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Can I refuse MS Authenticator?
  • To add on, at my work we started getting yubikeys for the people who didnt want Microsoft's authenticator on their phone and found they still need to download the mfa to set up the yubikey in the first place. So its not a perfect solution if you dont want the authenticator to touch your phone at all.

    I can also confirm that the help desk members who are not enlightened about Microsoft will ridicule you for not wanting the MFA even if its reasonable to not want Microsoft on your phone. As much as we think all techs are Linux nerds, I have the opposite at my work. Some of the higher up techs are constantly trying to get people to switch to windows 11...

  • And now you get the bad ending
  • They did in the directors cut or whatever the revised version was called. They got so much flak for the boss fights (because they were contracted out it seems) that they redid them entirely like a year after the game came out.

  • The food prices at the Hard Rock Beach Club at the Miami GP
  • Alright I'm gonna be the dude who replies to myself but I did some research and these prices are probably real. What's crazy is they appear to be significantly lower than last years prices. Another important thing is that the formal menus mention the dishes being sized to serve 4 people. That makes it slightly more okay but also still ridiculous. This has to be inside the paddock or VIP areas though as I dont think they would even offer caviar to the peasants in the general admission.

  • The food prices at the Hard Rock Beach Club at the Miami GP
  • Lol if you zoom in there is clearly something weird going on with the numbers. I would believe 0s were added to the prices. Even without the 0 at the end the prices would still be absurd but this is way too expensive to be believable. If it is real just burn the whole place down

  • Iran: Security Forces Rape, Torture, Detainees
  • Oh ive seen this before. This is one of those "manufacturing consent" type articles right? Seems like very weird timing for human rights watch to bring this up now, right after Iran and Israel have started facing off...

    Hopefully its just a case of trying to use the general buzz to get eyes on a specific issue but the timing is bad for optics considering they have been accused of being a propaganda tool in the past. At least the HRW has been covering Palestine in a largely positive light and not pulling punches. Now would probably be a good time for HRW to publish an article about how conflict in general is used to hide human rights violations.

  • Is the Earth itself a giant living creature?
  • Probably just general entropy. Life is energy organized and put to purpose which is basically the opposite of entropy. So if, entropy is the antithesis to life, wouldn't all life's ultimate goal be to overcome entropy?

  • It's kind of sweet
  • R/ambien used to have some of my favorite posts of all time. There is one where a guy recorded himself staying up on his (legally prescribed) ambien with a go pro. Nothing too crazy happens but seeing his cognition decline and him just become a top tier lol so random bot was hilarious. He kept getting angry at all the statutes and cardboard cutouts in his house because he thought they were moving haha

  • One in five young Americans think the Holocaust is a myth
  • I think America is really good at getting attention so everything good and bad is magnified by how much exposure it gets. So our dumbasses are some of the loudest and best at being noticed for their dumbassery in the whole world.

  • 14 October 2023
  • They're just trained to approach you pretty much no matter what. Leaving people alone means youre missing out on opportunities for good business I guess. Just annoying to me, especially when I was working at one.

  • Fetterman: America ‘not sending their best and brightest’ to Congress
  • As an american, I can confirm these are not our best and brightest. The best and brightest have either started leaving or they are seduced by big business and paid absurd (for working class) salaries to ignore the problems of the country.

  • The Scariest Sound on the Savanna? Your Voice..
  • While animals can hear different frequencies, the researchers talked about editing the audio for volume and such. I would assume these scientists, who are already concerned about the audio content/volume, would think about that. All they would need to do is take the clips, put them a spectral analyzer and eliminate any frequencies outside of the range of frequencies the animal making the sound could make. So it would be rather trivial for them to do. Youre also assuming the speakers could reproduce that static but if they're tuned for human hearing ranges and not really cheap speakers then the chance of some elephant scaring static is low.

  • Why is cooking a food item method called different things by what the item is, or what is the criteria?
  • Wow you definitely aren't american as I'm scratching my head to even figure out what you mean by some of these. The average grill in america is a standalone outdoor cooking station with a metal grate used as the cooking surface. They are also found in restaurants but usually they are in a bit of a different form that what the average American thinks of as a grill. the grates give the characteristic lines of grilled food that many seek. A griddle is a grill where the grate has been replaced by a flat piece of, often used for small or runny foods that would fall between the grates of a regular grill.

    We also dont typically have standalone broilers. Most american ovens have a broil option where the top heating element becomes very hot and can be used to brown the food.

    The main difference between grilling and broiling, in my american eyes, is how they are used. Grilling is a technique for cooking food from start to finish. Broiling is a technique used at the end of cooking something to brown it or something to that effect. I wouldn't use the broiler in my oven to cook a whole meal, and I wouldn't turn on the grill or griddle just to brown something.

    In my eyes saute is when you use only enough oil to keep something from sticking or burning, while frying is when you use enough oil that it starts to really add to the flavor of what you're cooking.

    I think the worst thing Americans have done is the air fryer though. Its just a fucking tiny convection oven, there's no frying going on at all. They just know us fat Americans are conditioned to salivate when we hear the word fry and cower in terror from big science words like 'convection' lol

  • Trying to fix a lack of Sci-Fi battlemaps on the web
  • All of these maps were made with Stars without Number revised edition, or dark heresy first edition in mind. They aren't super intentionally designed to cater to either of those systems though.

    I can certainly try. If I still have the dungeon draft files still I can load the original projects and make both clean and hex versions without much issue

  • Trying to fix a lack of Sci-Fi battlemaps on the web

    I don’t see many Sci-Fi battlemaps being posted so I thought I would help out a little bit. I have been running 2 sci-fi rpgs concurrently for 3 years and have amassed quite a few decent maps that I have made in DungeonDraft. They are nothing special, but considering how rare sci-fi maps can be, I hope someone finds them helpful. These were all made for 40k or SWN but feel free to use them wherever.

    Trying to fix a lack of Sci-fi battlemaps on the web

    I don’t see many Sci-Fi battlemaps being posted so I thought I would help out a little bit. I have been running 2 sci-fi rpgs concurrently for 3 years and have amassed quite a few decent maps that I have made in DungeonDraft. They are nothing special, but considering how rare sci-fi maps can be, I hope someone finds them helpful. These were all made for 40k or SWN but feel free to use them wherever.

    Sci-Fi Battle Map Collection

    I don't see many Sci-Fi battlemaps being posted so I thought I would help out a little bit. I have been running 2 sci-fi rpgs concurrently for 3 years and have amassed quite a few decent maps that I have made in DungeonDraft. They are nothing special, but considering how rare sci-fi maps can be, I hope someone finds them helpful. These were all made for 40k or SWN but feel free to use them wherever.

    Cities: Skylines techingtenor
    Electricity & Water | Feature Highlights Ep 6 | Cities: Skylines II

    Looks exciting. Loving the new electricity distribution. Groundwater was also not a feature I expected to see.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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