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Well that sucks
  • oh! Didn't know other people had those

    When I was maybe eight my good buddy convinced the tennagers to let us hang out with them

    They had a hang out area out in the woods. You had to climb under a fence while one of the strong kids lifted the bottom of the fence up. On the other side was a "river" you could cross with a swing rope someone had attached to the tree above. (it looked like a massive river as a kid. But after having gone back as an adult you could easily hop over without much notice)

    Anyway, we ended up going back there pretty regularly just as a way to get away from where the adults could find us. We ended up finding this massive stash of magazines one of the older kids had at the spot

    I was too young at the time to be interested but my buddy ended up stealing a couple so we could look at them with our other friends

  • They're just big fans of the cuisine or something.
  • Ya basically. I was with my partner and her family, some of which was from PI. Couple of her cousins who were teenagers at the time walked down the wrong street and got offered a "job" by one of the locals. Thankfully their uncle/dad was able to catch up to them and pull them out of the situation. We later saw call girls working that same street who looked even younger than the cousins

  • Twinsies
  • You're missing my point which is that that's a consequence of the choice not the choice itself. These people act out of fear and basic assumption and are capable of change just as much as you or I

    Attacking them, ridiculing them, and otherwise dismissing them makes us no better than them

  • Twinsies
  • I feel for you it can be pretty hard. I think part of the issue is that what they need is the next step toward understanding and showing more empathy. Rather than people explaining where they aren't (hey why aren't you on step 200 yet?) Unravelling the propoganda and culture you grew up with takes great effort. If you personally have tried and not succeeded then good on you

    My point here really is that posts like this don't support the actions that do help, but simply vilify people who are misguided

    As an aside I was born and raised in Louisiana so I too have personal experience with right wingers. It can feel exhausting at times to get to people so entrenched in their ways, but it's not impossible. I'm sorry your family is that way

  • Twinsies
  • All you've brought up is abstract and assumption. If you actually believe this is someone's motivation or understanding you should go ask them. Maybe you'll change their mind

    How many times has your first instinct to a problem been the correct solution? How many times have you needed someone to explain something for it to make sense?

    If everyone is a result of their circumstances as the left claims (and as much of the research claims) then be the change of those circumstances you wish to see. Expose these people to the thinking and information you believe to be so transformative and true

  • Twinsies
  • Oh 100%. Most of the Great Culture War :tm: is a giant communication problem imho

    We're just seeing it happen in real time and at a scale never possible before

    But I will say that it seems clear to me that the screenshot itself is calling out centrists as a voting group. But I could be wrong about that

  • Twinsies
  • posts like this are always grating and show a general lack of understanding of how the average right wingee thinks.

    I grew up around right wingers but considered myself centrist for a long time. It has nothing to do with the poor. Or more accurately it has everything to do with individuals.

    If your life is hard that is a result of you failing to make it better (or so the right wing thinking goes). It's not that you deserve to suffer. It's that life is "equal" suffering for everyone by default and if your current situation sucks it's up to you to figure it out

    The system is "fair" insofar as "everyone" can start a business, word hard, and live the "american dream"

    This line of thinking is attractive because it calls to the herocomplex all (white male) American's grow up with. There's a problem, go fix it (yourself, by yourself). The suffering of it all is just a matter of existing

    By failing to enagage this philosophy directly we fail to address the very real and human concerns that right wingers have. (That is to say their response to the status quo is emotional and thus understandble. Not to say it is justifiable) And as such fail to win people over in a culture war which very well may determine the future of all of us

    Posts like this serve nothing but the ego. To truly break your enemy down you need to show them empathy and understanding. Meet them on a human level. Expose yourself to possibly being wrong about someone and their motivations

  • Translating a few common phrases
  • About half of my friends use TikTok but it's not as aggressive as this pic would imply. In fact most of them are pretty good about citing a specific user to checkout when they are sharing something informative

    That said my friends are all 25~35 and are generally nerdy types who self educate so ymmv

  • school of hard memes
  • Think part of the issue is the casual use of the word "average" really means "what I normally experience on a given day". So in casual conversation it is talking about something akin to the middle of a distribution curve. It gets lost in translation due to the same word being used in two different ways

  • I sure do love working in IT
  • Ugh. Remembering my days at help desk. Had to help this janitor for the library log into his computer for his yearly security training. It took literally hours to walk this man through how to hit CTRL + ALT + DELETE only for him to tell me he didn't have a password... (Ofc he had one everyone in the entire city had one. So I had to walk him through the password reset process)

    I feel for the guy in retrospect but damn did I need a beer after getting home

  • Do you sit at a desk and keyboard for multiple hours? If yes, please recommend a good chair.
  • For mid-tier chairs I can recommend both the Markus from Ikea and the Ergonomic Chair from Branch. The Markus is generally more relaxing and feels really nice to lean back into. Whereas the Ergo feels more like it wants you to sit proper (and it's adjustable). The Ergo def takes an adjustment period do to it's "proper" posture, but after having it for a couple months now I don't even notice

    Either should run you ~300 USD

  • Who y'all voting for?

    I’m still mostly new to the area and curious how the locals feel about this voting season

    Joy seems to have a lot of support for District 3 but I honestly don’t know anything about anyone to have a real horse in the race

    What is this windows 95?

    I was spinning up Chrome while trying to move around a Firefox window to my other monitor. Crazy though I haven't seen issues like this on any OS in at least a decade

    Interview Help With UK Based Company

    Hi everyone.

    For context I'm a software engineer who lives in America.

    I've been job hunting for a couple of weeks now and have started to land some intro calls. The first one went great and ended up lasting nearly an hour.

    Unfortunately this post isn't about the intro call I had that went well. This other one seemed to have the exact opposite response. The person interviewing me was UK based (so maybe there's some kind of cultural difference?

    But anyway basically what had happened was we started out being pretty casual and chatty. Talking about the weather (the usual). She asks why I'm looking for work I tell her the company isn't doing so great and we've already gone through a number of layoffs. She doesn't really have a response to this other than something about it "being smart to look now". She asks what kind of notice I would need to give and I tell her the standard 2 weeks is fine given the situation at the company.

    She asks me some questions about my skills and then I ask her if she wants a rundown of the projects I've worked on and my role in them at my current job. She obliged so I go into a high level on each on. The product, the client's buisness, and some high level architecture to (hopefully) hit the buzzwords she's looking for. I even hedge a little bit here and apologize for talking her ear off, but she confirms it's all good stuff.

    Anyway, she asks if I'm okay with the salary range on the listing and asks what I'm looking for next. I give her some blurb about how I've been getting more and more into data modeling and architecture so I'd like to continue that route. (She doesn't really say anything). Then she pivots totally and asks if I'm self taught and wants to know my story (seemingly interested). I give her the normal story about being a struggling worker shortly after graduation and this that and the other thing. She tells me she thinks it's fascinating to learn everyone's different perspectives. (Which imo is a green flag right?)

    But then at that point she's like "alright. Thanks for your time. It was nice talking with you. I'll speak with the team and see what they think. Get back to you Monday?" So obviously I'm a little shocked at the abrupt ending (it has been a total of 15 minutes) but I echo her words and we wave good bye. (She didn't even ask me if I had questions!)

    SUMMARY: the meeting felt very short and had a lot less chit-chat than I'm use to. If they were American I would mark the interview down as a failure, but I wanted to ask here if anyone has experience interviewing with a British company? Am I missing something? Should I have focused less on the projects? Is there some British social norm I'm not aware of? 15 minutes feels painfully short even for an HR call

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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