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Biden’s Lapses Are Said to Be Increasingly Common and Worrisome
  • I have seen that said, but I haven't seen it to be true

  • [USA] Appeals court rules that cops can physically make you unlock your phone
  • Wasn't there a court ruling that forcing someone to unlock their phone was unconstitutional? The fourth amendment seems to indicate a warrent at least is required to search someone's papers, in the modern era that should apply to phones, obviously the constitution is meaningless if they want to do whatever but still.

    Edit: in Riley v. California (2014) the Supreme Court unanimously decided that warrentless search of a cellphone during an arrest was unconstitutional.

  • Donald Trump shares stage with rightwing activist who's discussing stoning gay people to death
  • This is one of my favorite Jesus quotes, because it complements the idea that no one but god is free from sin. So no one can judge the sins of others but god and Jesus, but basically all the actual Christians that love it are ignorant on their own religion and think they are free from sin unlike those dang gays and such.

  • "Contrary to a 'horseshoe' theory, the evidence reveals increasing antisemitism moving from left to right."
  • Okay let me be more accurate, sorry. You said you dislike people that call themselves antifascist more than people who murder Jewish people and queers.

  • "Contrary to a 'horseshoe' theory, the evidence reveals increasing antisemitism moving from left to right."
  • People against Nazis are worse than Nazis, is literally what you are saying.

  • "Contrary to a 'horseshoe' theory, the evidence reveals increasing antisemitism moving from left to right."
  • Could YOU care to explain? Do you have some issue with antifascism?

  • "Contrary to a 'horseshoe' theory, the evidence reveals increasing antisemitism moving from left to right."
  • What do they say? Because I am a lifelong antifascist and communist and we love Jewish people but shun Zionism, maybe you have conflated the two.

  • Outrage over ‘massacre’ in Gaza as Israel rescued four hostages
  • Blockading food” The state of Israel just presented today to the supreme court that 6000 truck per months entered gaza since hmammas started this shit. Thats not blockade.

    They can say anything they want though, Israel has continuously limited aid for the purpose of causing starvation of Palestinians, IDF officials have openly admitted this.

  • Newsmax Host Ominously Warns ‘You People in Your Cities’ Who Are ‘Pushing the Party That Owns 90% of the Guns’
  • Republicans only rank so high for gun ownership because of the dozens of people that have an armories worth. Left -wing and marginalized people will have one or two guns that are effective, not a stockpile of tacticool attachments and WW2 rifles.

  • Every damn day
  • People do on occasion, like there were armed leftists that prevented police from raiding encampments in Texas, and at some protests there have been organized armed groups like John Brown Gun Clubs or Socialist Rifle Associations. Several people that argued for more militant resistance to state violence were murdered in 2020, and many times for decades before that, so a lot of people are scared and not organized sufficiently, but there are groups that have been preparing.

  • Republican bill aims to give Americans in Israeli military same benefits as US soldiers
  • I'd allow it, as long as they let Americans serving with anti-Zionist resistance groups get the benefits too.

  • Scarlett Johansson denied OpenAI the right to use her voice. They used it anyway.
  • This is an A-Lister commie board, we have Ryan Gosling too!

    Edit: whoops I thought this was a hexbear post but my point stands, less commie though

  • "Thought-Terminating Cliches"
  • They are just pointing out that these phrases are used for that, which is why they are recognized as "thought-terminating cliches", it doesn't mean they are always used in such a way. You can be aware of manipulative language without being an anarchist or commie.

  • Based on recent events
  • Well yes I think all of us should be the better person, obviously easier said than done! I'm not a fan of ridicule or bullying of course (except against actual nazis maybe) and I feel bad if you or anyone has been hurt by harassment. I am mostly just trying to say this sort of infighting is all just taken too seriously, and arguing about 'tankies', which can mean any number of things to different people, doesn't seem helpful to anyone in my view.

    For what it's worth, like another comment said I do really appreciate the work you and others have done to make this instance possible! I don't have any resentment for anyone in this situation and I hope hexers and us here can all come together better in the future, we have more alike than in difference.

  • Based on recent events
  • Have you read the comments? Plenty of people think this is silly evidently, it's not brigading when a lot of dbz users are hexbear users also

    Upvoted comment here:

    I don’t care for the drama on Hexbear. And I don’t care for it here either. This post is drama baiting.

    That's a reasonable sentiment to me

  • Based on recent events
  • I wasn't saying you were immature, I said the whole situation was. The impetus for the whole thing, deleting of the post, also seemed to make no sense to me at all. But to elevate the situation after that was what I meant was immature really. And from there it just seemed like a schoolyard fight or something, all of it just being a waste of time distracting and taking energy away from everyone involved.

  • Based on recent events
  • I don't know all the details of the drama but I'm sorry you haven't had better interactions with hexbear. Some users can be problematic like any place, but I have been inspired by the effort, genuine good faith debate and historical analysis that is common in hexbear discussions. I'm anarchist, I first came to the fediverse through this instance and haven't had any issue with hexbear, and personally would defed from .world before hexbear lol.

    Can you clarify how hexbear facilities harassment? I'm not saying you're wrong but I just don't know what you mean. They have the_dunk_tank which you could argue does but they changed the rules to discourage dunking on anyone that isn't a prominent voice, if there is harassment from users I haven't seen the mods do anything to encourage it.

  • Based on recent events
  • What hate comments are you talking about? I legit don't know what you are talking about and I post there almost exclusively. You say 'not us' but what is this post full of attempted shame on hexbear then? Have you seen the hex thread about defederating? The hex users share kindness for dbzer0 users, the reasons for the banning seemed pretty reasonable and consistent with their policies, and they voted against defederating. From my perspective this whole situation seems a bit immature.

  • Based on recent events
  • I swear 90% of the people deriding hexbear were offended by one post and never went back or saw a post that was entirely full of sarcastic comments and thought it was unironic. I'm not even ML, I call myself an anarchist and argue about all kinds of shit on hexbear and I have found it to be a very caring community, and actually doesn't tolerate transphobia or imperialist apologia unlike most online spaces.

  • tocopherol tocopherol
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