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Would love a mobile app, at some point.
  • Also: it’s fairly useless on an iPad, because it’s simply a scaled iPhone version. Lots of wasted real estate and no fun.

  • Single-User instances on the Fediverse?
  • The content is also no problem:

    1. follow people
    2. add relays

    Both will fill the global timeline quite nicely.

  • How important are flairs?
  • It’s nice to have. Not more, not less.

    I can live without it. But if anyone is bored to death and badly need something to implement: please do it!

  • Single-User instances on the Fediverse?
  • Actually, that’s not true.

    I run a single user Calckey instance (, moved from a single user Mastodon instance) and it works just fine. The only difference: The local timeline is just me.

    But other than that, it works perfectly fine.

  • What's a good video host for Lemmy?
  • Wouldn’t any peertube-instance be the most natural choice for videos? Pixelfed likewise for pictures.

  • Which subreddits would you most like to see on Lemmy?
  • Ukraine, really miss the content from that subreddit. Pretty much the only thing I really miss.

  • What's your favorite Web 1.0 memory?
  • Webpages that could get created in 5 minutes without a super fancy editor and excessive coding - good times!

  • When was the last time you experienced something paranormal or unexplainable?
  • Never. Maybe I was just too stupid/ignorant at the time to get it. But nothing really unexplainable ever truly happened.

  • Krankenkassenchef will Zahnbehandlungen nicht mehr bezahlen
  • Mein Vorschlag: Die Krankenkassen komplett abschaffen und stattdessen auf eine einkommenssteuerfinanzierte staatliche Umlage umstellen. Auf die Weise zahlen alle in Relation zu ihrem Einkommen ein und alle bekommen die gleiche Leistung - ohne den Wasserkopf der Gesetzlichen Krankenkassen mitzuschleppen.

  • Tutanota: new design update brings nice improvements - not just in looks, also in functionality!
  • I wish they would redesign the price system. It's mighty confusing and not intuitive at all. (Yes, I know that Tutanota users will easily understand this. But new users are puzzled.)

  • Is Remmel dead?

    It's not available in the AppStore for me and the reppository on Github looks rather abandoned to me.

    Is the project dead? If so: Is anyone aware of any activity to create an iOS client for Lemmy?

    Reddit will begin charging for access to its API
  • Might be the beginning of the end for Reddit and might have similar effects for Lemmy as it had for Mastodon.

  • umrath Thoralf Will
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