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Bat nursery
  • Why do... do you stutter in text? Autism?

  • Petition demands that Microsoft extends Windows 10 support
  • Complaining about paying for service while demanding > 10 years of updates is the same issue

  • Petition demands that Microsoft extends Windows 10 support
  • Not wanting software as a service while asking for updates longer than 10 years 🤭

  • Petition demands that Microsoft extends Windows 10 support
  • Yes updates longer than 10 years without treating os as service and refusing paying is not relevant

  • 5 reasons Linux is the best OS for coding
  • using = literally indicates a claim, showing some art does not, you just assume shit and claim it as reality. I guess u also believe showing kali logo while not explicitly mentioning it in the article counts as " a very inappropriate pop-appropriation "? Get a grip

  • 5 reasons Linux is the best OS for coding
  • Kali isnt mentioned in the article either, do you intend to complain about that too?

  • Petition demands that Microsoft extends Windows 10 support
  • So what do you propose? You buy windows xp and you deserve free maintenance updates while windows 55 is out?

    Me when I demand corporations pay people fairly for their work 🤬 Me when I demand free labour in 2045 because I paid 100€ in 2015 😗

  • Leaks confirm low takeup for Windows 11
  • 1 billion windows users under the bridge you know better 😜

  • 5 reasons Linux is the best OS for coding
  • Said the guy who equates showing some ascii art to claiming 1+1=3, my condolences for the mental deficiency since you werent trolling then

  • 5 reasons Linux is the best OS for coding
  • So you think mentioning both ascii art and a linux distro somehow counts as misinformation?

  • 5 reasons Linux is the best OS for coding
  • The picture literally mentions kali linux how many distros mentioned do u need if only u gave same attention to the writing

  • 5 reasons Linux is the best OS for coding
  • Never claimed that take your strawman elsewhere thanks

  • 5 reasons Linux is the best OS for coding
  • Dont make them then, I showed how that one was shit in 2 different ways

  • 5 reasons Linux is the best OS for coding
  • Thumbnail is bad because the distro attracts people I dont like and I'll even call the authors ignorant over it, those kiddies may be more mature than you, real programmer

  • 5 reasons Linux is the best OS for coding
  • ascii art doesnt transmit a proper impression but a silly penguin for an os does?

  • 5 reasons Linux is the best OS for coding
  • I wonder how you tried linux with that silly penguin as a logo, didn't that give you kiddie vibes too? What's your opinion on it? Does linux lose your respect over it?

  • synceDD King

    hi Hot Saucerman 👋 still unemployed?

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