Thanks for the moral courage, too many in power are going along with Trump. It's not easy to quit.
Need to rejoin England, go back to a proper parliamentary system. Everybody who saw the American Constitutional, from it's first publication, said "this will end up as a dictatorship, as the role of president has too much power''. Finally that scenario has played out.
I hate articles like this. He won, he is in power. He will be in power for 4 years. His popularity doesn't matter anymore.
All other western democracies use some sort of parliamentary system akin to what the English have, a party appointed Prime Minister with very limited power. Presidential systems always devolve into fiefdoms.
The U.S.A. is done. Such sabotage by Trump, Musk and MAGA takes decades to recover from. 40 to 50 at least; rebuilding the civil service, amending all the laws back to normal, fixing the Supreme Court, probably needing Constitutional amendments. This easily echos for a hundred years.
This is not the Democrats fault. It is the fault of those that voted for Trump. The knew exactly what he was, and still voted for him. They wanted this.
I'm suspect of posts that blame Democrats, are these posts put up by paid shills?
I don't like Musk, but this is good. School performance tracking is voodoo math. Everyone knows that good schools are in good neighborhoods and bad schools are in bad neighborhoods. You don't need $900,000,000 in research, and the yearly publication of random lists. This just hurts individual teachers.
In a few years we're probably going to find out that Musk uses the cameras on Teslas to 1)creep on women he likes 2) spy on politicians for compromising material Between Teslas and Starlink he literally knows where people are.
Tesla dealers now know how much you make, your health, etc...
Starlink knows your sexual history, financials, health, and physical location
I also suspect that because so much manufacturing is in China, what we think of as the world's stock market is just a small fraction of anything. Does an index count if an index doesn't measure much?
Trump is putting a tariff on Canada and Mexico to pay for his up coming tax cuts. He's not smart enough to see that this won't work and will cause a disaster.
Trump just killed the N. American auto industry. You can't remake all the supply chain lines overnight. Some parts cross the border multiple times, meaning way more than a 25% tariff in the end. Asian car companies are going to take over.
No one wants American trucks, you can't export them to Asia, Africa or Europe. Americans barely want American trucks.
Now not even Canada or Mexico will buy American trucks. Canada and Mexico will double down on buying from Asia. There goes America's final market for its trucks.
While American factories try to rejig everything in the production line and supply chain, Asia car companies will step in to fill the void. Another blow to American manufacturing.
Someone not brave enough to take a COVID-19 shot, is the type of coward that will run away in a battle. This significantly weakens America.
History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme.
Maybe a smaller inner tube? This happened to me once, it was the inner tube, too large.
Don't you worry, this will also be retroactive! People will have their American citizenship taken away.
America's Doge!!! What are the odds he can now stay with his new agency, or that the agency will even exist now?
You can't stop teens, they determine what is cool and will try everything to be cool. Ask the Soviet Union how trying to keep teens from buying Levi's Jeans worked out for them.
Those are real pictures LOL!!!!
Looking for someone that has a hobbyist website that posts to it guitar lessons.
I'm trying to stay away from Youtube, as it is too hard to sort through so many videos, and many of them are just ads for courses.
Love old website and blogs, from the before social media times.