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Explaining software development methods by flying to Mars
  • LEAN from the web:

    After each iteration, project managers discuss bottlenecks, identify waste and develop a plan to eliminate it.

    1st iteration:

    Project Manager A: Requiring approval of multiple Project Managers for the same thing is causing a bottleneck. So is having to wait for a specific manager for a specific topic.

    Resolution: Let all managers approve everything and need only a single manager's approval.

    2nd iteration:

    Project Manager B: There are too many redundant managers. It's a waste of resources.

    Resolution: Get rid of all mangers but one. Actually, let the engineers manage themselves.

    3rd iteration:

    Consensus: LEAN development is a scam though

  • That is an act of cruelty towards the poor pokémon
  • ... Except when it doesn't.
    I use Gnome at work, on an older (supposedly stable) version of RedHat and there are a few ways it breaks, but when it does, it Breaks Bad. I would be fine with said breakages if it were not trying to claim focussing on having lesser bugs and in turn reducing customisability to such low levels that changing stuff like animation speed (which, by default is set to productivity destroying speeds), is not possible from the default repos.

    KDE and related applications are much more tolerable and when I find a bug I tend to be happy to report.


  • Looks like paradise
  • Who says you can't have an underground workshop, a gaming setup, a matrix+lemmy+mastodon server, an underground FTTH connection, an escape tunnel with a joyride leading straight to the highway and 100m below all of that, a nuclear power plant.

    Ok, maybe someone will say something about the last one, but... You know?


  • I will not be taking questions.
  • Warning! Normies who can't digest radical ideas, don't click further.

    I keep the roll on its side (vertical, with circular face down).
    Also, I don't use it to wipe my butt. I have a handheld water shower directing device (a.k.a. health faucet) for that.

  • Why we don't have 128-bit CPUs
  • Ah right! I forgot about that.

    So you either have to pad all instructions in all previous binaries, or reduce the amount of available instructions in the arch update.

  • Why we don't have 128-bit CPUs
  • RV64 has a maximum 32-bit instruction encoding

    I kinda expected that to happen, since there's already enough to fit all required functions. So yeah, even this is not a good enough criteria for bit rating.

    those original 8-bit intructions still exist, and take up a huge part of the encoding space, cutting the number of n-bit instructions to more like 2^(n-7)

    err... they are still instructions, right? And they are implemented. I don't see why you would negate that from the number of instructions.

  • Basically the extent of my IPv6 knowledge
  • I have a feeling making it all CAPS would have made it just a bit easier.
    That, or using monospace fonts for it everywhere.

  • Why we don't have 128-bit CPUs
  • I see it as the number of possible instructions.

    As in, 8 bit 8085 had 28 possible instructions, 32 bit ones had 232 and already had enough possible combinations that we couldn't come up with enough functions to fill the provided space.


  • Pity, really.
  • Except that softwares and hardwares probably came out of the word "wares".

  • Pity, really.
  • Reading this as someone who torrents debian ISOs instead of directly downloading then in the hopes of reducing server load, while at the same time, not torrenting any pirated stuff.

    But well, I was born a wee bit before 2000

  • Just saying
  • "I can't be racist because, I hate absolutely every one, irrespective of caste/creed/religion/number and shape of genitals/color(also, color of genitals)/age/region/domain/kingdom/phylum/class/order/family/genus/species/base chemical composition/geometrical structure/level of consciousness/lifespan/definition of life, equally."

    How about that.

  • What do you think of this prediction?
  • Well, when you make a multithreaded application, usually there is one main thread, which controls everything else, timings and all.

    The alternative

    is to have all threads know how to sync with whichever other thread they need to sync with, whenever they need to. This way tends to be more difficult (and I am yet to think of a use case and application methodology for this method).

    Now usually you make sure not to have any blocking function (large calculation or file R/W requiring HDD fetching) on the main thread. Maybe they made some mistakes in this regard in their previous games and did better this time.

    From what I see, it seems like they didn't use the graphics API (seems to be Vulkan) properly enough, for which I can't do anything, given my lack of exp with it. Perhaps a god time for me to delve into Vulkan.

  • Thanks
  • You don't need to upload it, just do ![annotation text here](link to gif)

  • Thanks
    What do you think of this prediction?
  • I mean if you’re german you could try working for them lol

    That seems to be the main barrier, yeah.

    But I checked htop while running the game and it doesn't seem to be doing all single core stuff as you said. Unless it is that the bottlenecking thread is not even using the available core to the full extent.
    I checked it out with both linux and linux-zen kernels.

    Usually, when a program is loading on a single thread, you tend to see a single core go to 100% for a few seconds, which then jumps around as the OS switches the core provided to the thread. That was not happening here.
    Also, the new GPU is sometimes at ~60-70% while the FPS is dropping to 30. This part was weird.

  • What do you think of this prediction?
  • Well, KDE Clipboard seems to make it easy enough for me for now, but perhaps I will set a compose key for it if required.

    My main problem tends to be forgetting to add it because I got too emersed in typing the comment.

    And it's kinda useless to add it after the fact, so most of the time, it works because I copy the license first.


  • Don't make a mistake in choosing a distro
  • I just went "Shiit! Am I sitting on potential system breakage?" (because I don't remember doing any such intervention)
    But turns out it was just a conflicts with change.

    From what I know, pacman straight-up asks you what you want, in these cases. Sure, it's technically manual intervention, but for me, who scans over updated packages every-time, this is considered standard procedure.

    Manual intervention is when GRUB doesn't install properly using the suggested command and you have to learn where your distro places the boot image and configure stuff accordingly.

    Also, I don't have JDK so...


  • Don't make a mistake in choosing a distro
  • You ppl don't use auto archive/categorise/delete ?

  • Too many posers
  • As someone who uses a HPV Bike for commute, a bit of noise definitely makes it easier to get others to give way.

  • What do you think of this prediction?
  • Wait, so all I had to do was disable my underclock and I would have gotten the same marginal perf gains that I got by upgrading both my CPU and GPU?

    Will Egosoft hire me if I offer to refactor their code into something multithread friendly?

  • `sudo Make me a sandwich`

    > Image: A more accurate rendition of the result when you sudo Make me a sandwich


    Final Image

    • Creator:
    • License:

    Sandwich stock image

    • Used in sudo_make_me_sandwich.png
      • Creator:
      • License:

    Base Comic

    • xkcd:
    Damnatory Arbitration

    cross-posted from:

    > > Image shows screenshot of XCOM2: War of The Chosen: Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. Terms of Service, with an added Mandatory Arbitration clause in Section 15. > > Came back to the game after a year or so, just to see this: > > !Shows how to opt-out > > At least they let us disagree to the ToC. Not sure if I can play the game after that though, since I just exited after clicking the disagree button. > > Also, at least they show us the changes on the top, so we know what happened.

    Damnatory Arbitration

    > Image shows screenshot of XCOM2: War of The Chosen: Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. Terms of Service, with an added Mandatory Arbitration clause in Section 15.

    Came back to the game after a year or so, just to see this:

    !Shows how to opt-out

    At least they let us disagree to the ToC. Not sure if I can play the game after that though, since I just exited after clicking the disagree button.

    Also, at least they show us the changes on the top, so we know what happened.

    Can Tokodon connect to Lemmy server?

    Would it make sense to consider asking Tokodon to support connecting with Lemmy servers, or is there too big a difference between the APIs, requiring a separate application?

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