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DIY vs pre-build NAS for home use
  • Yes, and it is difficult to find ECC going DIY. Because of this I am considering going with Synology

  • DIY vs pre-build NAS for home use
  • I am in the same situation, my concern about going DIY is the lack of ECC ram, but I don't know how much this is important.

  • Just bought my first macbook what apps should I install as a web developer?
  • Wow this hot coners is very cool. Thanks for this.

  • Just bought my first macbook what apps should I install as a web developer?
  • Which improvments does Insomnia has over the Postman? Do you know if the license allows comercial use? Thanks.

  • Just bought my first macbook what apps should I install as a web developer?

    Just bought my first macbook what apps should I install as a web developer?

    During my entire life (32 years) I used windows and linux machines. Now I bought my first mac book and I would like to know what tools is nice to have to make my work easy.

    I am a developer ruby on rails and use vscode, also I use the terminal a lot and the default terminal is not that great. Also I miss notepad++

    Any sugestions?

    Thank You


    Just bought my first macbook what apps should I install as a web developer?

    During my entire life (32 years) I used windows and linux machines. Now I bought my first mac book and I would like to know what tools is nice to have to make my work easy.

    I am a developer ruby on rails and use vscode, also I use the terminal a lot and the default terminal is not that great. Also I miss notepad++

    Any sugestions?

    Thank You

    Na vossa opinião o que está a faltar ao Mesmo com o blackout há pouca ou nenhuma atividade.
  • Sim eu uso o kbin, por issso falei em magazine não sabia que no lemmy era comunidade.

  • 60% of subreddits are still dark! Reddit activity down 30%
  • For me this blackout should have 6 months at minimun. 3 days do nothing at all.

  • Na vossa opinião o que está a faltar ao Mesmo com o blackout há pouca ou nenhuma atividade.
  • Eu gostava de ver uma magazine parecida com o r/literanciafinanceira tinha boas dicas de finanças pessoais. Por exemplo mudei para o mercado regilado de gás por causa deles.

  • viniciuspc viniciuspc
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