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Task Manager question

At one time when I would launch a program from the Task Manager the icon would stay in place, now when I launch something like Firefox for example, the Icon moves down to the bottom of the list. When I exit it moves back up to where it was.

I can't seem to find a setting that relates to this.

I am using just "Task Manager", is the thing I want in "Icons Only Task Manager"?

A question about a mirror less camera regarding shutter.
  • So with the 2nd type shutter, The sensor is exposed and then the shutter closes, the sensor is read in darkness so the image on it does not change. Then the shutter opens and I start seeing what the camera sees in the view-finder-eyepiece?

  • A question about a mirror less camera regarding shutter.
  • Thanks. So I am guessing the shutter is only present when actually taking a picture since the view-finder is fed from the sensor?

  • A question about a mirror less camera regarding shutter.

    I have a Canon EOS R50, a mirrorless camera, which also seems shutterless - If I take pictures of, for example, an airplane with a spinning propeller, will I still get that "strange rubber propeller" effect? 1) the camera may have a shutter and I just don't recognize it or 2) the sensor is read in such a way as to produce the effect.

    easy 6502 or Z80 emulation

    I am looking for something simpler than MAME, I want to emulate an 8-bit CPU with 32K RAM and 32K ROM connected to a VT100 type terminal - this would be a simple Linux executable that one runs from the terminal emulator, I will simulate using a built-in teletype by copy/pasting text files into the terminal or copy/pasting screen output to text files.

    Either CPU would be good. I will be doing machine-code programming, at least until I build my own assembler. Then, who knows...

    Canon EOS R50 Autofocus question {solved-unknown solution}
  • Can I put focus on the "record video" button as I do not use the video features of my camera? Just not into video.

  • Rainy City Bokeh
  • Nice focus idea! I like depth-of-field feature photography a lot myself.

  • UK Woman Mistaken As Shoplifter By Facewatch, Now She's Banned From All Stores With Facial Recognition Tech
  • Because they don't want to lose a method of tracking us wherever we show our faces. I think masks will be a fashion in the future, and they are just so comfortable.

  • YouTube has now begun skipping videos altogether for users with ad blockers
  • But I would not have disabled my ad blocker in other circumstances, but YouTube is forcing me to disable it against my better judgment to be able to use the site.

  • YouTube has now begun skipping videos altogether for users with ad blockers
  • If YouTube takes files from 3rd parties and simply displays them, then viruses are possible. This is more true of ads placed via ad-broker on other websites. To get ad revenue a webmaster provides a space where the ad is inserted. The ad is provided by a 3rd party who pays the ad broker for placement. Neither the webmaster nor the ad broker have any visibility into the content of the ad, which could even contain code (ads which move or present UI elements have code to make those things work)

  • YouTube has now begun skipping videos altogether for users with ad blockers
  • If a YouTube ad installs a virus on my system, can I sue YouTube?

  • China has introduced guidelines to phase out U.S. microprocessors from Intel and AMD, from government personal computers and servers.
  • So Chinese chip makers sell more and more of the sub-parity chips, what incentive do they really have to improve?

  • Canon EOS R50 Autofocus question {solved-unknown solution}
  • Thanks!

    I tried several things and lost track of some of them. It seems my focus point is staying put now - it is just off-center but close enough to make me happy.

  • Canon EOS R50 Autofocus question {solved-unknown solution}
  • I see - Getting that shot is a lot harder than mine - trees and flowers don't move as fast as racecars. My eye is especially pleased by shots that use depth of field.

    So there might be a way for me to designate a subject and then have the camera watch that subject while it moves through shadow or bright light and also maintain proper focus while I decide the proper framing and the moment to record?

  • Canon EOS R50 Autofocus question {solved-unknown solution}
  • I put the focus marker on the subject where I want the focus to be, then I would hold the shutter button down part way and re-compose the shot, then press the shutter button the rest of the way to shoot.

  • Canon EOS R50 Autofocus question {solved-unknown solution}
  • I just checked to see if Touch and Drag was on - it was off. I turned off "whole screen servo", but I am not sure what that really is, I thought it was for video.

  • Canon EOS R50 Autofocus question {solved-unknown solution}

    New camera, nube photographer.

    In my R50 the autofocus area can be selected and moved around, but can it be locked to the center? I currently have it set to the point focus, so the smallest focus area, but I find that the box that shows where the camera is focusing moves around (no faces involved or vehicles) Usually the focus square jumps up and to the right, and sometime moves around while I am trying to compose the shot. Is there a way to lock it down so it will stay in the center?

    Update: I tried several things and lost track of some of them. It seems my focus point is staying put now - it is just off-center but close enough to make me happy.

    Generative AI could soon decimate the call center industry, says CEO
  • At least when you did get an answer it might be correct, not a hallucination.

  • Post your Servernames!
  • Workstations machines get first name type names that are inspired by the brand of the machine. This asus is named adam.

  • Post your Servernames!
  • Just never make it lie...

  • Post your Servernames!
  • One place I worked we had a rule - do not name a server for any group using it. It seems the groups become territorial when you try to add a different group to "their" server.

  • [Solved] Seeking a name, from the mists of the past

    In the Silicon Valley / San Jose / Bay area, there was a BBS that had a hierarchical message board, Replies were ordered under posts or other replies. In the 80's this was an unusual feature of a bulletin system. The BBS was named for a character from some story. It was a hard to pronounce word/name starting with the letter 'P', and we mostly referred to the BBS as 'Pretzel' as that was a close approximation to the original word. Anyone know which BBS I am talking about?

    Opinion Request - "Best" cli linux

    This will be for a physically small i5 laptop for various programming fun. The candidate linux should be easy to install, and provide a large selection of CLI programs.

    Command Block question

    Could one create a command block that causes a teleport transport station to be created? Teleport transports are a command block triggered by a stone pressure plate that uses the /tp command in a command block to send the player to a specific "grand central station", a return station should also be created to send the player back to a place nearby the sending station. The effect should be triggered using a specific gold tool.

    Is such a thing possible with command blocks?

    dd for image backup

    I am supposing this will not work - simply using dd to copy the booted disk /dev/sda for example to a file on an external hard drive. This would not be a good back as too many system file would be missed. right?

    AI generated car - What real car is close

    This car was generated by Night Cafe, does is look like some real car? It's in response to the prompt "Neon Nomad" but I am not getting a car like that when I google. I think it looks jeep-like, and yes I googled "Jeep Nomad", no dice.

    Running my own AI artist?

    My Machine is an i7 laptop with only Intel Graphics. Linux installed (latest Debian) - Can I run my own AI artist?

    Night Cafe #sphere-share - for round fun.

    Not really a challenge, but to join the fun - put something in a sphere, or do something spherical. Let's have a ball with this (yup I went there). Can't offer any sort of prize, other than we all get to enjoy new art.

    just tag your new spherical art with "sphere-share"

    Find us at:

    8 bit era but with 3.5" floppy drive?

    Were there any 8-bit era computers that had a 3.5" floppy? They probably would have run CP/M. I do have an apple IIC+, but I also would like some sort of Z80 machine.

    HP 71B Data Type error

    My 71B is telling me "Data Error" whenever I try to use the variable "F" - any ideas?

    Sudden strangeness in PATH

    I have suddenly found that /usr/games has disappeared off my path. Not only that but my normal otherwise but sudo enabled user seems to have a superuser's path?

    rhudson@adam:~$ echo $PATH /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin

    rhudson@adam:~$ id -u 1000

    What would have changed suddenly? It was not like this yesterday. kpat is in /usr/games and I was able to launch it from task manager yesterday, but not today.

    I have rebooted twice so far. I can run kpat by opening it from Dolphin.

    I don't want to have to re-install : ^ (

    Mortal Engine SACRAMENTO

    Well try as I might, I could not convince Nightcafe to make this Mortal Engine sized. It insisted it was only tank sized.

    Ronald Alan Hudson / Calcula · GitLab

    Calcula is an RPN calculator with 26 stack levels and 26 storage registers. It is not programmable except you get the Pascal source code and you can create new, possibly complex, functions for the calculator.

    I am looking for suggestions for other functions to add and testing for the existing functions. Free. GPL3 License.

    Just an idea to improve background image handling

    For the Slideshow option on Desktop Settings / Wallpaper, and the user is using the Random order and a new file appears in one of the wallpaper folders, make that image the next one to show.

    Yet Another Distro Recommend request

    I have a 'spare' Dell Latitude 7390 (Core i5 9gb ) on this machine. My production machine runs Debian with KDE.

    What might be an interesting distro for me to try out on my spare machine?

    waspentalive WasPentalive
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