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Last Chance to fix eIDAS: Secret EU law threatens Internet security
  • Politics are a waste of time. The vast majority of political parasites are blackmailed by dark forces and will continue to push for tyrannical laws no matter how many times they fail.

    A better option is to build and use unstoppable technologies and become self-sufficient and independent of the banker captured system. We need to create our own system based on voluntary cooperation instead of violence and threats of violence.

  • Does Element log the IP address of app users?
  • Not sure anyone here can answer this but it is best to assume so.

  • No federal privacy law? After the 23andMe hack, it's time to take action
  • The state only moves when there is a threat to its power or opportunity for expansion of power.

    The compromised con-men in con-gress do not give a damn about your "digital rights"

    PS. we have enough "laws"

  • privacy tusker
    qBittorrent adds experimental I2P support
    The Ultimate and Final Cuck
  • Hopefully most who figured this out would move their wealth from fiat into real investments even before crypto was around.

  • Tainted after one use
  • and they have wings!

  • ‘Who Benefits?’ Inside the EU’s Fight over Scanning for Child Sex Content [⚠Behind Cloudflare, See Text]
  • So they were able to shut down the whole world because of the flu but they cannot catch and arrest child abusers and need to scan all private communications, sounds legit.

  • Is the new Raspberry Pi 5 good enough for Monero mining?
  • I hope so, would be cool to see a custom rig with a few dozen of them combined.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • How about the state use the trillion they steal yearly and go out and catch the criminals who are abusing children instead of trying to spy on everyone.

  • KYC? No, thanks | Blog
  • The problem is we have a tyrannical state defining illicit. Just because someone makes deceleration about something does not make it so.

    Crimes need to have a victim otherwise there is no crime regardless of what someone proclaims.

    KYC is put in place so the ruling elite can feed their databases regarding most financial activity so they can use that info. to rig the system and increase their wealth and power.

  • MINI.P2Pool.Observer - Sweep Transaction Lookup
  • For increased privacy and security it is best to sweep your mined funds into another address you own before spending them out in the world. That way spends cannot be linked to your p2pool miner.

  • privacy tusker Signal Just Published Post Quantum E2E Encryption

    In this video I discuss how the Signal foundation developed PQXDH (Post Quantum Extended Diffie Helmen) an encryption algorithm that is hardened against quantum computer cracking and how this protocol...

    Signal Just Published Post Quantum E2E Encryption
    Today The UK Parliament Undermined The Privacy, Security, And Freedom Of All Internet Users
  • They are panicking. They know the tools we have at hand are slowly but surely making their power and control null and void.

  • Don't spy on me
  • Nice one!

  • 50kh/s hobby farm update
  • Time well spent, looks great!

  • P2Pool turns 1000 commits old! 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🥂

    A big thanks to SChernykh for the continued effort in maintaining this important piece of the Monero ecosystem!

    Make sure to visit and drop a nice donation! 👛

    privacy tusker
    The Monero community is fully dedicated to privacy and freedom and we prove it with our private, untraceable votes, AKA money.
    P2Pool v3.6 release
  • That would be the case if you use --add-exclusive-node

    --add-priority-node should not behave like that, not sure what the issue is with your situation.

    maybe try deleting your p2pstate.bin file and restart monerod

  • P2Pool v3.6 release
  • Your monerod should have it's own node list, especially if it has been on the network for some time. A priority node being offline should not affect your node.

  • P2Pool v3.6 release
  • p2pool has really come a long way in a pretty short time, the dev is a coding machine!

  • Some people still care about privacy, fight against the cashless society!
  • If we could have physical Monero cash I would be for it. I am for any honest form of money, blockchain is just the easiest way to accomplish this without the state being able to stop it.

  • Some people still care about privacy, fight against the cashless society!
  • They would only know things like location, time , amount. With this data you can build a pretty comprehensive profile about your whole life.

  • Monero: It's got everything you need to be superior money
  • I did not make the graphic so relax. Decentralization is not on or off, it is a spectrum.

  • privacy tusker
    Some people still care about privacy, fight against the cashless society!
    privacy tusker
    How To Make Private Transactions; Why It's Crucial (Monero mentioned!) Banks Are SELLING Your Financial Data!

    Financial privacy is essential for a free society, because it allows us to support causes we believe in without fear of retribution, to flee dangerous situations without being tracked, to live our daily lives without feeling like every choice we make is on display and needs to be self-censored. How...

    Banks Are SELLING Your Financial Data!
    1 Quick intro to mining Monero - Monerotopia Development Epi #XMR125

    Quick intro to mining Monero - Monerotopia Development Epi 125 - Jul 22nd, 2023

    Quick intro to mining Monero - Monerotopia Development Epi #XMR125
    tusker tusker
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