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Linus Torvalds to Rewrite the Linux Kernel in PHP
  • I do! I am self-taught but now have a great career going in it. My only complaint is that once you start requiring very specific gems, you’ll find a bunch of unmaintained stuff. Ruby was hyped up a lot in the beginning, kind of declined during the Node.js fad but is becoming a lot more stable and continues to show a ton of progress.

    These days if you want to get your foot in the door you can find work upgrading Rails versions as a lot of companies seemed to have released apps a long time ago then lost track of time.

    Realizing most of this sounds pretty negative but it’s a beautiful language that I love working in every day. The language is so flexible/usable that outsiders complain that it can encourage bad habits simply by being so maleable — my recommendation is to really know the difference between plain Ruby and Ruby on Rails.

  • Mounting S3 as a filesystem in your VPS for unlimited cheap storage
  • What do you do if your hardware is housed at home with crappy residential upload speeds?

    It’s a genuine question because I’ve settled for hosting on Storj, but because my friends and family can’t be bothered to connect via its client I’m running a WebDAV rclone proxy on a VPS over Tailscale. So not only am I paying for the storage itself, I’m also paying for transferring the data and on top of all that, it defeats the point of Storj being P2P from and end-user perspective.

  • Alpine Linux on NanoPi R6S

    Hey everyone, I’m looking to replace my router with a NanoPi R6S but want to do everything myself from Alpine Linux.

    I’ve been doing a lot of research and it seems that the chipset and hardware are supported as of Linux 6.3, but looking at Alpine’s ARM documentation makes installation sound a bit more advanced than I’m used to (specifically, the partition layout and U-Boot are confusing to me).

    Has anyone gone this route?

    Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising
  • Shit, I’m a web developer and I’m fed up with all the ads, tracking and stalking that goes on. It’s so ingrained like “why not use Google for analytics?” or “just host it on Amazon.” 90% of the services we use at work I refuse to use at home (and go as far as outright blocking them).

  • Linux market share passes 4% for first time; macOS dominance declines
  • I love Linux but I wish the BSDs weren’t getting left behind.

    For the record, I really like macOS and Apple products as my “consumer” devices but all my side projects, web servers, routers, etc. run Linux. I ran FreeBSD for a long time until I got into containerization and Docker.

  • Stop use docker
  • What gets me is people migrating from VMs treating it like an entire host machine.

    There is a lack of knowledge among developers regarding precompiling assets and classes (if interpreted), and people are trying to do too much in startup scripts.

    Another thing I hate is wrapping the entire process in a script because people want to kill the main process without restarting the container. Yikes!

  • Ubiquiti U7 Pro Max WiFi 7 Access Point Teardown: To fan or not to fan
  • I don’t have a Dream Machine nor a network but my access point receives an IP via DHCP from a non-Ubiquiti router just fine. In fact, the controller running in Docker doesn’t even come up itself after a power failure so I’m really lost on what you’re talking about here.

  • What's Happened Since Time Dropped Its Paywall 1 Year Ago
  • I use (paid) Apple News, and I really enjoy it. Are there no other “pay once” platforms out there?

    My only complaint is that some articles still show ads despite being subscribed, but that’s taken care of with DNS-based ad blocking (though you have to also block a a hostname pointing to an Apple DoH server which I find funny).

  • Can't use Crunchyroll via WireGuard
  • Those websites (and tons of others) will tell you who your ISP appears to be. Whether or not a service considers it a datacenter isn’t set in stone, but usually it’s easy to tell based on what’s shown there.

    Edit: If you’re getting the captchas it’s probably because you appear to be on a VPN.

  • Can't use Crunchyroll via WireGuard
  • Are you familiar with web development by chance? Can you see anything in your browser’s developer tools like failed XHR/fetch requests? I’m kind of wondering if they’re doing something specific since you said traffic is flowing as expected on other websites.

    If your VPN exits from a datacenter (common with VPN and cloud providers) it could be that while their website wasn’t smart enough to block you, the server the content streams from is and is refusing to stream the content. This would probably show up as a failure in the developer tools (HTTP 401 Unauthorized, some JSON with an error, etc).

  • [Question] How should I configure Tailscale app connectors and/or subnet routing for HomeKit Secure Video?

    Basically, I’m running Tailscale on most of my devices and using subnet routing on a Raspberry Pi for non-Tailscale devices.

    My problem is that while using an exit node streaming video from cameras in the iOS/macos Home apps is entirely too slow. I can see from App Privacy Report that it attempts to connect to my home network’s WAN address, so I’ve set up subnet routing to bring in any traffic to any of ISP’s networks through the Raspberry Pi at home (this also makes it possible to use said ISP’s streaming app on Apple TV as if I were at home).

    I know that Home doesn’t connect to the cameras locally at all, because I can tear down all the Tailscale stuff and not see any traffic between the client and the camera on the LAN.

    Has anyone have a clue how to go about configuring this? Thanks in advance!

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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