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Bike popped a spoke!
  • My hardtail is popping spokes right and left. Well one every two to three months. Shit wheels simply.

    Changing a spoke isn't that hard but it can be a fiddly process. And cumbersome. Have a look at a few spoke replacement videos to see if it is something you think you can do yourself. Depending on where the spoke broke you will need a new nippie too.

    And then you really should true the wheel as well. You dont need a fancy srand for that but it helps. A zip tie, or just snything flexible that doesn't scratch, and just hold it while you spin the wheel is enough to locate the wobbly spot. Then untighten one spoke and tighten another quarter to half turn. Spin wheel to see effect and bew worst spot. Fiddly but fun.

  • Diablo 4 wants to avoid the ‘Destiny loot cave’ problem
  • Mmmhmmm. Just imagine every few hours the game updated boosts to (for example) specific dungeons. If one has been popular then the nect interval you have a -10% loot and xp (number taken out if my arse). And these numbers posted clearly in and out of game. I think it wouldn't take too long before minmaxers have identified breakpoints for when each dungeon is "profitable". And not too long after that evegy dungeon would be about as profitable as every other.

    I wouldn't mind at least trying such a system. Think it would be neat.

  • Game Masters of the Federation, which character did you initially intend to add to your world but ended up in the bonfire of ideas?
  • The only one I can think of right now would be Imjara, the earth-goddess of the Imjaran peninsula and one of the many earth-daughters. Not no much that she was never introduced, rather never got re-introduced in a later campaign.

    A fair bit of background and story. The current dominant culture, the Kloviaks and especially the Belliard sub-group, got into their position driving out and subjugating the previous group. This migration was encouraged by the All Encompassing Church of the Common Faith and the Bruxlannian Commonwealth. I never gave that culture's name for itself but the Kloviaks and other outsiders either called them Imjarans or Soulmongers. During the migration and wars a hero rose among the Kloviaks, Bellik the Great, who drove the Imjarans into the southern sea. It was said he slew the last soulmonger and built his new capital on that site.

    That is what the records, legends and propaganda say. What really happened was that Bellik did corner the last soulmonger, driven to far reaches of her domain. But he could not slay her, he knew that. Bellik was not a fool and knew the last soulmonger was Imjara, the earth-goddess of the land. Slaying her would doom the land, would kill it. Nothing would grow and nothing alive would be born. So instead he subjugated her, as his faith and people had done with the land, and imprisoned her. Never really said how she was imprisoned but that never did matter.

    So enter a previous campaign. Character needing mentors in magical arts, get-out-of-jail-cards etc. One thing led to another and at the end of a character's arc, with the player having talked about wanting to play something different, the party found themselves where Bellik once stood all those years ago. Knowing who the soulmonger-witch imprisoned beep withing the oubliette of the old keep was but wanting her presence gone from the land (something about the preservation of the souls of the faithful) the character did what needed to be done. Took upon himself to carry the witch and keeping her contained in him. And then left. Que end cinematic from Diablo and the lone wanderer cinematic from Diablo 2.

    Fast forward to a later campaign set on the same peninsula but ravaged by generations of civil wars. The amount of death brought upon the land had made it into a fallow wasteland. If Imjara would have remained things would have been different. This new campaign used the Torchbearer rules and was about delving into dangerous environments and loot the loots. So not really that much about deep issues in the setting. But as the characters grew and I felt I could up the mystic parts of the campaign I started seeding rumours. One about a lone hooded emerald-eyed wanderer one stormy night rowing into the capital, just walking past the harbormaster without uttering any words and heading towards the old keep. Other rumours (later on) of farms being visited by an old impoverished crone with emerald eyes and those who treated her well found their fields growing a full harvest in but a month. These rumours were sprinkled in with others more directly leading to treasure. Guess which rumours the party decided to follow?

    Then at one point I had introduced Armaud, the first mortal to reject mortality and once a lover to Imjara and a crack in the sky-stone keeping Nothing at bay. Armaud had told the party the only one he knew who could possibly mend it would be Imjara, who he also knew once again walked the lands. But their relationship didn't end well and he feared this time she would undo him, force mortality back onto him. So he had tasked the party to seek her out. At this time the campaign was drawing towards the end and we agreed to shelve this arc for some other game and instead do one last dungeon run to get filthy rich.

    So here I sit with Imjara in the to-be-used-later folder waiting for a campaign rushing directly into the mysteries of creation. We'll see when she comes around.

  • Diablo IV Builds?
  • Something I have found immensely useful is the filter on the activity panel, top-right of it. Being able to easily highlight for eample abilities that does something with vulnerability gives me so much better overview. Really helps me determine where to put the points when I'm too lazy to tab to a guide.

    Aöso Fextralife have a bunch of build guides.

  • What are dragons like in your world?
  • Dragons in my world(s) are creatures of Creativity and Imagination, more primordial than anything else in creation.

    The scriptures from the Followers of the Blind Idiot God rarely mention Dragons, and when they do it is about their presence. Outside scholars say this is because the Followers of the Blind Idiot God doesn't understand Dragons. How much truth it is in that is debated, often with ale and fisticuffs. Yet the nature of Dragons elude the Followers.

    If one would encounter the nowadays elusive Dragonewts and ask them about the origins of Dragons they would gladly tell of the Draconic Creation myth (stolen this straight off from Glorantha because it is cool). They would say that before anything else there was Chaos, and in this empty void lay the Power of Disorder. Disorder stirred and within its stirrings an egg was formed. From it the Great Ancestor Dragon hatched. It then sat and meditated on the silent world, planning its growth. The Myth then continues on telling of how the Dragon drove off Chaos and thus creating the Darkness Rune from its feet. Rest of Creation were then created from the Dragon itself, it for example cut open its loins and Water was created. From its brain, existing both inside and outside Creation, came the Ancestral Dragons. They were the teachers of Deities teaching them about the Runes and Forms. After passing on their wisdom the Ancestral Dragons met up, mated and then disappeared. Their children were the Mythic Dragons with powers rivalling Deities. If they still exist they don't exist in Creation but it is said they live in God World. From the Mythic Dragons came the True Dragons who live in Creation. They are of a statue so immense it is almost unfathomable, their size makes them more like pieces of geography than creatures. Luckily they sleep. From their dreams come the Dream Dragons and are the kind of Dragon encountered, even if seldom. These are the kind of Dragons referred to when talking about Dragons.

    It is impossible to say anything in general about the appearance or behaviour of True Dragons as they wake so seldom and doesn't communicate in any recorded way. Dream Dragons on the other hand tend to be serpentine or reptilian in appearance. With anything from zero to four pairs of legs and most have wings. It has been recorded that unwinged dragons do possess the ability to fly, but no accounts come from credible sources. Their behaviour vary wildly as it depends on the Dream they were created from. While they hunt and feed it doesn't appear to be necessary for their survival. Most current (reputable) scholars instead hold the theory they are nourished by the Dream from which they came from.

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