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2x2 lumber at Home Depot is now 1.28x1.28. Actual size is supposed to be 1.5
  • 5/6/24

    Do you live in future? Today is 08.05.24.

  • Well that wasn't what I expected had happened to neofetch.
  • You didn't pay monthly sun subscribtion

  • Like ships in the night
  • Russians using VPN to access gosuslugi in 2024 telegram in 2018.

  • FCC restores net neutrality rules that ban blocking and throttling in 3-2 vote
  • "You maybe will be able to use advertised bandwidth. As long as we want. Or maybe not."

  • FCC restores net neutrality rules that ban blocking and throttling in 3-2 vote
  • Try watching videos over I2P. 64 kbps average.

  • FCC restores net neutrality rules that ban blocking and throttling in 3-2 vote
  • For context 16 petabytes per month is about(slightly more than) 6 gigabytes per second. Also internet was designed during times when computers were super expensive and 100% utilization was norm.

  • FCC restores net neutrality rules that ban blocking and throttling in 3-2 vote
  • The problem ISPs ask to pay BOTH for bandwidth and for packets. Which is double payment.

  • FCC restores net neutrality rules that ban blocking and throttling in 3-2 vote
  • As I understand FCC deals with ISP ads too

  • FCC restores net neutrality rules that ban blocking and throttling in 3-2 vote
  • At least yoi are not at mercy of managment company. I don't know how in USSA, but here before ammendments to Communication Law, you had to initiate general homeowners meeting and vote to allow ISP to place their equipment in condo/multi-flat unit/whatever you call it. The hardest part was not getting votes for it, but getting enough people to vote.

  • Finally beat cancer
  • next you'll say people deserve clean water and steer the world away from climate disaster and genocide.

    First falls both under housing and healthcare(utility and preventive healthcare + hygene), genocide is opposite of healthcare and we are already in climate disaster.

  • EU regulations are likely to force WhatsApp is to open their servers to Matrix soon

    During Matrix FOSDEM talk it was mentioned that there is already working bridge that preserves E2EE.

    EU, I belive in you!

    Chalkeaters jumpscare

    Context: The Chalkeaters was started as gaming project of BroniKoni

    Bus comes to bus stop, but in Soviet Russia bus stop comes to bus

    In Stavropol man made bus stop with engine that can move.

    Now imagine waiting for a bus stop.

    Train manufacturer intentionally bricks trains serviced by independent service providers q3k :blobcatcoffee: (

    Attached: 1 image I can finally reveal some research I've been involved with over the past year or so. We (, and I) have reverse engineered the PLC code of NEWAG Impuls EMUs. These trains were locking up for arbitrary reasons after being serviced a...

    q3k :blobcatcoffee: (

    Polish train manufacturer that lost servicing tender programmed train controller to brick itself after train stays for some time in 6 ISP facilities or in 1 their faculity(for testing?) until undocumented button combination is pressed. Some controller versions brick itself after train is idle for 10 days. After news about this became public, manufacturer removed ability to unlock train by button combination.

    Also manufacturer is able to remotely brick train over internet(connected via GSM) at any time.

    Full versions: Polish(original), Russian

    Train manufacturer intentionally bricks trains serviced by independent service providers

    Polish train manufacturer that lost servicing tender programmed train controller to brick itself after train stays for some time in 6 ISP facilities or in 1 their faculity(for testing?) until undocumented button combination is pressed. Some controller versions brick itself after train is idle for 10 days. After news about this became public, manufacturer removed ability to unlock train by button combination.

    Also manufacturer is able to remotely brick train over internet(connected via GSM) at any time.

    Mod wanted ONLY article, so enjoy reading in polish.

    Political Memes uis
    [Translated] How I spent summer. Essay

    How I spent summer. Essay.

    In the morning we with my mom went to beach. There we've seen jellyfish(recognized as unwanted organization, included in the list of foreign agents).

    Then it rained(recognized as unwanted organization, included in the list of foreign agents). After rain came rainbow(which is element of extremist movement symbolics).

    Also mom showed me memorial in city center. Memorial is included in the list of foreign agents, its activity in Russia is suspended by the court's decision

    [Translated] How I spent summer. Essay.

    How I spent summer. Essay.

    In the morning we with my mom went to beach. There we've seen jellyfish(recognized as unwanted organization, included in the list of foreign agents).

    Then it rained(recognized as unwanted organization, included in the list of foreign agents). After rain came rainbow(which is element of extremist movement symbolics).

    Also mom showed me memorial in city center. Memorial is included in the list of foreign agents, its activity in Russia is suspended by the court's decision

    PS: If you know more appropiate community to post please name it

    Firefox crash log

    Image of fox sleeping on a log

    Xonotic - a FOSS FPS game

    Based on quake engine, now it has all the bells and whistles of modern graphics.

    Mastodon blocks

    I asked admin of my instance few minutes ago and didn't get reply yet, but it seems your instance( blocks

    EDIT: my instance isn't blocking

    More postpony

    Don't tell

    uis uis
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