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Helping those who come after me maintain a website.
  • There's a case to be made, realistically speaking, that using a well-known framework or even a CMS like Wordpress means less complexity specific to your website to understand for the next person. FTP cough SFTP or Markdown/HTML is definitely not beyond non-technical people to understand and use, but sadly there could be some resistance nowadays I imagine.

    I would look into static website generators. Sadly I'm not sure what is most reliable nowadays, but I would prioritize easy of use and installation, as speed is probably meaningless on your scale. Here's a random article.

  • wayland was a mistake
  • There is ! and !

    I mean... "who needs features in 2022" is onto something. But I use both, for various Nvidia and laziness related reasons, and have a dim idea what they do inside, as probably most flamers on the topic.

  • Open Source Lightweight Markup Language for Project Management
  • Feedback: to see an example one has to click through to another file in the repo.

    Is it a subset of Markdown or YAML? It is a type of decision that it would be good to be upfront with to the users. It also gives you a framework for further thinking and development, and some out of the box parsability.

  • How do you discover music?
  • YouTube recommendations are often 30-60% decent and you can always fall back to that. Anything that has tags and similar artist functionality: (still technically exists),, more specialized sites like Encyclopedia Metallum. I like to get some recommendations out of band even if I use streaming, otherwise it's too easy to phase out and make your memory dependent on their algo.

    Some (even) more niche and involved methods:

    • I am experimenting with using for searching for opinions on forums and personal websites, starting with my "initial" artist, genre or the vibe I'm looking for.
    • if you look for an album on ebay or wherever and find a have a small seller with their personal collection, I like to take a listen to some other items from the same person that look promising.
    • at least for jazz and probably mainstream pop/rock (? however to call it) there are physical books dedicated to briefly reviewing a ton of albums. I prefer this to typical written reviews because all I need is an album name and some gist of what to expect. If the writer has a long analysis etc. I tend not to agree after listening, I may like some things that they hate and the words have nothing to do with music. Probably the "1000 albums you have to listen to" lists on the internet can serve similar purpose.
  • Keeping and running frequently used commands
  • Obvious things I don't see mentioned:

    • Bash scripts kept in the home directory or another place that's logical for them specifically.
    • history | grep whatever (or other useful piping), though your older commands are forgotten eventually. You can mess with the values of HISTSIZE and HISTFILESIZE environment variables in your system.
  • How do I get my players to read the rules?
  • I don't know if you're talking in the long campaign, same players context, but I often find that for one shots around half of players, at best, skim the rulebook of the particular system. Myself sometimes I do, sometimes I don't find time. Some people, like it or not, come to a session mainly to chill and even let the others do most of the adventuring. Others engage with the adventure but don't feel like engaging with the rules beyond what the GM requires.

    I'm also assuming the GM will explain the rules, and I think they are the ultimate authority. So stuff from the rulebook may not even be relevant (thrown out, replaced), and GM is the interface for the rules. I would call it OSR mentality, though some may call it glorified player laziness. But as a GM it may give you more room for your ideas actually.

    I think the situation is a problem if players don't know the rules and get mad when their plans are impossible. I suppose this can happen more often with rules-heavy systems.

    Anyway, I think keeping the rulebooks close to the players (either as putting them on the table or sharing PDFs) is good advice.

  • A Comprehensive Analysis of the GPL Issues With the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Business Model | Software Freedom Conservancy
  • Context just before that quote:

    As we understand it, this contract clearly states that the terms do not intend to contradict any rights to copy, modify, redistribute and/or reinstall the software as many times and as many places as the customer likes (see §1.4). Additionally, though, the contract indicates that if the customer engages in these activities, that Red Hat reserves the right to cancel that contract and make no further contracts with the customer for support and update services.

    This is rich, don't know how many people are aware of that.

  • Is the out-of-the-box quality of desktop-focused Linux distros declining recently?
  • I was looking into Arch-based environment and wondered if there is an option for a scenario where you don't have to update for a few weeks for example, because you don't use that computer or whatever. But you still want to try the Arch configurability and wiki docs for it.

    From what you're saying, it's still actually all rolling release. From my (flawed? correct me) understanding it is different from Ubuntu or Fedora, where you can update an outdated OS state and it isn't supposed to break. Possibly barring changing OS versions.

  • Posters, Posers and POSR(s)
  • Thankfully regardless of trends in new gaming material, OSR is there to provide some sort of shared ground and quasi-compatibility back to the seventies. And a rough framework with an excuse for shameless homebrewing as well. I hope it will also continue to be a term you can use to attract people to play in the style.

  • how to download pdf from educational site
  • They may not expose the actual PDF to you at all, just some software rendering of it. In that case I'd focus on making screenshotting efficient. Find a program that lets you save the whole screen to file automatically at once (one button press), or use Firefox ctrl+shift+s -> click on the page area -> save -> enter.

  • Why oh Why Dungeons??? Post up IRL Dungeons
  • Any relatively sprawling historical place can do. (Image-search for "X plans" and "X photos" where X is your place) You can annotate them with whatever theme you want, look also at real life photos for inspiration. I mean to run something like this at some point. Real life cave systems, on the other hand, are mind boggling.

  • [Question] Best way to start hosting a MediaWiki instance?
  • Agreed, I think hosting it on localhost not exposed to the internet is a great idea if this satisfies your needs for now. Do double-check the docs for your system if firewall disallows web server connections by default (Manjaro and Endeavour are based on Arch which is supposed to have good wiki).

    Then, if you want to go online, you can export the database and put it into a server install.

  • EU parliament agrees to strongly regulate AI; could impact Stable Diffusion and other image generators
  • Corps passing their stuff as "technically open source" would also be a problem. Google controls a lot of web by open source Chrome, Microsoft controls dev IDEs by open source VS Code. I'm sure OpenAI would find more ways to pretend to be "open" again if it would be more profitable than saying they have scary monster AIs they can't release publicly.

    Open source exceptions would have to be in tandem with breaking them up somehow and setting some limits to their activities.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I mean okay, this answers your question, but this is up to date for now. These are very early days and I expect a lot more drama and defede's to come, if Lemmy will survive. You can't predict that exactly.

    If you cared only about not being banned being by anyone, you could just pick an instance with lowest BBY. But you said you also care about the breadth of content (both NSFW and general stuff), and as you said these could be in conflict in the future. If they will, we're kind of screwed anyway.

    I would not assume the worst tho. We're not on a bad trajectory of banning everywhere left and right at the very start. There is more panic among people about stuff that could happen hypothetically. I have good hopes for Lemmy.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • So far it seems that known bans (except the universal one for lemmygrad) are motivated by behavior of the users, not the contents on the instance. I hope it will stay this way. They do not have to read it, you can even hide NSFW here and it works. The other instances are not advertisers who fear NSFW the most.

    By flocking to instances doing defederation you encourage this behavior and eventually they are/will be the most happy to ban stuff inside. I am happy to comment from here anywhere, including beehaw etc. (which we still can), but won't bother to make accounts on closed silos.

    As one user I don't think you can "strategize" better than picking an open instance that is not overrun by trolls and vandals. I think this one is good enough?

  • Who blocks FMHY
  • Yeah, I even recently commented on a post of theirs from here not knowing we're cut out. Now it will hang on my profile, presumably reaching them never.

  • One Small step, a giant leap for Fediverse but...
  • Yeah, I'm not disagreeing there is a convenience and ease angle, but I think there's a middle ground where we have 2-3 communities for major interests with somewhat different vibes or approaches, so there is a topic reason for them coexisting. This already happens in the old school forums ecosystem. Fediverse's advantage here is that you hopefully don't need separate accounts.

    Re: loss of knowledge, if some instance/community does a purge, I'm assuming the old posts are still there, at the very least on the instances that used to be federated with them. I suppose it would be a nice to have a feature for admins for "freezing" their public backups of mirrored communities when they get defederated. It's not that different of a scenario from standard Internet drama, we just have to handle this nicely.

    I agree with other people that the right to defederate is to be respected. If we rely on one hub community somewhere to congregate, this is only kinda decentralization. At the very least the central hubs shouldn't be on instances that are too defederation-happy.

    On the other hand, I see the argument that many users means more difficult moderation, where defederation might be a band-aid as they say on beehaw. The question is if they have too ambitious moderation goals to handle being a central hub, and maybe indeed it would be better for their communities to be sort of internal to them.

  • One Small step, a giant leap for Fediverse but...
  • May be worth keeping some local communities in that case, which can also serve as sort of backup for wider community from other small servers. For example, if there is "Knitting" on a big instance, you can consider creating something more specific like "Knitting full RGB sweaters" on your smaller instance. Then there is a basis for sustained discussion there, and more people can come if something breaks. I have some ideas for comms like this that I'll maybe come around to creating.

    I don't think we need to keep full centralization be-where-everyone-is mentality here. Or maybe be where everyone is, but don't make it the only place where you talk with people.

  • FMHY is now blacked out for the next 48 hours
  • Just FYI apparently the method works now.

  • 'Beginner's Guide to Lemmy' Collection
  • No problem man, we know you're working hard through this chaos

  • Cannot sign up from Firefox?

    As in the title. The sign up/login page here was stuck for me after clicking the submit button (the circle keeps spinning infinitely). No request blockage from addons as far as I can tell. I unhappily switched to a Chromium based browser and worked instantly. I wonder if others experience the same.
