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WTF is this?
  • not pictured: millions of Ukrainian red army soldiers rolling in their graves

  • A hilarious thread with some insight into the idiotic lib intelligentsia
  • pretty funny way to scam the NSF out of half a mil

  • Westoleftos have a superiority complex
  • "i ain't reading all that" bruh it's so short it takes like 3 minutes to read

  • Westerners in shambles, disappointed that Russians didn't start killing each other
  • if they thought this was gonna turn into a civil war or some shit they're delusional

  • [REC] People speak of Wastelands but I don't ever see people speak of the masterpiece from the studio: Torment: Tides of Numenera.
  • I think the reason people don't talk about it much is that it's a spiritual successor to Planescape: Torment (which is generally regarded as one of the greatest RPGs ever) but doesn't quite live up to that game's reputation. Tides of Numenera is still a good game but it could never realistically reach the level of reverence people have for P:T.

  • Anyone know what's going on with Wagner in Russia
  • once again Metal Gear Solid correctly predicted something lol

  • beehaw is running their own survey too
  • It's so frustrating that FOSS communities are always full of libertarian types. You'd think open source stuff would attract a lot of socialists but no. I remember reading a thread in r/linux about how Huawei employees were submitting cleanup patches to the linux kernel and the comments were full of people saying we should ban any code coming from Chinese devs lol

  • How it started vs how it's going
  • are they still getting most of their armor destroyed in the "screening zone" or whatever it's called? I remember a few days ago The New Atlas was pointing out how they hadn't even reached Russia's first defensive line yet

  • Weebs and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
  • what was even the point of that poll? why even include prison/execution as an option? bizarre

  • Please keep Canadian mining companies in your thoughts as they suffer new regulatory laws in Mexico
  • “The majority in Congress engaged in an unprecedented rubber-stamping exercise by sanctioning a game-changing framework for mining operations and investment,” said Armando Ortega, chair of the mining committee of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Mexico. “This framework includes reserving mining exploration for the Mexican state.”

    Other modifications include shortened concession timeframes with renewals shrinking from 50 to 25 years, tighter restrictions on water use in projects and limiting the rights to only exploit certain minerals rather than any discovered in the area.

    Canada’s trade minister, local ambassador and mining executives have also expressed concerns to Mexico’s economy minister that giving preferential treatment to state-owned entities risks breaching its obligations under the free trade US-Mexico-Canada Agreement as well as the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership.

    how dare Mexico exercise tighter control over their own country's resources >:(

  • remote work stories
  • This hits kind of close to home for me. Without giving too many details, I was in a pretty serious traffic accident some years ago and my mom thankfully took time off work to be with me in the hospital room so I wouldn't be alone. About a week into my stay her boss (who knew about the accident) started nagging her about how long she was going to be out because "work was piling up" so she had to start bringing an ipad with her to the hospital so she could still work while she was there. Just one reason in the giant pile of reasons I fucking hate this country.

  • toilet_wolf Yiazmat
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