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Texas doctor who said nine-year-olds can safely give birth appointed to maternal mortality committee
  • Leaves me wondering if she’s not a closet pedo.

    Anyone promoting or supporting child pregnancy are either a pedophile or a pedophile supporter

    edit: added "or supporting" after "promoting"

  • Ukrainian soldiers are joined by unexpected volunteers
  • Breaking news: Canadians joining Ukrainian forces

  • I have to teach my daughter different things than my son
  • The fact that there could be someone out there thinking, "I have 17 homes, so clearly they are imagining not having a home", does not shock me

    edit: grammar and my brains is a mix of spaghetti and mashed potatoes

  • SC Upholds Civil Asset Forfeiture
  • "You are free to do what we, the rich and powerful, tells you"

    "You shall own nothing and be happy"

    don't know where these quotes came from, but they fit all too well the situation in the USA

  • Romance author gets locked out of Google Docs for “inappropriate” content
  • And by "someone else", it normally boils down to gigantic corporations that would exploit everything about you to earn money

  • Iron
  • This is extremely helpful, and fits perfectly into my secret plan

    Secret plan

    I will use this info as background for a BBEG in my TTRPG game

  • Why Are Rap*** & Ped** Protected In Jail?
  • Against my better judgement, let me ask you this.

    What makes you say they are protected in jail? Because they get to be alive?

    Have you seen how people in jail are being treated? (At least in America)

    Is it not better for them to be kept alive so they can regret their actions, rather than ending their existence? Giving them opportunity to pay for their actions with something else than their lives?

    Also, why should we not attack the underlying problem of why people commit these atrocious actions to begin with? Do you really believe they were born with the intention of committing these crimes?

    If you are willing to live with yourself after murdering another human being, you are no different from the rapists who are willing to live with themselves after damaging another human being for life. They might be evil human beings, but they are still human.

  • A cool guide to PIN code safety
  • And good ones like bitwarden or keepass, not bad ones that get hacked almost yearly like lastpass

  • Taking your ideas for my next linux app
  • This might help

    edit: Video by the creator

    it needs to be manually set, but a script to run this when you launch the app/game maybe?

  • Taking your ideas for my next linux app
  • Spectacle from KDE is also a pretty good default

  • Taking your ideas for my next linux app
  • Appflowy might not be there yet, but it is improving fast

  • What apps would you love to have open-source alternatives for?
  • I like your "the glass is half full" attitude, however their signup seems to be broken.

  • What apps would you love to have open-source alternatives for?
  • So I tested Remmina some more, and yea, my expectations for the exec plugin were broken. It only runs commands locally, I really thought it was for sending saved commands remotely.

    I guess ARD is king, at least from the solutions I know of. Personally, I achieve the "see all screens (or well ssh connections)" and the "send command across all connections" with tmux. And if I need RDP, SPICE or VNC, I use Remmina.

    Windows users can use Royal TS, but that is paid and proprietary.

  • What apps would you love to have open-source alternatives for?
  • maybe, allthough I need to test ARD to see how they do it.

    Remmina allows you to run a command on connect, or set up individual commands to execute

  • What apps would you love to have open-source alternatives for?
  • Looks like Endless Sky is under GPL license, so definitely FOSS

  • What apps would you love to have open-source alternatives for?
  • There is a plugin called shuffle+ (github)

    I think no one likes the default shuffle in spotify. ("oh here is a list of 400 songs on shuffle, you probably only want to replay these 30 songs" - spotify)

  • What apps would you love to have open-source alternatives for?
  • Veloren is great, there is also Mindustry and Shattered Pixel Dungeon to name a couple of high quality ones.

  • What apps would you love to have open-source alternatives for?
  • Something like Revolt could maybe be a replacement for discord

  • What apps would you love to have open-source alternatives for?
  • "Maps": as others have suggested: OsmAnd and OrganicMaps (I use OsmAnd as it covers my needs better than Google Maps or other apps)

    "Dating Apps": There is Alovoa

    but the problem is who you will find on there, as everyone is on other apps

  • What apps would you love to have open-source alternatives for?
  • I use spicetify just to get an improved shuffle function.

  • techognito Techognito
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