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[Ian Cutress] The Problem with Tech Media: Ego, Dogmatism, and Cult of Personality
  • He is a pretty respected and known (former)reviewer in the tech industry. Used to be a writer for anandtech for many years, and now does some kine of consulting for tech companies. But most importantly, he personally knows, and as far as i know is respected, by both ltt and gamersnexus.

  • [question] has anyone here applied for a Jetbrains "Competitive Discount"?
  • This seems more focused on commercial license holders. here paying for your ide is not that uncommon, and also the amount of revenue to be gained is a lot higher. That being said I always found it a bit weird that jetbrains didnt make clion free for non commercial use as they did with pycharm/intelij.

  • what are you reading this week ?
  • I'll be starting with the andrej karpathy neural network series. Might not be reading per se, but I find it high time I actually go through and learn fully how each part of a neural net works together, instead of focusing only on small parts.

  • Rice consumption in Europe
  • I honestly have no clue. I mean I know we eat rice, but wouldn't say we eat a lot of it. And while we do have a large immigrant percentage, not a significant amount of those are from regions where eating rice is popular.

  • Opinions on trailing return type?
  • I have found it nice to use for large types (nested containers, lambdas) which are only used once, and I would not necessarily want a typedef. However I also dont like using it too much its basically trading up coding speed for reading speed. And tile and time again it has been found that the latter one is done a lot more.

  • Opinions on trailing return type?

    Since c++11 it has been possible that instead of declaring your function as "int name(arguments);" you can now do "auto name(arguments) -> int;". The place I work at has it as style rule that all functions need to be declared that way. Now obviously this is not that large of a thing, and a consistent style is more important than my opinion here. But this has always felt like a weird thing, adding extra bloat to reading code. Anyways looking around I saw some positives to this construction, generally with the use of long return types, that are paramount when using templates. Here the benefit is that the function name is not hidden behind multiple template declarations, which does seem like a good argument. Also lamndbas generally use this. However I personally see some negatives here with using this foe every function, namely:

    • extra bloat when typing/reading the code. This however could be automated to switch between the needed representations. It currently isent so I personally have ti type the auto and trailing return type manually, its not a lot, but still. Also reading code has become a bit more annoying if you have a lot of function overrides as you now have to first look which block of declarations have the smae function name and then parse which one has the correct return type.
    • inconsistency with other typed programming languages: This one is probably why it irks me, but (and correct me on this) I dont know of a c style typed programming language that supports this type of syntax. Python has typehints(which you should use, please), which are declared after the function, and I remember Haskell also has their return type after the function name. But both of thede languages serve a different function than c++. More similar languages like c# and java dont support trailing return types.

    Anyway enough of me ranting, I would like to know wath the other opinions here are. And whether this rant is missing se important arguments?

    GPT-4's details are leaked
  • I have been out of the ml world for a bit (like 6months lol ...) And I already feel way out if date. It seems like I should pick up the vicuna llm, didnt want to touch llama initially due to the legal problems with it. I thought that would be a problem for a while, and then they went and solved it. Somehow even missed the news of it, most likely due to the enormous amount of news comming from the ml world (I might need a model to abbreviate it). Anyways thanks for the article I know what to do this weekend.

  • [help] Learning to code
  • Back in the day before university (around 6 years ago) I got recommended a mooc(massive open online course) by the university of Helsinki. I used this course to get started with learning to program, and to find out whether it was something for me. It has been some time, and it seems they update the course but I hope it can help you too in learning. Here is the link: It really starts from 0, with setting up te environment which is nice. It is in java using the netbeans ide which some would call antique, but in my opinion that does not really matter to start to learn.

  • GPT-4's details are leaked
  • The most interesting part here I find is the cost analysis. Was quite surprised to see that the cost to train it on current hardware would have been a third of the cost it was back when they were training it. That is like a 3x improvement in a year/year and a half. I winder whether this trend will continue.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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