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Does anyone know the status of #funkwhale? The website ( has been down for a couple days now. #fediverse
  • @Telorand @opensource Maybe. But I didn't think there was an actual funkwhale instance at that URL -- I thought it was just the project's website (forums, git repo, etc). I could be wrong, though.

    If so, that's an unfortunate way of learning to separate the two, I guess. 😩

  • Does anyone know the status of #funkwhale? The website ( has been down for a couple days now. #fediverse
  • @aciDC14 @opensource Not sure what you mean; Funkwhale is a self-hostable application for streaming music. Uses ActivityPub for sharing, too.

    v2 was in the planning stages on their forum, but the website has now been down for 2-3 days (that I know of).

  • Does anyone know the status of #funkwhale? The website ( has been down for a couple days now. #fediverse
  • @opensource I see that a new whois record was created for the domain name just today. Any chance it expired? 😬 cc @funkwhale @cda

  • Firefox 124.0, See All New Features, Updates and Fixes
  • Also, if you're looking to get away from AI in your browser, Opera is absolutely not the way to go. The company is run by techbros that will jump on any hype train to gain users. Good summary here:

  • Bluesky Continues Rapid Growth, Reaches Federation Milestone
  • @BlinkerFluid @hedge I agree with your overall point: social networks where you subscribe to a community seem to get more replies (and longer replies) than ones where you subscribe a person. They also make it harder for influencers to take off -- anyone's post has a chance of generating discussion. They deemphasize who the OP is.

    Mastodon's ability to follow those communities is, IMO, a killer feature that I hope more people discover. (Case in point: I'm posting this from Mastodon right now.)

  • Why did she have to drag oat milk into this 😭
  • Plenty of people try to use popular hashtags to promote their unrelated content, but I'm almost impressed that they actually tried to make a segue from "oatmilk" to "my hustle grindset blog."

  • As lemmy grows what games are you hoping for webs of?
  • Great timing for one right now with Street Fighter 6, Mortal Kombat 1, and Tekken 8 all coming out soon.

  • Retro Game Recs?
  • @mint Some non-Sonic games on Sega systems:

    - Vectorman, a 2D platformer. Amazing pre-rendered graphics for the time.
    - Phantasy Star IV, a JRPG. I haven't played many JRPGs, but I did kind of like this one.

    - Nights into Dreams, a platformer-ish.
    - Rayman, a 2D platformer.

    - Rayman 2, a 3D platformer.
    - Power Stone 2, kind of like Super Smash but in 3D.
    - Skies of Arcadia, a JRPG. Again, one of the few JRPGs I've played, so I'm no expert, but the world was cool.

  • tuckerm Tucker McKnight

    Software developer from Salt Lake City, USA.

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