
  • @mii @blakestacey I cannot and will not argue about your points, they're absolutely valid. The words you're using however are not correct. Nazis are fascists, as are these right wing monsters. They are antisocialist, not socialists. They are against socialism and against democracy and only for their own brand of autocracy.

  • KDE Neon users please note: Neon is NOT affected by the xz security issue. You do not have to take any precautions.
  • My Debian Stable system was not on a version involved. My Manjaro was patched the very next day. My source based installs pulled from the git source, which was never involved. My Devuan is okay, and also does not run sshd. No problems here...

  • 11 arrested in protest at Sen. Bernie Sanders’s office over war in Ukraine
  • @OurToothbrush Your points are disingenuous. At the time some of the original works that are quoted were written, the term genocide had not come into common use. That makes the point that some of the writers did not use the term rather meaningless. Had you read the articles and researched the background data cited you might have learned something. It is clear to me now that learning that something you have questioned has a strong factual basis is not exactly what you're looking for. You're looking for someone to reaffirm your misconceptions. I am not that guy, and that does not upset me although it seems to upset you. Since you're not interested in anything from me I will abandon this thread at this point, but I suggest you continue and widen your readings I challenge your preconceptions to get closer to the truth. I wish you the best of luck.

  • 11 arrested in protest at Sen. Bernie Sanders’s office over war in Ukraine
  • @OurToothbrush Yes. History is not my primary subject, but I have three degrees and trust the foremost experts on the subject.

  • 11 arrested in protest at Sen. Bernie Sanders’s office over war in Ukraine
  • @OurToothbrush my history books Aldo mention the starvation devastation Stalin visited upon the Ukrainian population. It is a matter of historical record, witnessed and verified. What about it do you doubt?

  • 11 arrested in protest at Sen. Bernie Sanders’s office over war in Ukraine
  • @OurToothbrush I did not compare who to Stalin directly, although reading what I did right I understand the misscommunication. Putin has expressed admiration for Stalin and the significant evidence that he would like to be like Stalin, but I agree that he is not quite there. He has expressed a wish to rebuild the Soviet Union and eliminate true democracy both in former Soviet Union states, in russia, and in the rest of the world. If you look at what he has done in the world, genocide is definitely in his wheelhouse.

  • Album does a little tom-foolery
  • @WaltJRimmer: When I was in High School I could get a
    45RPM record for a buck. One track each side. My dad had 78RPM records with TWO track on some sides!

  • 11 arrested in protest at Sen. Bernie Sanders’s office over war in Ukraine
  • @OurToothbrush: No country is going to start a war of genocide and notify the world that what they are doing is genocide. They just do. Putin wants to be another Stalin and is following his steps to empire, and that included acts of Genocide against Ukranians to depopulate Ukraine so that Russians could take the land.

  • wbpeckham William B Peckham

    Ancient Educator, Warrior, IT (Coding, DBA, Network, Linux) Guru, now mostly retired. @wbpeckham@techhub

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