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Why are Japanese developers not undergoing mass layoffs?
  • So the biggest problem, particularly with the currency and economy, is that Japan lacks a lot of resources so a ton of things are imported. This means that a ton of things used by normal people are going up in price, especially since corona opened the floodgates on that (Japanese makers were really resistant to changing prices but corona gave an excuse and momentum came in). For most Japanese, that's just going to impact goods and services. For most foreigners, they want to go home to see their family sometimes and their wages mean much less and flight prices get higher. Overseas vacations in general are an issue here. If there's an emergency, it's even worse.

    Two types of long-release ADHD medication are currently allowed for adult ADHD in Japan. Instant release and other varieties are very illegal. Concerta was the only option until fairly recently, but now another one is allowed (though English documentation is probably behind).

  • Why are Japanese developers not undergoing mass layoffs?
  • A company can sponsor an IT worker quite easily. The recipient needs to have a degree or 10 years of experience (though degree is strongly preferred due to paperwork) and can't have a criminal record (to simplify a bit).

    They (employee being hired) should be prepared to make 1/4 to about 1/2 what they would make in the US, almost certainly have full in-person office time, and the exchange rate to USD is the worst it's been in over 30 years with no sign of recovery (my salary converted to USD is worse now than when I made far less gross salary), etc.

    In the case of Americans, the added bonus that the Japanese versions of retirement accounts (iDECO and NISA) are basically off-limits because the IRS taxes them punitively. Several investments are off limits for the same reason (PFICs). They can't contribute to a 401k unless they have US taxable income which would mean double taxation. If they make over the IRS's minimum (which is hard with a Japanese salary and exchange rate at the moment outside of FANG and certain fintech), they do get the pleasure of being double-taxed. Either way, they still have to file US taxes every year and likely FBAR as well.

    Oh, and if they want to work for any of the major game studios, they will need to read, write, and speak a certain degree of Japanese.

    Few banks, medical institutions, etc. have much if any English support (though it is getting better).

    If they like weed or anything, it's still super illegal here and will result in detention for up to 23 days before charging, serving a jail sentence, and being banned for anywhere from 5 years to life from Japan. This could also happen if their family/doctor in the US happens to send them a medication they can't get here (for example, many types of ADHD drugs are fully illegal here).

    Edit: another one! If they want to keep voting, they may need to pay state taxes as well enough if they do not live there and will not set foot there again; it depends upon the state how that is handled.

    Edit2: I'm a software engineer (and, as of recently, small-scale farmer) originally from the US and living in Japan for nearly a decade now.

  • (Answered-ish) Where should I ask for help deleting an account for a Japanese website?
  • I didn't see it in the search. They may use other terms like 閉める or something, but we have no legal requirement here that I know of to allow for account deletion. No company I worked for did until we wanted to do business where things like GDPR (I think it's called) is a thing.

  • Do you like America? Why or why not?
  • Arguably, many people groups indigenous to what is now the US (and often times into Canada and Mexico as well) were each their own countries and sometimes joined into confederacies (for example the Iroquois Confederacy and some others). I do think indigenous voices frequently get lost (and that does need fixing), but I don't know if there's value in representing them as a single unit as though they were a single nation before. Many groups came over at different times, migrated around, etc. They're not even all in the same macro language families (and may have come from separate peopling events, but that's a whole other can of worms).

  • What YouTubers did you used to watch back then but not anymore?
  • Binging with Babish - the content just drifted away. He started doing a show with another guy and I just didn't watch those episodes. Then, the content went further and I stopped watching.

    Joshua Weissman - he just became insufferable at some point. I liked his older content.

    Shadiversity, Sabine Hossenfelder - they have positions that cause hurt to people and that I morally do not agree with and won't give watch time or ad/sub money to. There are probably more here, but I don't recall. They're welcome to their opinions, but I'm not entitled to view them or fund them.

    First we Feast - mostly watched it for Hot Ones (the Motz's stuff was fantastic!) but I got tired of Hot Ones, didn't know most of the guests for a long stretch (not living in the US or really consuming US media made me lose track of things). I also kinda got burnt out on the format.

    Linus Tech Tips - to me, it just became the arrogant, egotistical Linus show. There was some other stuff that kinda put me off as well. Maybe it's better now, but I haven't watched in a long while at this point.

    A number of creators I'm not thinking of - I hate when prescription meds are advertised (which isn't even legal in the vast majority of countries) and how they just want to sell dick pills without a real, non-conflict-of-interest doctor involved when the cause may not even be physical. I worked in healthcare for a long time and that just rubbed me the wrong way, particularly when creators in countries where it would be illegal for them on TV do it (and it may not even be legal/available in their country but it is in the country of at least US-based audience members).

    Edit: and the 8-bit guy now, based on others mentioning things, checking other sources, and even checking up a follow-up video he made a year ago. I'll pass.

  • What YouTubers did you used to watch back then but not anymore?
  • He got locked out of his youtube income for a loooong time and had a rough time with it. He also had some legal issues that prevented him from doing some of the videos he used to do. I don't watch it as much as I used to, but I still watch some.

  • First Presidential Debate Megapost!
  • Wow, I didn't see it as I was working. It was somehow worse than I thought even after reading all the threads. Biden should not be there. I will be voting for whomever the democrats nominate because the alternative is worse, but the US is so fucked.

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