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cafe in Amsterdam could not produce a receipt -- a “digital transformation” scenario; are receipts no longer obligatory?
  • @toasterOven Signing instead of using PIN has always been a niche in the Netherlands. We basically went from cheques (which most millennials will never have used) straight to PIN cards. The “card payment available” logo is blue with the word PIN on it. All payments including the little ones used to be PIN secured until “contactless” became a thing.

  • Waarom zijn er in Nederland zo weinig fietsdynamo's?
  • @konijnwillem erop zetten is even gepruts maar daarna nooit meer hoeven denken aan lampjes aan/uit is zo fijn :)

  • Waarom zijn er in Nederland zo weinig fietsdynamo's?
  • @konijnwillem Mijn stadsfiets is een Roetz, dus "new to me". Inductielampjes zijn best goedkoop:

    De fiets met naafdynamo kostte meer dan onze auto dus die woont binnen ja :)

  • Waarom zijn er in Nederland zo weinig fietsdynamo's?
  • @vzq @konijnwillem Ik vind mensen die een velgdynamo werkend weten te houden intimiderend. Ik heb een naafdynamo op mijn ene fiets en inductie-lampjes op de andere.

  • A guide to knitting
  • @Emotional_Series7814 the book says “wrap the yarn”, that’s English. Continental would be picking the yarn with your right needle.

  • Dit zijn de belangrijke plannen en voornemens uit het coalitieakkoord
  • @johan ze was ooit SP. Maar daar is de macht niet.

  • Dit zijn de belangrijke plannen en voornemens uit het coalitieakkoord
  • @johan jij noemt het egoïstisch, ik noem het een persoonlijk verhaal dat illustreert hoe kil en onmenselijk deze regels zijn. Schreeuw het van de daken!

  • GL-PvdA en NSC: provincies moeten ov zelf kunnen regelen
  • @SuitedUpDev Goed nieuws, wij moeten allemaal al met het OV en dat gebeurt ook :)

    Slecht nieuws: ook als je dit door IenW laat regelen gaat het aanbesteed worden en valt het onder een variabele begroting. Het probleem is niet wie, het probleem is geld en waar dat aan uit te geven.

  • I had to put my cabled sweater in hibernation because my [#postCovid]( brain couldn’t grok it. Which made me sad.
  • @proudblond thank you! it's a strange state of being. Super enjoying some small things though - like this slipper, or a really good cup of tea.

  • I had to put my cabled sweater in hibernation because my [#postCovid]( brain couldn’t grok it. Which made me sad.

    I had to put my cabled sweater in hibernation because my #postCovid brain couldn’t grok it. Which made me sad.

    Then came the January Stitches and Cream sock club with a heel-up(!) DK slipper pattern which I can do(!!) and it’s SO MUCH FUN it’s probably illegal in several regions. Needless to say it’s way less complicated than it looks 😆 #knitting #sockknitting #breien

    Home made stroopwafels
  • @EvilCartyen try your iron first, you might be surprised. The waffle is VERY thin! It’s easier to slice than you may think as long as you do it while it’s hot

  • I fell in love with this cloak, but it's sold out! Anyone have a similar pattern?
  • @tehlaughing1 ah yes! Oh there are some FUN patterns. I follow her on Insta but seeing them all together like this is quite something!

  • I fell in love with this cloak, but it's sold out! Anyone have a similar pattern?
  • @tehlaughing1 I was convinced she did but it seems she only has one on Ravelry!

  • I fell in love with this cloak, but it's sold out! Anyone have a similar pattern?
  • @tehlaughing1 you might like the style of Native Knitter or Tsinbikeeknits

  • Looking for pattern recs to learn colorwork (fair isle)
  • @kurobita wearing a pair right now! They're super warm because you effectively have two layers of yarn.

    oh, pro tip: get wool that's a bit rustic, like Shetland or Norwegian or whatever is sticky/grippy around where you live. SO MUCH easier than, like, superwash merino if you're starting with colourwork.

  • Looking for pattern recs to learn colorwork (fair isle)
  • @kurobita fair isle is a subset/implementation of stranded colourwork, so you can safely go with the latter and knit your heart out :)

  • Looking for pattern recs to learn colorwork (fair isle)
  • @kurobita if you want to do fair isle, you could look at the Shetland Wool Week hats, they’re super fun! Hazel Tindall designed a couple of them and she has many more patterns for small projects.

  • Looking for pattern recs to learn colorwork (fair isle)
  • @kurobita do you want stranded colourwork in general or actual fair isle? If the first, you could start with mittens or a hat, like (you could start with just 2 colours)

  • Two of my best friends both gave birth within an month and I try to be SCRUPULOUSLY FAIR in providing them with knitwear. But duplicates are boring! So I’m knitting their Christmas jumpers two at a ti

    Two of my best friends both gave birth within an month and I try to be SCRUPULOUSLY FAIR in providing them with knitwear. But duplicates are boring! So I’m knitting their Christmas jumpers two at a time. #knitting

    At least I can mope around at home with Covid in my newly finished sweater. It has a little lid for my watch because I might need a watch again sometime in the future 🙃

    At least I can mope around at home with Covid in my newly finished sweater. It has a little lid for my watch because I might need a watch again sometime in the future 🙃

    📝 Librarian by Skeindeer 🧶 Hearthside by Wild Atlantic Yarns #knitting

    Can we talk about the neurotic knitter’s\* dream gradient yarn, the Zauberperlen (“magic pearls”)? This is so much fun it’s probably illegal somewhere. [](

    Can we talk about the neurotic knitter’s\* dream gradient yarn, the Zauberperlen (“magic pearls”)? This is so much fun it’s probably illegal somewhere. \#knitting

    \*me, that’s me, I am a neurotic knitter

    My projects for the [#FallFinishAlong](! Left to right: 2x2 rib hat, purely for knitting belt practice. Sleeves for a baby cardigan. [#Sarkle](https://mastodon

    My projects for the #FallFinishAlong! Left to right: 2x2 rib hat, purely for knitting belt practice. Sleeves for a baby cardigan. #Sarkle jumper for my mum, lower hems on provisional cast on so I can make them \just so\, only she’s on the other side of the continent now and can’t try it on… Rainbow booties for a second baby. Heel turn and foot of a sock. #knitting

    venite Anna

    Renaissance woman in training | Pollmaker des Vaderlands | Vuurtorenevangelist | Relatietherapeut voor databases | roeit, zeilt, zingt, fietst, bidt, breit, autist | momenteel weinig van dat alles want post-Covid | mag het wat zachter

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