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Gdzie kupować ubrania, żeby nie pochodziły one z "sweatshopów", czyli żeby pracownicy godnie zarabiali, i produkcja nie opierała się na wyzysku?
  • Sam chciałbym wiedzieć. Tzn. jeśli chodzi o samo przetwarzanie surowców, to odpowiedź jest prosta: wybieraj szwalnie z krajów, gdzie pracownicy mają zagwarantowane prawa, choćby z Polski. Produkujemy sporo bawełnianej odzieży w przystępnych cenach. Jest trochę marek obuwia (nagaba, kaiteki).
    Gorzej ze źródłem surowców. Większość producentów zabiega o ekologiczne certyfikaty, nie o Fairtrade.
    Tu jest jakaś lista, ale bez żadnych kategorii
    Tu jest parę przykładów, ale na pierwszy rzut oko są to sklepy dla klientów o grubszych portfelach

  • Tor a Vpn
  • Ja jestem laikiem, ale nie są to dwie różne metody anonimizacji ruchu? Chyba nordvpn ma nawet serwery vpn+tor. Vpn tuneluje ruch przez serwer dostawcy usługi, więc jakość i bezpieczeństwo połączenia zależy głównie od niego. Możesz mieć nastawienie typu "płacę i wymagam". Tor tuneluje ruch wielokrotnie przez sieć węzłów, które są w większości maszynami amatorskimi, z przepustowością o różnej jakości. Ze wzgląd na swój społecznościowy charakter nikomu nie możesz się poskarżyć na jakość połączenia.
    Poza ukrywaniem ip, vpn może oczywiście służyć do współdzielenia danych w wirtualnej sieci lokalnej. Tor natomiast oferuje usługi ukryte z pseudodomenami .onion.
    Podsumowując: jak za darmo to bierz Tora - darmowe serwery vpn i tak są przeciążone i wolne jak Tor, przy czym nie darzył bym ich zaufaniem. Jak masz fundusze i musisz zachować anonimowość, to warto sobie wykupić vpn.
    Sprawdź też, z czym te usługi działają, a z czym nie. Ja kiedyś czytałem, że p2p nie jest dostosowany do pracy z Torem (coś, że tor działa na protokole tcp, a bittorrent na udp).

  • Firefox is the only way.
  • I believe it might be still possible with UXP - a hard fork made for Pale Moon project.

    Pale Moon is based on a derivative of the Gecko rendering engine (Goanna) and builds on a hard fork of the Mozilla code (mozilla-central) called UXP, a XUL-focused application platform that provides the underpinnings of several XUL applications including Pale Moon. This means that the core rendering functions for Pale Moon may differ from Firefox (and other browsers) and websites may display slightly different in this browser.

  • Poland plans to deploy 10,000 troops to its border with Belarus
  • We know that we're protected by the 5th article of NATO. The thing is, the ruling Law and Justice party wants to escalate the sense of insecurity in order to boost its popularity before the upcoming elections on 15 October.

  • polish news ale in english terkaz
    Poland to send 2,000 troops to reinforce Belarus border

    Source: >WARSAW, Aug 9 (Reuters) - Poland will send 2,000 troops to its frontier with Belarus, the deputy interior minister told state-run news agency PAP on Wednesday, twice the number requested by the Border Guard, to stem illegal crossings and maintain stability.

    polish news ale in english terkaz President Duda sets Poland parliamentary election date for October 15

    Polls for the parliament’s upper and lower houses come amid rising tensions on country’s eastern borders.

    President Duda sets Poland parliamentary election date for October 15

    On the same topic: Poland’s president announces election date

    polish news ale in english terkaz Ukraine war: what young Poles think about their nation's role – here's what our survey shows

    More young Poles want the country to stay neutral in the Ukraine war than in 2022, a survey says.

    Ukraine war: what young Poles think about their nation's role – here's what our survey shows
    polish news ale in english terkaz Mushrooms cloud Polish election campaign

    Foragers turn on Kaczyński for picking a fight over forest management.

    Mushrooms cloud Polish election campaign
    polish news ale in english terkaz Poland goes to war (verbally) with Europe’s conservative chief

    Polish prime minister challenges EU’s overarching conservative party leader to a debate as they vie for control of the right.

    Poland goes to war (verbally) with Europe’s conservative chief
    [LIVE] 3rd day of 29th Pol'and'Rock festival

    Polish rock festival with polish (but not only) rock. UTC+2 Big stage: 15:00 Transgresja 16:00 Rise of the Northstar 17:20 Pull The Wire 18:30 Luiku 19:50 Kwiat Jabłoni 21:20 Epica 22:40 Spin Doctors 00:10 While She Sleeps 01:30 Piotr Bukartyk & Ajagore More info

    Small stage: 17:40 Światy Sztuczne 18:20 Mulk 19:10 Zacier 20:10 Saint City Orchestra 21:30 Booze &Glory 22:40 Wojtek Szumański More info

    0 Schooling of light reflecting fish

    One of the hallmarks of the collective movement of large schools of pelagic fish are waves of shimmering flashes that propagate across the school, usually following an attack by a predator. Such flashes arise when sunlight is reflected off the specular (mirror-like) skin that characterizes many pela...

    Schooling of light reflecting fish

    >The main goal of this work is three-fold. First, to establish whether models of schooling fish can generate realistic flash waves that propagate across the school in response to an attack. Second, to explore the possibility that school members are using this source of information themselves, and test how that can, in principle, affect the attack-response behavior. Third, to demonstrate that flash patterns indeed contain accessible information relating to the dynamics of the school, the behavior of individuals within it (in particular, their response to threats) and to the nature of the attack.

    0 Researchers find evidence of a 2,000-year-old curry, the oldest ever found in Southeast Asia

    The discovery is helping shed light on a vibrant ancient spice trade that spanned many thousands of kilometres.

    Researchers find evidence of a 2,000-year-old curry, the oldest ever found in Southeast Asia

    >In a paper published today in Science Advances, we and our colleagues detail our findings of what seems to be evidence of Southeast Asia’s oldest known curry. It’s also the oldest evidence of curry ever found outside India.

    What do you think of the design?
  • I use "Darkly Red". Light themes are too bright for me. Maybe a theme that resembles old yellowish book pages would be nice. On mobile, the sidebar is hidden by default and you can see it by clicking on the button - this is a nice feature that lets you see content more centered.

  • Gideon Levy: Palestinians are prohibited from defending their families from violent aggression
  • is runned by the If Americans Knew organization from California that also runs International Middle East Media Center (IMEMC). They focus solely on the Palestinian agenda and point of view. Their material strikes me as unprofessional, emotional, and filled with personal opinions. I find this source of information unreliable.

  • [Documentary] Georgia. A silent war between the West and Russia.

    >There are accusations that Georgia’s government is pro-Russian. Georgians took to the streets to protest the Georgian law on foreign agents. The Georgian government backed down. What caused the protests? Is Georgia pro-Russian? Or is Georgia pro-Western? Do Georgians want Georgia to join the European Union or NATO?

    This is an documentary prepared by analysts from The Center for Eastern Studies (Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich - OSW). OSW is a Polish public institution, one of its main task is analytical research on the political and social situation in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. More about it

    0 Vietnam bans Barbie film over disputed map of China’s South China Sea claims

    Scene shows map of China’s controversial ‘nine-dash line’ – repudiated in international ruling

    Vietnam bans Barbie film over disputed map of China’s South China Sea claims
    20 Why schoolchildren are regularly being targeted by terrorist groups in many countries

    Deadly attacks on schoolchildren by terrorists groups have been growing around the world from 2009.

    Why schoolchildren are regularly being targeted by terrorist groups in many countries
    1 Lithuanian MEP funded disinformation portal: report

    Viktor Uspaskichas, a non-attached lawmaker, financially backed, a social media platform full of conspiracy theories and fake news, according to national broadcaster LRT.

    Lithuanian MEP funded disinformation portal: report
    0 Dutch slap new restrictions on chips exports to China

    The Hague follows Washington’s lead in stopping advanced tech exports.

    Dutch slap new restrictions on chips exports to China
    LGBTQ+ parents are being removed from their children’s birth certificates in Italy LGBTQ+ parents are being removed from their children’s birth certificates in Italy – here’s what’s behind this disturbing trend

    The Prosecutor’s Office of Padova (Italy) has asked a local court to remove any same-sex non-biological parent on birth certificates, denying same-sex families the right to State recognition.

    LGBTQ+ parents are being removed from their children’s birth certificates in Italy – here’s what’s behind this disturbing trend
    Wildlife from Central Europe captured by Duch Lasu (the Ghost of the Forest) with his camera traps.

    The recordings were made near Gostomia in Poland. Nice set of short shots with only sounds of nature, no commentary.

    0 Do you crush microbes when you step on them?

    You can squash small bugs by stepping on them, but can you crush even tinier microorganisms like viruses and bacteria? It turns out that you’d need to apply a lot of pressure.

    Do you crush microbes when you step on them?

    Please do not torment non-pathogenic microbes!

    Satellite images show that Spain is in danger of drying out one of the main wetlands in Europe
  • It's hard for me to guess what consequences this will have for the rest of Europe's ecosystem. For me, this news is more of a warning: for centuries, people have believed that deforestation and draining wetlands for agriculture is the right direction for the humanity. And because we didn't even think that fresh water could ever run out, we didn't optimize use of water in agriculture and industry. We were simply maximizing profits without caring about costs. We must optimize water and industrial space and keep our water underground. If we don't make up for this time, there will be many more places like this all over Europe.

  • Satellite images show that Spain is in danger of drying out one of the main wetlands in Europe

    A recent study reveals that 59% of the ponds in Doñana have not been flooded since at least 2013. Water abstractions from the aquifer are one of the main reasons behind the demise of this iconic wetland.

    Satellite images show that Spain is in danger of drying out one of the main wetlands in Europe
    3 Why is the sky dark at night? The 200-year history of a question that transformed our understanding of the Universe

    The darkness of the night sky seems so obvious as to need no explanation – yet it has intrigued and baffled scientists for centuries.

    Why is the sky dark at night? The 200-year history of a question that transformed our understanding of the Universe
    0 Model embryo with heartbeat replicates cells in early pregnancy

    Exclusive: Scientists used stem cells to create the structures, which were unable to develop into a foetus

    Model embryo with heartbeat replicates cells in early pregnancy

    Really impressive, and yet a bit unsettling for me.

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