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Apple Music gets full performer & composer credits in iOS 17 beta 3 See who wrote and performed your favorite tracks in iOS 17 Apple Music

As part of what are likely wider additions in iOS 17 beta 3, Apple has added full credits to nearly every track and album that it hosts.

See who wrote and performed your favorite tracks in iOS 17 Apple Music
Mockup: I'm a fan of having all my favorite subs/magazines to access on a glance.
  • This would be a great feature. It would be even better when we can aggregate different magazines into one category. For example combining all tech magazines from different instances into one technology page. Either manually or curated.

  • Improved Collapsible Comments - Script that lets you collapse replies by clicking a line to the side of each comment
  • @artillect well done. works perfect on my end. hopefully this is implemented into the offical kbin site

  • Reddit censoring information about kbin
  • yeah reddit can suck it. There’s a work around with Apollo that allows you to easily open the page in Apollo when you see this pop up. But no more after 30th. Instead for those who have iOS you can use this google cache shortcut. Just hit the share button, and click get cache and it will open up a cached version of the page. It’s works quickly and haven’t had any issues yet. Works for subreddits that went dark too.

  • Did the reddit hivemind do a 180 or are the people left behind just the people who don't care.
  • They also bought Alien blue, which was a 3pa. And then drove it into the ground to replace it with what they have now. fuck Spez

  • Are artists and creators not welcome in this community?
  • This is dope. Our dnd master uses a lot of influence from art like yours. He would love this

  • we have "sub-lemmys" but what we are missing for lack of a better term is "dom-lemmys", hear me out
  • I have suggested this to a couple of app developers. Aggregating sub forums will be a huge perk if feasible in the near future. I'd like to have all my subscriptions from different platforms with the same or similar name under one page. Or at least allow me to chose which forums aggregate within a custom category. It would make the fediverse much easier to navigate especially for those who are less technically literate.

  • Took a peek on Reddit, it really boggles my mind how oblivious and obedient people are.
  • I've been on reddit for almost a decade and a half. Never have I seen so many users gilding pro corporate reddit/pro spez comments. It is almost always the former. It's very unusual and makes me a tad suspicious. I'm not sure if reddit has evolved into a platform overflowing with users that I truly don't synchronize with, or perhaps reddit is virtually augmenting these posts/comments, increasing bot posts to augment activity, etc. I accept either or and for that and many other reasons I have contently moved on from the platform. It's just not for me anymore and has been fracturing into an environment that lost its luster. Too many common folk have saturated the platform, too many bots, too much corporate shenanigans, too many miserable users, too little civility, too much ignorance and a lack of analytical literacy. The fediverse has given a breath of fresh air and something of nostalgia from the early days of reddit. I do think this is the way forward with time and I'm here for it.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Yup they did. They de-federated from every server I believe.

  • kbin needs a block button next to magazine names to quickly allow to filter things you're not interested in while browsing
  • I think a useful option would be if someone could code a pop up dialog showing the magazines info (with the subscribe and block button) that appears when your cursor hovers over the name of the magazines.

  • Up/down vote ratios are back!
  • No prob. It even works on mobile. If you look on my page there’s a couple other scripts for dark mode. One for web(also android) and another for iOS

  • Up/down vote ratios are back!
  • Use this script

    Edit: wait sorry this is a lemmy forum. I’m on kbin. Disregard

  • thesoloist thesoloist
    Posts 1
    Comments 12