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Authoritarianism in Oklahoma
  • Polls show Trump's lead widening. Biden has failed for a week now to show voters that he hasn't beat medicare. No drugs or alcohol here... Just straight up reality. You'd have to be on drugs to think otherwise, unless he steps aside.

  • Proton launches privacy-focused Google Docs alternative: Docs in Proton Drive is an open-source, end-to-end encrypted collaborative document editor
  • I'm a black belt in TypeScript, JavaScript, Go, Rust, C, C++, Python & can read and write assembly with my eyes closed, okay?😉

  • Proton launches privacy-focused Google Docs alternative: Docs in Proton Drive is an open-source, end-to-end encrypted collaborative document editor
  • Tell me.. when you visit a website that gets updated daily, if not hourly. If it served you a different version of JavaScript than what it served someone else.. would you know?

  • Authoritarianism in Oklahoma
  • This is the direction America is headed, and Democrats are going to make sure it happens.

  • Remember that?
  • The Epstein files didn't show anything that wasn't already public. The media already covered the accusations against Trump during the Epstein trial. Why isn't the media talking about Biden sexually assaulting Tara Reade? Or claims by Lucy Flores, Amy Lappos, or Biden's showers with his daughter? I hate Trump as much as anyone else. It wouldn't surprise me if he was running and underage sex trafficking ring out of Mar-a-Lago. However, generally when you want to make accusations, you need a victim willing to speak out, and some proof that the claims are likely. Moreso, ultimately you need charges filed and a conviction. What Democrats are doing here is 100% whataboutism. Biden should be doing unscripted press conferences and interviews right now, but instead people are running cover for him thinking it will somehow help his poor polling.

  • Proton launches privacy-focused Google Docs alternative: Docs in Proton Drive is an open-source, end-to-end encrypted collaborative document editor
  • It will cache credentials for a short time so you can still access some of your passwords. It will not let you add new credentials. It's like a web browser working in offline mode for a period of time. It is a cloud-based password manager with a closed-source server backend.

  • Biden tells ally he is weighing whether to withdraw from 2024 race: Live updates
  • Biden has had a week to go to the press room and do live interviews with heated questions to show that he is still fit. He spent a week preparing for the debate, and the immediately ran off and hid from the public after the debate (unless you consider going to the Waffle House, which Karine Jean-Pierre claims shows it was just a bad night).

    Biden had his chance to immediately show he was fine, but he couldn't do it. He needs to withdraw now. Not tomorrow, not next week... Today.

  • Biden is the Democratic nominee against Trump. Get over it.
  • So you want Trump to win. Got it. Why don't you just vote for Trump then?

  • Biden rejects growing pressure to abandon his campaign, vows to stay 'to the end'
  • We assume she would cause she has name recognition and the Obama's we pretty well liked by the Democrat base. However, the issue is she isn't out participating in unscripted press conferences sharing her political agenda for the future. She could run, but it could also be a disaster. My personal opinion is AOC would be the best choice. She's proven herself in my opinion, and the right hate her so much that she'd get all the media attention.

  • Biden rejects growing pressure to abandon his campaign, vows to stay 'to the end'
  • If you listen to the Biden press conferences, it is like listening to a preacher try to gaslight you that an imaginary being will come down out of the sky. It's like... "Biden has accomplished more than any President in the last 100 years, you know he has, we all know he has. Just as I said, and you've all seen for yourself. It's true and you can't deny it."

  • Biden rejects growing pressure to abandon his campaign, vows to stay 'to the end'
  • Biden didn't have a bad debate. He and his team showed America that he's had a significant decline in mental capacity and instead gaslit the public and media about it.

  • Biden rejects growing pressure to abandon his campaign, vows to stay 'to the end'
  • Post-debate poll showed that majority of Democrat voters aren't even voting for Biden. They are voting for "against Trump." Democrats had four years to find a candidate that people would actually want to vote for, but instead they pulled out the 2020 playbook thinking it would work the same.

  • Remember that?
  • Is this Democrats whataboutism moment?

  • Proton launches privacy-focused Google Docs alternative: Docs in Proton Drive is an open-source, end-to-end encrypted collaborative document editor
  • Yes I can read it. You think I'm an f'ing idiot? Or are customers that pay Proton to make claims that they don't back up the idiots?

  • Proton launches privacy-focused Google Docs alternative: Docs in Proton Drive is an open-source, end-to-end encrypted collaborative document editor
  • Enterprises are using a plethora of open source tools at this point. They may still utilize closed source solutions, but they definitely have quite a bit of open source solutions tied in.

  • Proton launches privacy-focused Google Docs alternative: Docs in Proton Drive is an open-source, end-to-end encrypted collaborative document editor
  • You realize that Microsoft code is inspected as well, even more heavily and regulated... and yet they still end up with major breaches. Security evolves through open source collaboration and inspection by experts that aren't being paid to say you're doing a good job.

  • Proton launches privacy-focused Google Docs alternative: Docs in Proton Drive is an open-source, end-to-end encrypted collaborative document editor
  • Vaultwarden/Bitwarden integrate with SimpleLogin... and they offer other alias service providers as well.

  • Proton launches privacy-focused Google Docs alternative: Docs in Proton Drive is an open-source, end-to-end encrypted collaborative document editor
  • Incremental in what way? There is an illusion of privacy. If that makes people feel good then sure, you increase your illusion of privacy.

  • Proton launches privacy-focused Google Docs alternative: Docs in Proton Drive is an open-source, end-to-end encrypted collaborative document editor
  • Keyword... unlock, not add information or use them offline where they can sync to an open source backend. They are cloud-based password managers that are designed to operate online. The backend is not open source. It is designed to lock you into a walled garden.

  • Proton launches privacy-focused Google Docs alternative: Docs in Proton Drive is an open-source, end-to-end encrypted collaborative document editor
  • And so what happens to your passwords if Proton were to go offline and you needed to continue using Proton Pass? Do they have an open source server you can use like Bitwarden does or vaultwarden? Or are you essentially locking yourself into a new walled garden for no reason other than name recognition? Why not just use KeePassXC which is encrypted locally rather than share your password with a third party who can easily capture your private key password?

  • Anyone else have their account terminated or got through to support?

    About a month ago I got a notification that my subscription had been refunded and then another email that my account was terminated:

    > You are receiving this email because we have identified suspicious activity on your account. In order to protect our platform, we have refunded and canceled your subscription. You will no longer have access to ChatGPT Plus service.

    This was after using the service for two months. I emailed and sent them a message almost immediately since I could prove my identity, but they haven't responded back in almost a month. Their customer support appears to be non-existent.

    I keep wanting to sign back up, but I'm still pissed about it. I'm guessing it is because I used a virtual card when I signed up and they don't stay active for very long so I have to create a new one for each month of service. Usually I just get a failed payment notification and update my payment info with a new one which pulls from my bank account.

    It sucks not being able to use the service though because it was so helpful at helping with programming tasks and Bard isn't nearly as good. Has anyone had any luck getting through to support?

    timewarp John Richard
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