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The justices of the supreme court ruled that Trump was immune and effectively above the law while being president. What is now stopping Biden from bringing a gun to the next debate?
  • The supreme Court is specifically saying the order is legal. He could say it's part of his official duties, in which case the order itself would be legal. His official duties include commanding the armed forces. If the president gives an order, a marine or a Navy SEAL cannot choose to not follow that order on legal grounds. They can choose to not follow on moral grounds but that refusal in itself would be illegal. Should it come to that, I would hope the vast majority of the armed forces would refuse the order.
    In her dissent, justice Sotomayor specifically said that the president could order an assassination and could not be prosecuted for it. I am assuming she knows more than you are I about how the legal system works.

  • The justices of the supreme court ruled that Trump was immune and effectively above the law while being president. What is now stopping Biden from bringing a gun to the next debate?
  • His job is to support and defend the Constitution of the United states. You certainly can argue that protecting the integrity of the voting system is part of that job.

  • The justices of the supreme court ruled that Trump was immune and effectively above the law while being president. What is now stopping Biden from bringing a gun to the next debate?
  • Reasonable

    Who's to say what's reasonable.

    when challenging the election, that is not an official act

    Why not? He could make the argument that the election was stolen and ignoring it is in the best interest of the United states.

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  • I'm sorry but "Mount Fuego". Pretty low-effort name. Do they also have a Lago de Agua? Just sayin.

  • *chef's kiss*
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  • Jenkins.
  • They should kill his father Hudson instead. That guy was a dick.

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  • If someone is blocked I'd be pretty cranky if they waited until the next day to mention it. Blockers are to be dealt with swiftly and with extreme prejudice.

  • Study finds 268% higher failure rates for Agile software projects
  • Stand-ups can become so proforma. What did you do yesterday? I coded. What are you doing today? I am going to code. Do you have any blockers? No. It gets a little repetitive after a while.

  • smoking
  • Used to smoke 2 packs a day. Quit 20 years ago. Quit because I figured I always smelled like smoke which greatly diminished the dating pool. I missed it every day until I managed to get hooked on nicotine pouches. Was using 10-15 of the 8mg On every day. Managed to do that in secret for years. Quit those about a year ago after my wife found out. Now I get to miss smoking AND nicotine pouches every single day. I love nicotine. I miss it every single day. I think about it all the time. If I ever found myself single again I would go back in a heartbeat. I am salivating just writing this. It is evil shit.

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  • I would consider this a service to the neighborhood. More bats, fewer mosquitoes.

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  • Anon catches his wife
  • No. You cannot say that.

  • Perfect ending
  • I activately look for books narrated by R. C. Bray. I love his style. And he nailed the downeast Maine accent in Expeditionary Force.

  • Rules for Life
  • They said what they meant.

  • what do you all do for money?
  • DevOps Architect - Was born for it. So many details. So many different technologies. I've been in IT for 25 years. I learn constantly. Keeps it fresh. And when I can't focus I just spin around and play Gran Turismo until I can concentrate.

  • tinyVoltron tinyVoltron

    A guy

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