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Bidet users, how do you dry your ass afterward?
  • I've already commented this down below, so i'll just copy paste here.

    I suppose it depends if you are using it correctly or not. I've used a bidet all my life, and where i live bidets are a separate bowl from the toilet, made from the same materials, and virtually every household has one. I've never had a problem of it not cleaning enough

    Afterwards i'll just dry a bit with a towel specifically used for that

    Here's an image. You can see the bidet has a kind of jet of water coming upwards with force, exactly below where you would sit. You can regulate the intensity and if done properly you can clean yourself completely

  • Sovcit thinks the real estate agent is crazy.
  • I'm not here to argue with you, rather than to point out it's disingenious to say it's not hard work. Also, there is actually an incentive to get lower prices, for if they weren't trying to get one people would choose another realtor. Also, you don't have to censor the world realtor.

  • Apple supplier Foxconn rejects married women from India iPhone jobs
  • Well that's the neat part, it's by design. It's not a coincidence that now when we are more connected to each other than ever, now that instant communication would make it possible to coordinate globally, the powers that be instead focus on divisiveness above all else, on misinformation and contrarianism above all else. A nation divided is too busy fighting each other to realize they can make it over the mountain.

  • New Study: At Least 15% of All Reddit Content is Corporate Trolls Trying to Manipulate Public Opinion
  • I've seen at least 2 usernames that submit A LOT, and if you search your feed i'm sure you'll be able to spot them easily. They also comment on rising posts quite a lot and personally mod a few communities. I've not seen them repost content that doesn't get traction, but they do repost content taken from reddit

  • Pixar CCO Says Live-Action Remakes Bother Him: “I Like Making Movies That Are Original”
  • You said it yourself that you were holding on to watching luca because nobody told you! That's literally waiting on what everybody says before forming your own opinion. Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying you are FORCED to like it, but rather than you should be the one making that decision.

    Also, saying you are burnt out with disney because of crap movies is also deeply subjective. Other people may not think their recent movies are crap, after all they are really not that different from the stuff they did earlier. What makes you think they are, though? You provided no grounds as to why you think that, you just said it. Maybe you should re evaluate what role nostalgia plays in this, but really pixar movies have not changed as much a you seem to think.

    And again, i mean no hostility to you and i get why you might hate a giant corporation like disney. But generalizing in the way you are doing, without regards to nuance, is one of the reasons the movie industry is as it is now.

  • Pixar CCO Says Live-Action Remakes Bother Him: “I Like Making Movies That Are Original”
  • The thing is that 'actually good' is something subjective, and that it WILL change what it means person to person. What happens nowadays is that every piece of media will be analized extensively for every possible flaw (and if none, create some), which will be magnified online as negativity promotes engagement. You can see this happening daily online, with everything. Then, the way the online hivemind works, people will associate these 'flaws' with the media product and society will enforce its opinion on the average user. It's a meme to be negative about something, and our brains like to be part of the 'in-group' so it also feels good. You can see examples of this on every cult classic that was hated when it came out.

  • Pixar CCO Says Live-Action Remakes Bother Him: “I Like Making Movies That Are Original”
  • I mean, you are literally the living example of what i said in the other comment: mindless rage dictated by the opinions of influencers withouth nothing of substance. You admitted yourself you never watched that movie and here you are spewing word vomit. Remember that the opinion of the masses is not the truth, and even more so in something as subjective as art. Then you ask yourself where this decadence is coming from.

  • Pixar CCO Says Live-Action Remakes Bother Him: “I Like Making Movies That Are Original”
  • Movies (or movie style, more properly said) changes all the time. I don't get what are you trying to say here. But just because animation has gotten considerably better, it doesn't mean they are different. As an example: luca (one of recent pixar films) has the same style and charm as brave (pixar movie from 10+ years back) and as toy story (pixar movie from 20+ yeara back). All of them capable of making me cry. Their animation style has gotten better and more polished, but they beat with the same heart. But luca (a post pandemic film) didn't amass the same number of people to the theaters, because people are finding more convenient to wait for streaming.

  • Pixar CCO Says Live-Action Remakes Bother Him: “I Like Making Movies That Are Original”
  • That was almost 2 decades back. The movie going experience has been permanently changed, for better or for worse, after the pandemic. He isn't wrong when he says people won't go to theaters for a new IP. That, plus all the rage clic bait that bashes any new thing even before it release, regardless of quality, that plagues the internet nowadays paints a grim enviroment for the movie industry.

  • Only telling people my height in cm from now on
  • Not European, but from a country that also uses the metric system. We give out our height in meters, as you said. Saying it in cm would be okey for medical reasons I suppose. Also there isn't much difference in what unit you use, you just have to multiply/divide by 100, which is easily done in your head

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