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Russian soldier admits proudly his comrades were killing POWs
  • what do you expect from Orcs

  • What Just Happened at West Virginia University Should Worry All of Us
  • or drop all facades and declare themselves a fascist indoctrination center.. Musk can buy it with Saudi money or at least help them rebrand it..

  • What Just Happened at West Virginia University Should Worry All of Us
  • government by assholes for assholes

    i'm sorry, assholes is sort of a rude word.. i just mean people who are both stupid and hateful a lot..

  • What Just Happened at West Virginia University Should Worry All of Us
  • bunch of cowards whose fathers taught them to hide their heads up their asses, writing laws that try to tell other people what to understand

  • Trump Voters Trust Ex-President More Than Their Family and Friends: Poll
  • they're all going to Hell.. fuck 'em..

  • Elon tells James Woods to delete his account
  • an arena of trolls, fighting for attention

  • Russia's Luna-25 spacecraft crashes into Moon
  • oh yeah, forgot that one

  • Russia's Luna-25 spacecraft crashes into Moon
  • so you're saying Steven Segal likes Russia because it's sort of a home for Narcissism.. yeah, i guess i can see that..

  • Russia's Luna-25 spacecraft crashes into Moon
  • yeah that's a bullseye

  • Today I learned that in 1942, the Canadian military simulated a Nazi invasion and "took over" Winnipeg
  • i'm really SOREy but the most Canadian thing about it is the toast injury

  • Today I learned that in 1942, the Canadian military simulated a Nazi invasion and "took over" Winnipeg
  • we just don't get together enough to do crazy ass shit like this.. think of all the committees they needed, and all the catering those committees needed and so on.. what a damn adventure that whole thing must have been..

  • TIL that America is one of the few cultures with insults for smart people
  • yes! it seems to expose its origins among the common folk pretty clearly, doesn't it..

  • John Deere brags about sabotaging competitors & customers on hot mic - they're PROUD of it!
  • you'll be alright, i can see you're learning in spite of yourself

  • John Deere brags about sabotaging competitors & customers on hot mic - they're PROUD of it!
  • maybe reality is sad because when you open your eyes, all you see is the inside of your own colon

  • John Deere brags about sabotaging competitors & customers on hot mic - they're PROUD of it!
  • so you don't understand the direct causal relationship between Republican politics, and deregulation.. that's what you're telling everyone here.. that your head is too buried to see that..

    you need to understand that when you speak, it mostly just sounds like farts, son.. you need to try to speak more clearly..

    this is why no one needs to take your concerns seriously..

  • TIL that America is one of the few cultures with insults for smart people
  • awww, swirlies.. those were the days..

  • TIL that America is one of the few cultures with insults for smart people
  • it's interesting you narrow the definition like that, because i think that's really the original definition of nerd.. like if you asked someone in the 50's in the US, that's what they would have described.. someone who takes theory to anti-social extremes.. but like you said, it seems to cover a lot more now, or at least get used a lot more..

    and i love how literal "book dufus" is, that's great

  • TIL that America is one of the few cultures with insults for smart people
  • lol where's the nearest trash can.. we'll show this nerd..

  • theodewere theodewere

    if you voted for Trump you're going to Hell, and this is why.. he looked like the Easy Way to you.. you took the Easy Way, and that's what you go to Hell for, you cowards..

    if you're a man and you voted for Trump, you're a Momma's Boy, just like Mike Pence and Bill O'Reilly.. you were coddled..

    and i don't give a damn about any of you hellbound assholes.. you can all rot..

    momma's boy: (n) a man who's used to getting attention just because he threatens to throw a fit; see cunt

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