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The abs that shook the pillars of civilization
  • People with XX chromosomes and no hormonal therapy.

    What's not to understand?

  • YouTube is experimenting with server-side ads
  • There are plenty of open source ai, especially these single purpose one.

  • Man who survived ebike fire that killed his family fights for change to UK law
  • Doesn't matter what is required if you buy things from aliexpress or similar sites. You can also buy poisonous kids toys there and no one bats an eye.

  • A cool guide to Pets : Fun vs Effort
  • Parakeets lower than rabbits and cats all the way to the right, to the right of ferrets?? Did this author ever even have pets? Or met animals?

  • A cool guide to Pets : Fun vs Effort
  • What kind of weird sick cat did you have?

  • Demonstration of a German stick-grenade, 1946
  • And where, exactly, does that "thin bodied metal" go when it explodes?

  • Someone call CPS.
  • Its Russian spelling, в(v)и(i)к(k)т(t)о(o)р(r)и(i)я(ya).

  • Be neighborly
  • Because it's a name.

  • Using ad blockers is theft
  • Only in the same way you're supporting the local economy by being pickpocketed. There are better and less shady ways of doing it.

  • Television just died
  • I just connected my TV to the internet.

  • Ganked by the Gastropods
  • I resorted to growing my zucchini on my windowsill after first my 4 seed grown got eaten and then the 2 I had bought in the shop.

  • Ganked by the Gastropods
  • The true victims of the housing crisis.

  • European elections: 'Some populist radical and far-right parties in Europe seem to be close friends of authoritarians', study says
  • It's just the votes for 'Kremlin-critical' resolutions. So also things like banning all oil imports in the beginning of the war. As fun as that sounded it would have been economic suicide.

  • Trump campaign immediately fundraises: ‘I’m a political prisoner!’
  • I cant wait for the more streamlined slogan: "I'm a prisoner!"

  • Samuel Alito: ‘I Tried To Take The Flag Down, But My Wife Hit Me. She Hits Me Every Night’
  • Ok I know this fictional story about a woman abusing her husband is supposed to be funny, but it's not, really. Abuse by women does happen and is often ignored because of this culture of 'it doesn't happen / it's funny / man up'.

  • TIL in the Carboniferous Period, no fungus existed to decompose trees. They just grew on top of each other up and up.
  • Oh humans will survive, no problem. I mean, not a lot of them and not happily, and there will probably be a nuclear war at the end there, but humans won't go extinct. We're too smart to not find a nice hole to hide in.

  • particles
  • It's a scene from Brooklyn 99.

  • ✨️ Finish him. ✨️
  • She's wrong though, everything following the scientific method is science. The fact that you didn't pay out of your ass to publicize your research doesn't matter. Of course it reaches less people, but that's a separate issue.

  • Does anyone know what jellyfish this is? I saw it at the beach in Thailand.

    Saw quite a lot of them in around 2m deep water. Looks like Phyllorhiza punctata but then with reversed colours. About 15cm long. Didn't seem very dangerous, as in I saw no one screaming in agony.

    Not my picture, but the only one I could find.

    venoft MuchPineapples
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