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whats yer favrite can seet headres song
  • this one time I went to a coffee house because some guy I knew was playing and I just sat there for an hour and didn't talk to anyone and then I came home and wrote this song

  • hello csh fans on lemmy
  • we put our hoods on our heads at the train station

  • hello csh fans on lemmy
  • there were signs on the road that warned me of stop signs

  • Welcome to the Car Seat Headrest community!

    This is an alternative to the CSH subreddit (r/CSHfans), where you can share your art, thoughts and memes related to that one gay furry indie band.

    You're welcome to post anything that doesn't explicitly break the rules of the community, even if it may be considered shitposty :3

    Have fun ^^

    technicolours techni

    blahaj and car seat headrest <3

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    Comments 3