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What are the things / events which had the deepest impact in your life?
  • The first big breakup which pushed me to reevaluate everything and then learning about this little thing call psychology which, eventually, led to the understanding that I have ADHD. That knowledge turned my whole world upside-down. For the better.

  • What are you currently excited for?
  • hells yes! congrats!

  • What are you currently excited for?
  • Selling my current motorcycle, getting a new one, and finally getting to go and see some places I've wanted to ride through for years

  • Arch Linux for gaming?
  • 3 years (or is it 4? What is time?) on arch exclusively and I do quite a lot of gaming. It's been great. There were a few occasions over the years where something didn't work, while others on ProtonDB had seemingly flawless experiences, but it was always just a few minor tweaks. Much better experience than what I had on Manjaro prior to switching. Also, this is all on Wayland (sway) and even with that, it's been great. BTW.

  • What's the best morning habit/routine you were able to adopt?
  • I certainly hope that's a rhetorical question.

    Best regards, The cat.

  • What's the best morning habit/routine you were able to adopt?
  • Love my current routine and it's doing wonders for my health, both phisically and mentally (or at least I believe it is, it might be a placebo):

    1. waking up every day at the same time
    2. bathroom (toilet, teeth, washing face)
    3. glass of water with a multivitamin and omega-3 (I'm vegan and this is so much easier than finding food that has all that)
    4. playing with the cat (I have no coice in this, she says it must be so, it is, therefore, so)
    5. ~15min of yoga
    6. ~10min of meditation

    And then it's coffee and work time. I've been on this routine for about 2 years now and I feel amazing since starting with it.

  • Do you usually purchase digital or physical books? Why?
  • Physical. And then, depending on what I feel like, maybe download a digital copy somewhere and read it on my ereader. Usually the case with big, phat books that I don't feel like holding for a longer time or lugging around with me.

  • What's the longest line you've ever waited in?
  • 3.5h in line in a very cold Venice to see a Dalí exhibit

  • How did you lose weight?
  • Intermittent fasting and A LOT of physical exercise - running and cycling mostly, with some longer walks and hiking. By "a lot" I mean every day at least one activity. One day something more vigorous, then the next something light (a walk in most cases)

  • What is the best TV show that you have ever seen?
  • Brilliant show. Really want season 2

  • What is the best TV show that you have ever seen?
  • Seconded. Best damn show I've ever seen

  • One of a countless number of breathtaking sights on a recent hike [Landscape]
  • Can imagine. 🙂 It's an incredibly beautiful part of the world. Can't wait to go back, hopefully up to Triglav next time

  • Photography systemshock
    One of a countless number of breathtaking sights on a recent hike [Landscape]

    This was taken in the Julian alps in Slovenia. It's a view of the Kredarica mountain home, under the Triglav peak. The shot was taken from a nearby trail leading from Viševnik to Debela peč.

    Shot on a Nikon D3300 and Nikkor 55-200 F4-5.6

    What bike(s) do you have?
  • A Honda CB500X, 2018. First bike and I love that little thing, but I am looking forward to upgrading to something a bit bigger and more off road capable in a few years.

  • Winter motorcycle gloves TEXTILE
  • don't know about OP, but I'd also like to know of some winter gloves because I'm vegan and don't really want to buy/wear any leather

  • Can't Sleep, things going to shit and I don't know what to do
  • I have two tools that I use to fall asleep, and they have been working pretty flawlessly for me over the years. The primary one is reading a book in bed, when I'm off to sleep. Usually it's not a lot of reading, I get pretty sleepy after 10-15 pages. The other is supplementary to the reading and that's imagining some fiction scenario in my head. For me, it's some simple SciFi or fantasy scene or whatever and I try to visualize the characters, scenery, etc. It's usually just enough to occupy my brain enough so that it doesn't do its thing of running around wherever it wants to, and just not quite enough to give it fuel for active engagement. No idea if either might work for you, but maybe give it a go if you haven't already.

  • Most underrated Discworld quotes
  • This one from Pyramids:

    The fact is that camels are far more intelligent than dolphins. They are so much brighter that they soon realised that the most prudent thing any intelligent animal can do, if it would prefer its descendants not to spend a lot of time on a slab with electrodes clamped to their brains or sticking mines on the bottom of ships or being patronized rigid by zoologists, is to make bloody certain humans don't find out about it. So they long ago plumped for a lifestyle that, in return for a certain amount of porterage and being prodded with sticks, allowed them adequate food and grooming and the chance to spit in a human's eye and get away with it.

    Always loved the idea that animals are just making idiots of us and using us for their own purposes.

  • What apps do y’all use?
  • Todoist is the main one. Everything I need/want to do is in there. Besides that, a calendar (Google Calendar to be precise, but any calendar would work, I don't need anything complex from it), and finally Obsidian as my knowledgebase/2nd brain. Main things I use Obsidian for is journalling and expense tracking which helps with my impulsive buying problems.

  • systemshock systemshock
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